DC - A warning.

This match here, is like the many I can do as a killer. SLUG EVERYONE. Would the developers be so kind as to add something to the game so this cannot be done anymore. I mean I see you are going to be handing out DC penalties. and there are NO rules against this behavior of slugging, stated on the official rules book.

This total thing went on for nearly 4 minutes. I think survivors really would appreciate this to be addressed. Since they will face account penalties for leaving. 😈

- Btw the new map looks amazing that was launched today. 😃



  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Wait and see if unbreakable doesn't get some kind of multi use buff when slugging becomes even more meta. It will be a longer recovery time each use.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Most killers won't slug every survivor until bleedout

    They will, you know play the game

    The 1 in a 100 games i face a killer that just want's to be toxic i'll just alt tab and watch youtube for 4 minutes

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    Nice find... maybe the solution is... let the other survivors have a pitch in nulling any penalty against you in the match? If this happened to me and teammates started DC’ing... I’d tick a box saying they shouldn’t be penalised because the game is pretty much over.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited December 2019

    Been vouching for a forfeit button that automatically allows the entity to take the survivor, but is only available for use when certain conditions are met. Slugged with only one survivor left up seems a fair point, as well as all 4 slugged. But it would require a bunch of different circumstances to be set up/coded to be recognised for it.

    (kind of like how a survivor can kill themself on the hook)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,359

    Unfortunately this would just be abused to "Veto" a killer. If the killer isnt who you want to face or has an addon you dont like, the whole team could DC without worry. Lord knows Ive seen it done to me plenty where I'll load into a match, only to have a team DC within 15 seconds.

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    Slugging is fine, slugging and refusing to hook in a situation like this is just being a dick, the game should detect loss situation such as this and increase the bleed out speed.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    *WWE crowd cheering voices:

    "Call - them - out! Call - them - out! Call - them - out!"

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    Well, just take away the ability for swf to veto for each other... and honestly... 4 dishonest people (4 solos) would be much rarer than a dishonest killer (not saying loads of killers are dishonest - if 4 killers were together in a group in some way I’m pretty sure there’s going to be honest ones overall just the same). Like rather than a “veto”... people in the match could directly add to the system that the person dc’ed to ruin the game... make the killer count as 2 votes and if 3 are hit then yeah the person gets a DC penalty... something like this would just reduce some dumb stuff from happening.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Those saying its holding the game hostage, it isn't. The survivors will bleedout and end the match. Holding hostage is deliberately making it so the match cannot end by normal means.

    I take it OP usually DCs if the killer slugs. Get over it or take the time penalty. There are things on both sides that piss people off that everyone needs to learn to tolerate.

    The fact you did this to prove a point is more toxic, imo. You would garner more sympathy if you were one of the survivors bleeding out to an ######### killer instead of being that killer.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There are already countless anti-slug perks available if it bothers anyone that much. Slugging is also a high risk play for killers in the first place. There's no reason for more slugging nerfs.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    This. I'm all for legit slugging as a tactic; but slugging like this for the hell of it, or the game is clearly over, the survivor should be able to give up without incurring a DC penalty/losing the points they gained in the game.

    I do think something similar should be in place for killer too, although there is always potential to turn that around.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,359

    I know killers can "give up" by opening the exit gates and starting the endgame collapse. Are you suggesting something similar to that?

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    In a sense, yeah, like faster bleedout could be an option, since survivors can already kill themselves. 4 minute of slugging when the game is already lost isn't fun. Things not being overly fun and yet being heavily prevalent are a big issue for this game, for both sides, right now.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    And your not hooking them why?

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    The only way to hold a game hostage is body blocking a survivor in a corner as killer and not hitting them. The game can only end if the killer does something or the survivor DCs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If you DC because you got slugged, you deserve a penalty. IDGAF if killer slugs everyone and you all bleed out. It's only 4 minutes.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    As said above, slugging is high risk. That survivor could be picked up by another survivor and then you just wasted hooking a survivor like an idiot. And you get punished via lack of sacrifice blood points.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    First, letting everyone get slugged is a misplay by the survivors.

    If slugging is a concern you can run Unbreakable or go balls deep with No Mither.

    The game is not taken hostage, it will end when everyone bleed out or the last escaped through the hatch. (Still a possibility)

    Unfun? Yes. But there are enough thing we can do against it.

    I still would report the killer, if he does this every match and never hooks survivors for unsportsmanlike behavior so the support can take a look.

    But slugging on itself is a completely viable strategy and sometimes even required.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2019

    Just a recap:

    1. I have broke NO official game rules.
    2. In the time survivors are down. I can do whatever I want. I can break pallets, bust generators. Find hatch to close and even look at survivor positioning.
    3. By definition. I never held the game hostage according to game rules.
    4. I am unaware of what perks survivors are running.
    5. This is also, NOT unsportsmanlike conduct. As I am actively searching the level for said level objectives to interact with those, said items.

    As quoted by the rules:

    ------Discarded reports reasons-----


    * Camping

    * Slugging

    * Tunneling

    * Streamsniping

    * Teabagging

    * Bodyblocking

    * Looping

    * Tapping generators with ruin

    --- that is the excerpt rules of the game, posted above ------

    The point of the topic is: killers can do this and survivors are going to be subjected to this type of treatment. Hence, because there is no fixes to the game to counter this. Other than perks. Which most survivors do NOT run said perks to counter slugging. Killers can take advantage of this mechanic in hopes the survivor can force their hand one way or another. As a killer. I have to bet on the fact that one or all survivors are running adrenaline and that if I cannot slug them. I will not 4k a team. Yes, this is a shady tactic and I will say that I do NOT agree a survivor-player should have to wait 4-6 minutes before a match can conclude. NO, the game is not "held hostage" since the survivor will EVENTUALLY perish and/or succumb to their mortal, in-game wounds.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I mean I would have dc'd, regardless of penalty. I'm for sure not putting up with this kind of play. imagine coming here to brag about this, yikes

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Reduce the bleed-out timer to two minutes to match the sacrifice sequence. If the killer enjoys fewer BPs, then so be it, and the survivors can move on to another game. Simple, no-headache solution

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Pretty sure just leaving them too bleed out is delaying the game, even then one DC won't ban them, the devs even said they give leway incase of game like this.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I've never met a Doctor who wasn't toxic

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    The doctor is perhaps the greatest killer in this game. He brings torrent, caos, pain and suffering to the survivors. Anyway possible. He is by far, my most favorite killer to play in the game. When the doctor spawns into the map. The screams of Caos, confusion and pain to all those whom are in the trial. That said. The doctor does the entity's work, by far. The best. Stay safe in the fog. See you in the trials! 😈

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    Maybe when a survivor gets downed and fully recovered they could have a "give up" option like it only shows if you fully recover as much as you can and are slugged. Therefore they can give up if they dont want to sit for 4 mins on the floor.

    I kind of wish it was an option because i got sandbagged by a feng min in a game a while ago and all 3 refused to pick me up i had crows and even the killer since he had JUST hooked me was just leaving me on the floor i was there for 3 whole mins before i decided to spam message the other survivors in a ps4 group with :




  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Lol. He thinks it isn't unsporting. It's legal but it's still a jerk thing to do. If you are THAT hard up for 4 ks go play scrabble.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 370

    The game is currently a complete mess. There's so many bugs that disconnecting shouldn't be penalized whatsoever right now. I just got out of a match where I could not wiggle, my screen was in a black void, and I could not move whatsoever. The killer then took advantage of myself being in this state by knocking me down while I couldn't move (The screen still being in that of a black void with clouds) and proceeded to go after my teammates in a 3 man game where I couldn't participate, ultimately getting a 4k because they took advantage of me and wouldn't hook me out of the game until everyone else was down so no hatch.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    This isn't holding the game hostage. They will bleed out.. it's just boring

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454


    Yo you forgot dribbling lol

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    See =p

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Why sould they address this now after they brought out such a horrible slugging killer like Oni? They did again promote something that not healthy for the game, so you can come to the conclusion, that BHVR doesnt care für game health at all, thinking that sluggging, camping and tunneling still are a thing in 2020. So now survivors have to bring in No Mither (unbreakable just works once), DS (against tunneling lol), and BT (against camper). So they have 3 out of 4 perks slot musthave due to devs not recognizing those behaviour as issues. Playing survivor becomes more and more sardistic.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    That's not hostage. Hostage is where the gamestate literally cannot be progressed and the ONLY option is to disconnect.

    3-gen Doctor (Provided you're still hitting, downing, and hooking survivors.) isn't hostage as you're still hooking people. The survivors are free to just run up at you, let you down them, and make themselves die on the hook.

    Slugging everyone isn't hostage since the game state still progresses. Survivors bleed out into the dirt after 4 minutes. Scummy? Yes, but it's not actually a hostage situation.

    Hostage would be something like if I bodyblocked someone into a corner with hatch open so no endgame collapse and keep them stuck there until they DC. Or if I'm survivor, I and a partner use an exploit to enter a spot in the map the killer can't reach and just sit there teabagging until the killer DC's. (No gens get done, killer can't kill the other guy and shut hatch, etc. Exploiting by itself is bannable anyway.)

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Man I love it when this happens. I do hook them because I'm not wasting 4 minutes of my time waiting for the bleed out unlike EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR that waits until the last second of the End Game Collapse to leave.

    Heck, I had a game last night playing as Wraith. I killed 3 Survivors and I scour the map looking for the last one. I find him standing on the Hatch but he thinks I'm in front of him. How do I know? They're teabagging on the hatch and pointing like they see me. I slowly creep up behind them and close the hatch for the GG.

    Then Survivors have the nerve to ask, "Why aren't you hooking them?" Cause Survivors do the exact same thing any time they get anywhere near victory.

  • nerfeverything
    nerfeverything Member Posts: 52

    I'll take the account penalty. I'm laying on the ground for four minutes. I'm not sitting in bullshit lobbies to lay around in bullshit games. I'll just unplug the internet so it registers as a loss of connection.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Survivors stand at the gate waiting 30 seconds just to teabag before leaving, isn’t that also unsporting and delaying the game?

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258
    edited December 2019

    Nah they sit at the gate for 1 minute and 50 seconds. If the End Game Collapse was 4 minutes then trust they'd sit there for 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Right? And it is what it is, as a killer I don’t get triggered but according to people’s theory about slugging this means survivors are holding games hostage

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    There already is a system to counteract it.

    If you start hooking these survivors they will have INSANE chance to unhook themselves. At least every time I played the game and I snowballed like that it happend.

    You can't force people to play differently. It's boring but it's allowed. Just like facecamping with bubba in the basement.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Since they have a guaranteed death timer, slugging them and just watching them crawl around and bleed out is NOT holding the game hostage. If you somehow trapped the last dude in a corner and then just went afk for 10 mins, without closing the hatch and starting the collapse timer, THAT would be holding the game hostage. As long as there's a defined maximum length of time something can be done, it falls under "strategic use of time", regardless of whether it also falls under "this guy might be an assh*le"

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Why is slugging bad? Unless all are down it can be used with deerstalker and be a really good altruism punishment, especially on last 2 an example before crybaby survivors attack

    Start of game-down and hook

    Mid game with 3 survivors 1 near death (tunneling, sue me when your gens aren't able to be done in 2 minutes 20 which I have SFW tested this extensively and survivor is now boring as every game since has been wins) down and hook if one near death, down and leave if otherwise, use them as bait for near death guy or a new friend altogether get a free hit if stealth otherwise pick up and hook as they will be gone but you get a rough idea of their location now happy hunting

    End game-2 left hopefully with 2 gens (if they are solo probably) or gates getting done, down one move them away from gate, stay within kill range incase of adrenaline bait to find the last one if they go altruism for free win

    I assume slugging is to do with keeping a survivor downed, but this is a typical play I do Vs SFW no chance of winning if they know the 2:18 gen repairs tactic, it's game over from there unless they try the locker trick, which I've actually become immune to now, the survivor tears I've had from it, damn, and for those about to cry about tunneling, firstly I have a set rule for it secondly being a survivor is too easy and makes killers only seem as a form of mild inconvenience, if you lose you deserve to lose until the gens are sorted which is never cause Devs only listen to survivor mains like a bunch of idiots

    Tunneling rules

    Time-will it be quicker to get the unhooked still injured survivor for both hook and kill or have they disappeared and left me with another survivor in sight? If they will work out the quickest to get the win, yes, you will die, deal with it hard luck I've been both ends and it's absolutely acceptable

    Distance-are they super far away or just a stone throw away? If they can be seen pass 3 survivors, yes you are going to die, if I can't see you I am not wasting my time, if I happen upon you during my chase and you're still injured or if they are healthy then no matter what if you're healthy or not, you are going to die

    Value-will their death bring me further to victory aiming for them first or am I going to face 3 survivors with only 1 gen? Are you good or not, usually a guess can be gained from chases, if it was quick, yes, you will die first, if it was long, I've already moved on from you anyways so probably didn't even hook, weakest die first, quickly move to another survivor with less to deal with, if all are good then you lost as a killer anyway, if you manage to win then lol nice you deserve a beer especially with SFW

    Now I'm covered for crybaby attacks who still will probably, FIX THE DAMN GENS ITS TOO EASY AS A SURVIVOR