Avoid Players List (Maybe?)
Is there a possibility this will ever be a thing?
Edit: I got this idea from Overwatch. In their Avoid Player system you can only have 3 people on the list at once and they remain on the list for only 3 days. This would be ideal if it were limited like this in DBD 💜 Thanks for your feedback/opinions in advance.
I'd give it a week before it killed the game.
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@ElementDoom this is the answer I feared v.v
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I just don't understand this thread sorry
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As toxic as some people are the player base to me just does not feel big enough to use such a feature.
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But.. then everyone will avoid you and you won't get a game.
Why would you do this to yourself op?
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If you mean a type of "ignore list" that prevents you from being paired with players you don't like... than no... that'll never happen.
I can't even say that it might, I just don't see it happening ever.
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@FireHazard Not that I don't like, but Trolls and Toxics. I understand though, I've tried blocking people on Playstation to avoid getting them on my team/playing against them but it doesn't work apparently. Thanks though!
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It already existed before dedicated servers in the form of DBD lobbies, and was pretty annoying. Just tons of people entitle blocking everything. Oh, you play a killer I don't like? BLOCKED!
Then once you were blocked, they would constantly sit in your lobby until 59 seconds passed and then dodge with 1 second left.
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I've seen:
-They don't like your killer (tons of blocked spirits, freddies, etc). You could get blocked permanently for doing a daily and not even know it.
-They don't like your playstyle (blah blah camping / tunneling when BT and DS exist)
-They don't like what you say at the endgame
Basically, anyone you beat was liable to block you so they didn't have to face you again, and potentially get beat by you again. Plenty of people only want to enter games they will win, not games with competent killers who will challenge them.
Luckily dedicated servers got rid of it. It was annoying at high ranks and let you stream snipe like a GOD.
Post edited by Inji on1 -
Camping and tunneling should be discouraged because of DS and BT. Not justified
Post edited by Inji on0 -
Understandable, but the fact that people can use it as a "I don't like this person list" is why I can't say it'll happen...
That's what I mean in-general.
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As someone who religiously camps and tunnels, the overwhelming majority of the complaints are completely unjustified. There is a huge difference between maliciously 1 hooking someone with 5 gens left (which I do) and camping someone to death in the middle of a 3 gen when they went down next to ruin (which I also do). But survivors will complain about both equally.
DS and BT need to be as good as they are to stop the strong competent killers from camping, but a side effect is they dunk on the weaker/newer killers by being so incredibly powerful. Combined, both are more than enough to deal with most campers.
Then you add in things like deliverance, unbreakable, etc etc and the survivors are basically at a 100% escape rate from the hook as long as the perks are still available. Only very seasoned killers are usually able to hard camp down a competent team of survivors running those perks.
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Maybe because the game is supposed to be fun and not a facecamp simulator. I feel sorry for you.
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Play killer at red ranks for a while and you will understand. I don't feel sorry for any of the salty, teabagging, flashlight clicking, BMing survivors I usually see.
And don't get me started on the toxic SWFs, rocking literally everything under the sun and a key for their free escape to boot. Then talking smack like SWF is balanced.
I play to win, winning is fun, and there is no better way to win in this game then making it a 3v1 as soon as possible.
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No comment. (future me insert comment about toxicity and hypocrites)
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Just play Killer and inspect everyone’s profile, you can dodge anyone you want to!
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You can go onto any of the major streamers like tru3 or otz and see some examples of typical post game chat.
Otz playing nice, not camping, not tunneling, etc etc all game. Still gets BM'd and a middle finger half the time. After a while of that, you wonder why you are handicapping yourself following the survivors rulebook to begin with, because you are gonna get BM'd no matter what.
Then, you begin to play "toxic" and are impressed with the much better results. Eventually, you start to enjoy taking an iri head ebony noed bamboozle huntress down to the salt mines.
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Im sure thats not gonna happen. Its like a dodge. and bE removed the rank bug because they dont want survivors to dodge anything. And dc penalty is also kinda anti dodge mechanic. So their intent is clearly that players should play the matches they get till the end without avoiding.
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I would really like this.
- You have to play with/against a player to put them on your AVOID list.
- You can have a maximum of 3 players on your AVOID list at any time.
- A player has to be on your AVOID list for at least 48 hours (2 days) before they can be removed.
- A player will stay on your AVOID list for 96 hours (4 days) before being automatically removed.
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I can't imagine that we would ever put this in the game, due to the fact people would end up just blocking players that were better than them and beat them in game. Something similar has happened in the past and I can't see that they would ever want that to be repeated.
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I truly understand the idea. At first glance it even appears like a good idea,but it would be abused to the point it would be useless.
For example: I play as a survivor main. My style of play is stealthy. I enjoy it and I'm good at it. I'm generally knocking out gens on the opposite side of the map of the killer. I don't get as many points as the aggressive survivors, but I generally knock out at least 2 gens by myself per match. I'm the guy that shows up out of nowhere when you are injured and heals you.
Despite this if survivors with an aggressive style of play don't see me in the killers face and attempting the heroic rescues they don't think I'm pulling my weight. I know this because I frequently get angry messages from them saying just that.
Many of the aggressive style killers would put me on their avoid players list because they can't comprehend the stealthy guy is actually providing benefits even if they don't see it happen.
There are far too many people that play this game that would put everyone that didn't play exactly like them on the avoid players list.
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*MLGA flashbacks intensify*
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@thesuicidefox This reminds me of Overwatch's avoid player system. It removes the players on your list after 3 days but you can only have 3 players on it at a time. I really like it.
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@Sign_Spinner Its more likely when I'm playing Killer and being severely bullied or if I'm playing Survivor with a bunch of trolls that like to farm, sandbag, etc. I just rather take a limited break from them.
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@MandyTalk Thanks for the feedback/response. I'm just finding out that this was a thing before, I must have not had DBD when it was live.
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But what about a list where you can only add a maximum of five people? That way it would be possible to avoid certain players, but due to the small amount it would most likely not affect the game or matchmaking in general. And people would probably think through who they add to that list and not adding people to it just because they were better.
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Yeah this is pretty much what I'd like to try in DBD at least. The limited slots makes it so people can't just avoid-and-forget everyone that's better than them (and people would want to save them for truly obnoxious players), and the limited time means that someone doing a daily/challenge that someone found "annoying" doesn't make them end up blocked permanently.
And don't forget, if they have a private profile they're clearly up to no good! Not like there's a bunch of reasons to have a Steam profile with a degree of privacy higher than all public afterall, DBD is the only game that exists and Steam doesn't have profile-crawling scammer bots or anything /s
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@AngryFluffy Great Idea.
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as someone who plays nothing but killer and has made it to rank one constantly, you dont need to camp to win. you will never get better if all you do is camp.
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Nope not on Ps4 but on xbox one it does
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Back when MLGA worked, users of the software basically put themselves into a metaphorical dead zone as they blocked every person they played against/with. The same thing would happen if you could "avoid" players.
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Having to find a group of 5 people to play together that havent put each other on their respective lists could very much affect queue times. Currently you already have people complaining about queue times, especially if theyre trying to grind for an event or rift challenges. Putting in more limits is just gonna make that wait even longer.
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Everyone would avoid everyone lul.
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I never saw something like this in any game, but I know in world of warcraft you can "ignore" a player, if you press it you will never be able to read any chats or write with him unless you revert the "ignore" button on him.
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What OP is asking for though goes further than just the chat. Unfortunately many ppl would just end up using it to either make sure they dont get teamed up with players that use perks they dont like (Self care, urban evasion) or get paired against a killer that beat them.
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this would be a bad idea even there were enough people it’s the way rank and matchmaking are that would make this a terrible idea
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Overwatch has this, thats where I got the idea from. I'm guessing you've never played Overwatch.
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Easly abausable.
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Ive played both games and the avoid system is good but for dbd i don't think so. Over watch has twelve players for every match and there is only four survivors for every game and one killer meaning that the chances of getting the same killer is very unlikly, getting the same survivor is more common but still very unlikely while in over watch you are all close together and lose the same amount unlike in dbd were on player can pip. one can de-pip. one can black pip meaning in one match ranks can change a lot and if they change your going to be farther a part which means your less Likely to get each other so i don't think its necessary
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Explain how a key is a free escape when they have to do gens to spawn hatch?
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3 days is nothing. Insidious Bubba camping back to back is more likely to kill the game than the ability to avoid these toxic #########.
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Yeah the player amount per trial can also make this little harder to implement.