What to do with the Oni besides de-pip

So far I've de-pipped two ranks and got zero kills with the Oni. Other than that what useful things can do he? Also, gating powers is a very bad trend I am starting to see. How on earth did they think it was a good idea when plague is terrible because of just that.


  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    Ok what about him is pretty good? So far if I slug and camp I can get a few kills and now de-pip. Besides promoting "unfun" game play does anyone have a better way where he just isn't a crappy hill billy?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2019

    I've been doing well with him on PS4 by using both the analog sticks to control the dash. I normally just use the strike as a tap for a simple 1state of dmg as controlling the Oni is hard when charging the Demon Strike at base.

    I use the Demon Dash to cut people off from Loops and hit them along the way if possible. Other then that I use Sloppy Butcher, Infectious Fright, Thrilling Tremors, and Ruin (I'm not used to him yet) for my build.

    He has the best tracking in the game.

    I've consistently been getting 4k's against red and purple rank survivors while I'm still at rank 9 to 5. I'm trying to avoid going up too much so I can drop down a bit to get my Adept Nurse for plat around rank reset.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    He is so hard on console the dash has no control from the sensitivity

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Become better with him?

    Unless you're on console, in which case everyone says he is very hard to play on that.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He can definitely have a rough time since he's almost an M1 killer without a power when his Blood Fury is not active, but his power itself is really strong in my opinion. Loops do counter him, but the good thing about him is that he can break pallets faster than other killers, and after breaking a pallet, he can quickly catch up to survivors with his dash, which can be very powerful and prevent survivors from getting to another loop.

    His dash can help at loops, but it's very loop dependent and it depends from what angle you are coming and how you are strafing.

    Still, his faster pallet break animation, combined with his dash and his one shot potential makes him really strong in chases in my opinion. At least he's very fun to play as to me. And I feel like he's quite difficult to master.

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    But your also on ps4 where its more likely to go well if you can control him fine. I mean they didnt play the ptb unless they have a pc as well as a ps4 and if they have a pc and played the ptb they would probably be playing on it. I would if my laptop wasnt broken atm.

    I am also rank 9 atm facing red ranks and getting at least 2 kills with him despite only having 2 perks atm. (Though ive only played a few games so far) id say he will be fine on console for a while until the survivors adapt because pc survivors have already had time to try and adapt to him.

    This is just what i thinks happening console wize at least.

    Also green rank is always vs purple and red rank survivors lately. Its weird.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I dumped the PC version when dedicated servers came out. I could jump on and let it update and try it there. I have seen a Dwight who knows how to deal with it. The maximum spin I can get with Oni is about a 180, but after that I have issues. I compare Oni to Billy with Spike Boots.

    Probably I give people a few weeks. I dont think he will be top tier, but definitely upper mid tier easy. He's not a console killer for sure. Though his tracking is god tier that forces people to heal which is good.

    I like being green rank and beating red rank and purple rank. Makes me feel good, but I doubt they feel good about it. I like Green ranks because I find it more fun, but I dont think I belong here at all i just enjoy the fact i can play any killer with success.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I don't like that he is forced to slug. Yay, you don't lose power gauge anymore, but the power is cancelled... And downing a survivor depletes power. You literally can't down anyone quickly enough and need the healthy hit afterwards. So everyone, also saw that the first games, will slug, charge around and see who else to down, especially if they got Infectious Fright in their first 50 levels...

    He is not weak, the power has great potential and once you got some people injured you have enough blood orbs around to get quickly back into demon mode, but the slug forcing design really annoys me, on both sides.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Sorry lol, you didn't give a lot to go on and it seems like you have your mind made up already.

    Don't know if you're on console or PC but on PC he feels really good right now, so someone doing really badly with him I imagine just isn't used to playing him properly yet.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    Give me a reason to change it. What makes him good?

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I just had about a 3 minute game with him, he got his power from one kill, and then managed to down 2 of us, got his power again, and downed the other two. He needs a nerf, you're just not using the God Tier setup for him.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    I want to like the Oni, but man he just feels CLUNKY!

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Somewhat like Myers, he has huge snowball potential when in Blood Fury. If you keep track of people around you the amount of downs you can get can straight up win you the game, if not slow it down a great deal.

    Infectious Fright is super helpful for this playstyle, and is the best perk in the game to help chain hits from person to person. You just need to practice the mechanics of how his dash and strike work to best utilise them around loops.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    A single loop will drain his power. So basically hope to get a bunch of potatoes who stand there while I wail on them?

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    A single loop of what? A normal pallet loop? If so that's not true at all.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well no not really. Oni has multiple advantages over Billy. For one, he doesn't stop when he bumps into any object. Which allows him to dash around the map much better.

    Onis one shot ability is much better since he can actually lunge at survivors, unlike Billy who has to charge his chainsaw in order to instadown survivors. Plus he can lunge out of his dash, Billy can't lunge out of his chainsaw sprint. So you can dash to survivors and hit them straight with the lunge. Or you cancel the dash, suffer a 1 second cooldown and lunge at survivors after that. Billy has a 2 second cooldown or something like that after using his chainsaw sprint, plus he also needs to charge his chainsaw after that to instadown a survivor, and he needs to be right on top of the survivor before he can start charging his chainsaw, otherwise it's dodgeable. The one advantage Billy does have is his curving at the beginning of his chainsaw sprint which can be good at some loops.

    Also, Oni can strafe, which allows him to turn 90 degree if he gets enough windup time to strafe while facing in the direction he wants to turn. That combined with him being able to push against any object or walls can be very helpful in chases.

    Take the main tile of Wretched Shop. Many killers suffer from the two window loop, but he can just dash around the loop no problem since he has enough time to face the direction he wants to turn in while strafing, wrecking any survivor who attemtps to loop that building multiple times. They will be forced to use the pallet loops which are all mindgameable. Although to be fair Hillbilly is good against these kind of loops as well.

    I do personally think Billy is still a bit stronger than Oni since he doesn't have to spend time as a M1 killer who has no power other than a small tracking ability. But I would say Oni is pretty powerful as well. Honestly Oni to me is probably the strongest killer in the game while his Blood Fury is active, which is balanced out because he also has to spend time being an M1 killer without any real power.

    The only change at the moment I might like to see is his footstep sounds getting reduced a bit so it isn't harder for him to mindgame certain tiles like Jungle Jyms.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    At last something insightful. They both have charges to do their 1 hit down. You need to charge oni's dash or hold the attack. So lets call that a tie for billy and oni. So being a good killer is about time management. Oni has to spend a good amount of time being an M1 killer vs Billy out of the gate has great map pressure. That is a huge plus for billy.

    If Oni didn't have to slow down to gather orbs or if his dash could break pallets I would say he would be ok.

    Having to find someone and hit them and then slow the chase down so they can run to the next loop, so if they don't suck now you have been thru two loops you can finally use your power. Aw but you are still in the loop so your power isn't helpful and if you down him all that time you spend getting your power to work is now gone when you pick them up. I would say that again is a huge downside for Oni and a huge upside for billy. Oni and move side to side and doesn't instantly stop his charge if he hits something, they have to give him something otherwise he would be a 100% downgrade to billy.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited December 2019

    his perks are garbage tbh, I mean windows of opportunity for killer? really? the other just hides your terror radius when someone stuns you and makes them the obsession, unless you are doing crazy endgame rancor plays or farming PWYF then it is useless, but both strats require you to use up 2 of your 4 perks and his last perk is just total garbage, when you hook someone ONLY injured survivors get exhausted for 45 seconds..... that is pretty bad and wont help you that much tbh

    he is a slugging killer, that will be his best build and his best play style. other than that he is pretty bad

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Oni is a complete equal too billy IMO, it just comes down too playstyles. Billy's power is instant and always gives movement speed, but it's hard too control, where Oni has too collect his power but it has better controls and can down multiple survivors at once.

    If you're having trouble with Oni it's because you can't pick him up and run rampent, he takes some practice too get used too.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    That is just bad design then. Quick to learn hard to master is the balance you want. Not unplayable then slightly better than trash one you learn him.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Oni sucks to play on console, but Adept Oni takes it to a whole new level. ######### terrible is an understatement. His three perks suck on him. They provide no map pressure or slowdown whatsoever. With how ######### matchmaking is, I’m getting matched against merciless high rank Survivors each time. I just want to be done with this ######### trophy and go back to my usual Killer rotation.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    lol Oni is not trash. He is hard too learn, harder too master, like Billy. You simply need too put the time into him and he'll shine. I've done well with him, getting mostly 3-4k's today. He won't win every game, but no killer will. He is absolutely a top tier and a viable killer once you've learned him.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    How? The magically if you know how to play him he is fine things isn't an answer.

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    So far I have figured out you have to slug. Nemesis, infectious fright, dark devotion and deer stalker have been doing ok so far. Overall I am still not very impressed.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974
    edited December 2019

    I feel Oni encourages repeatedly targeting the same survivor unless he stays by the hook enough to be sure to hit the unhooker right away he is best off chasing them back down to fill his power. It kind of makes me want to be one of the jerks that quit when they see who the killer is which I've seen in every match with him i've played so far.

    I am disappointed but not surprised.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    yes it is. It is absolutely the answer. I don't know how too build a table, does that make the table garbage?

  • voodoo246
    voodoo246 Member Posts: 7

    mmm no, if when he charged his power, managed to down 2 of your team and got his power again, your team did not played well.

    "while his power he managed to down 2 of you" (2 blood each when strike them + 4 blood when hook) you don't refill the charge bar with 8 blood.

    and the most important. your team didn't played well. when he charged his power, you all should hide behind trees or structures, then he can run all the map without watching anyone.

    (and all that in 3 min)

    or was pure luck or your mates played really bad and when he charged they started running like beheaded chickens

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I mean, depipping as a killer comes with its pros, if you know what I mean.

  • frostbites
    frostbites Member Posts: 1

    I think that he is a high skill killer. I've played about 40 games with and against him and I can say he is very strong I've gotten about 37 or 38 three or four mans, if you know how to juggle survivors. Xbox btw

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Oni is fairly solid.

    He's a slugging MASTER. In blood rage mode or whatever, you are not screwed, but you are under lots of pressure to get saves/stealth.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Just save your power until you find a survivor or two and then get a quick down. Not sure if you know this but he doesn't lose all of his power when he picks up a survivor, so you can pick people up right away and still have the same progress on your wrath meter. It also really helps to level your characters up before you play as them. Get them some good perks like Ruin Pop BBQ or something. I bought him day 1 and waited until I leveled him up and found Ruin to play him (Only got 2 kills lol but not the point)

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Is OP playing with on console, with his feet? Because Oni is stupidly powerful =/

  • Simulated_Hobo
    Simulated_Hobo Member Posts: 17

    I still think billy does everything that Oni can do just better and without being gated behind poor game play of survivors.