New derank system will tilt solo survivors

DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

Honestly, think about it. Solo survivors are already very annoyed but the amount of potatoes in red and purple ranks because of how easy it is to rank up as survivor. But now with the new rank reset it's gonna be EVEN MORE easier for potatoes to get into high ranks since they don't get thrown back so far.

I mean, I'm already shifted from a solo survivor 99% of the time since release to a 4 men swf survivor player 80% of the time because if that. Idk how this change will make the experience any better for survivors. I see more harm than good in this.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    old rank reset ruined the game

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    How so? I think the new rank reset will ruin solo experience a lot.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    you named your post wrong, you should name it "rank reset nerf"

    and tbh i would love to see it harder for survs to pip so survs wont be pushed so hard to red rank (because atm i feel like im getting pushed there, even tho i dont want to be in red ranks)

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    The old rank reset put experience players with basically new players. I remember when I was a new player, and got to the yellow ranks before rank reset. After rank reset happened, I just got destroyed, it was really unfun, and basically made it so I had to not play for like 2 weeks to at least get some people that actually belonged at the same rank as me.

    The new rank reset is really more fair, and honestly once the Devs fix the way how you pip as a survivor and killer, there will be barely any potatoes at red ranks.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    I feel the same way. At times I can intentionally be useless and just follow the killer with Diversion and do nothing else and I'll black pip occasionally in red ranks. I shouldn't be able to be a useless detriment and still have a chance to pip up or even stay in those ranks it's actually so silly.

  • casedistorted
    casedistorted Member Posts: 58

    I am not a fan of the new ranking up system either not throwing people back farther. I can't see myself wanting to play Killer all that much if eventually I will be stuck in Red/Purple ranks unless I stop playing for months at a time.

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    I dont see a problem personally for ps4 i havent seen a single red rank killer in the past few weeks only purples i asked on here and got 2 replys saying they were red rank one ps4 one xbox.

    Survivors may easily rank up... but killers either arent easily doing it or just dont want to. And if ranking is made harder survivors cry and we all know they get what they want so whats the solution ?

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I just played in red ranks. A red rank brought his 2 friends. Both were rank 20. One had only 2 perks. It's not fun and it's not fair that they get matched with red rank players.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Im not sure what point you trying to make. My post is about solo survivors, what have killers to do with that?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    There was never a reverse. Previously it took the average rank of 4 survivors. Now it takes the highest rank and matchmaking is based on that. No matter if you have 3 new friends on rank 20. "what, you just bought the game 10 minutes ago? Just deal with the sweaty rank 1 killer 4head, git gud noob" I guess

    Yeah legit one big reason I can't play with friends is this. Not fun versing p3 rank 1 sweaty spirit when my friends just recently bought the game just because I'm the only red rank survivor in the whole squad.

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    You also said that the new rank reset is a problem because more potatoes are gonna be red rank.

    I said that imo making it harder to pip could solve it but im pretty sure that already happened and survivors cried about it. Which they would just do again.

    And i spoke about not seeing an issue for console. If survivors gonna rank easier maybe killer will too and it wont be 3 years for a lobby lol.

    I also asked basically if we cant change the rank reset, clearly it bothers you as a solo because of lesser skilled ranking easily. But we cant change the pip system, because survivors will [BAD WORD] and moan about it...

    Then what do you think they should change..?

    I wasnt so much making a point more so asking a question. And i mentioned killers because i was talking about console idk what you play on but there hasnt been a single un skilled survivor in purple or red ranks on console from the games ive been in mainly due to the fact they are 99% swf groups. Only really red ranks showing a noob the game, is where id see a lesser skiller player, which i had happen today.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Wasn't fun for a Rank 17 Killer to get bullied by two red ranks, a green and a white rank.

    Sucks to have the shoe on the other foot, doesn't it? At least Killers aren't intentionally abusing this like some SWF's would.

    This happened to my brother a while back, I had to jump in because I had personally played against 3/4 of that group at Rank 3.

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    I wonder if this is Behaviour's way to tell us "See you don't have to work as much for rank 1 anymore why do you need rewards?".

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116

    Probably. But behavior doesn't care about solo survivors for some reason.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    On the occasion I play SWF with a friend who has maybe a month game play on me, I have told them after rank reset (the new one) they will be too high for us to ever play again. They also play killer and only play survivor for rift challenges, the first match of the day and the odd time they are favored with a survivor ritual daily.

    This is what will happen on 13th.... I will reset to 17 and they will reset to 9. That will be the end of it, as I doubt any peer players would want a gray ranker in their group.

    I read a lot about it being easy for potatoes to rank up into the high ranks. Maybe they play a different game to me. I dont think I am a potato, but then I dont use nifty perks, I dont loop, I dont use flashlights and I want the killer to do well as my team. Yea sounds fantastic doesnt it?

    I analysed the way I play and I figured that my preferred game style of stealth and sneak unhooks when the killer is not right there you know like sitting in a camp chair with a cup of hot cocoa waiting for me....

    Try a few matches with unique perks to the character you use as survivor.

    LOL to be honest tho maybe I am just too stubborn to be any good.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Yep. I got a friend that completely quitted playing online, because he got matched (as a rank 12 killer) with smurfs or red ranks consistently. The rank reset chabge is another step in the right direction.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    True, half the community will be playing on red ranks within 2 seasons. At least life for killers at red ranks will be easier, so maybe we'll get more of those. Atm, the game is clearly lacking red rank killers.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    I think it will make the game better bc everyone will be grouped together at the start, reds will advance faster and killers will get to kill some purples into green by mid month it will be grouping similar skill killers and survivors.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    No,there arleady enough noobs in red ranks and this ######### is making things worse

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Its not about solo or SWF. Its about potatoe survivors being at ranks they dont belong. With the new reset there will be much more potatoes at ranks where they dont belong. Noone whove ever played the game so far would have though of such a bad change.

    For example wre at slightly one week before rank reset and there are already so many survivors which are not supposed to be ranked that high. Survivors who cannot loop a killer for even 10s. Survivors who cannot unhook even if theyre healthy and run BT. Survivors who cannot hit skillchecks at all or gentap. Survivors running around mindlessly doing nothing just sandbagging at pallets or vauts.

    The new reset will just make it MUCH MORE WORSE.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    The new rank reset its a lil bit better cuz you are not gonna go to hell (green ranks), and potatoes that can't rank would stay around there, but there's the thing you said, easier potatoes ranking up. I think only time can tell if that is bad or not

  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151

    As a killer main i'm happy with this change, more potatoes in higher ranks is all good for me

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Yeah, cuz the "hell" from green ranks will come to red ranks now lol. Just think 2 steps ahead lad.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Not being agressive with you, no need bo te with me