Individual Killer Ranks (New Killer Related)

So as a player at Red Ranks, I often find myself playing as a killer with which I don't have Red Rank skill.

It was mentioned before, but do we have any news or information regarding individual killer ranks to make it easier for players to learn new killers like the Oni, or other killers they may not have much skill with?

The biggest argument I hear in this regard is how an experienced player will still do very well at lower ranks with a new killer due to their experience.

They seem to forget that this happens every month with the Rank Reset.

Even if experienced players would dominate lower ranks, they would begin to rank up according to their skill with a particular killer within a short period of time and end up at their appropriate rank for their skill level.

This is of course ignoring the ineffectiveness of the Emblem system at ranking a player by their skill, which is a whole other issue.

@Peanits any new word on this since we've last heard it mentioned?


  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    “Even if experienced players would dominate lower ranks, they would begin to rank up according to their skill with a particular killer within a short period of time and end up at their appropriate rank for their skill level”

    And then they could just switch to a different killer and go back to beating up on weak/new survivors again? Then another killer after that. An experienced killer could easily exploit this by just spreading their play time out with multiple different killers over the month, never advancing much in rank with any of them and continuously dominating all the way to reset. That wouldn’t be fair at all. There’s no way in hell each killer should start at rank 20, that’s for sure. The starting point for all of them still has to be based off your highest ranked killer somehow. A red ranked killer should not be able to switch to any other killer and get rank 20 games whenever they please.

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    I think it would be fair to give a rank handicap for the first 5 games you play as a killer you've never touched before. Maybe first time playing you play at a decreased rank of 5, then 4, then 3, etc. until your handicap for that killer is removed. It would usually only take me about 5 games to really get a hold of a new killer and this wouldn't require reworking the current ranking system.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    How is this different than what is currently happening?

    A player inexperienced with a killer is pitted against Red Rank skilled survivors to be "beaten up" by them. Losing many chances to learn a new killer... or at the very least, making it a very difficult and intolerable experience.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    What if there were 2 cut offs? Officially making it 3 groups... reds cant depip past purple then you have green, then yellow/brown.then have those who were red not able to depip past purple... so once the new ranking system comes in have reds start at purple for all killers..

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I've said this before, but there should be ranks for each killer, and they go to together but not slowly for the killers you aren't using.

    For example, if you play only one killer up from 20 to 15, there others go up to 17. If you play one up to 10, the others are like 13, etc.

    That way they aren't stomping on lower survivors, but are given a break still.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Maybe a way to do this without being too exploitable is to limit the number of killers you could use. What I mean by this is you pick 3 killers each season. They have their own individual ranks that start at 15. All the other killers share a rank. Next season you can choose to keep those three killers separate, pick new ones, or only swap out one or two of them. This might allow for players to experiment with other killers with less pressure. While stopping people from just rotating through the list for easy games.

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    On console for me its hard to rank up and use killers i havent played/am not comfortable with. On ps4 ive noticed right now its rank 20-13 complete noobs maybe a few ok players starting to get the hang of things. Then its purple and red ranks. There IS NO green rank for killer because as a consistent 10-8 rank killer on console i can tell you at rank 11 you face swf groups constantly that are purple and red ranks. The other day i had 3 rank 2 and 3s and a rank 7 and im rank 9 currently.

    If anyone is going to play at lower ranks... i think we first need to address the issue of there CLEARLY being a lack of survivors in mid ranks. Which is the perfect ranks for practicing in. I dont play enough to consistently get red ranks on both sides but i do play enough to notice that i rarely see mid rank people.

    Perhaps a change to survivor pipping? Also i like...

    This idea...

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    It’s totally different, and much worse. Don’t you see how an experienced killer could, any time they please, crush new/weak survivors by just switching to different killers? So it’s end of the month, and someone who’s normally a red rank killer, decides hey I’m gonna play Billy. They’ll be at rank 20 and absolutely destroy new players. Maybe they get to rank 16 or so, and then switch to Wraith and are back at 20 again. Then someone else,...etc. A killer could spend as much time as they wanted the entire month facing low rank survivors and ruining the game for them. Then all their killer ranks reset! That is a million times worse than what you are talking about. I get what you’re saying, but maybe they should be releasing killers on rank reset day, so you’re at least starting at your reset rank or something.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Yeah, something like this. Each killer rank still needs to be tied together somehow. You advance one, they all go up..just not quite as much so there’s a cushion.