New player impression on camping

Hello everyone. Now I know a lot of people are going to just state the obvious comment of : ''Git gud'' as every community has them. I'd like non the less give my impression on a reoccuring issue as a survivor.

After googling this issue I noticed this is a frequent complaint (probably mostly from newbs). There is a form of ''emblem'' penalty which I am not sure how it works, non the less. 1/3rd game a killer decides to camp every hooked player by always staying 20 meters of the vicinity. A common reply to this issue from fans is : ''You have time enough to get 3 gens if they camp a hooked survivor''. That might be true, IF all the remaining survivors agree to ignore the 4th hooked survivor, which rarely ever happens. If anything 2 people try to get the 4th survivor and most likely either camps nearby waiting for the killer to actually move or they get caught and either trade places with the hooked survivor or gives the killer a 2nd hook.

So yes, you CAN play it smart if you're premades and you notice the killer camping and you manage to communicate to your team that you should just focus on gens. But in the average match this doesn't work.


Killer camping is such a sad playstyle. And believe it or not, I have not personally been the victim to being hooked, but rather the person stuck trying to save them. It ruins the fun as I can never with good conscience ignore a hooked player. And you also wont ever know if the killer is camping until you attempt to save them.

It's so sad how lacking of skill some killers in the game has that they have to rely on such cheap tactics. Really ruins the fun for me, but then again, im just a ''newb''.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Thing is, the really hardcore-camping Killers are in the low Ranks (except you are High Rank and facing Gammalunitac, then you get camped by a Legacy Nurse with Ebony, which will cry in their Stream :) )...

    The reason while it is such a successful strategy on low Ranks is indeed that Gens take a REALLY long time to be done. People not knowing where Gens might be, not hitting Skill Checks (like at all), being overly cautious. In higher Ranks, the Killer will usually lose when they camp, it is a strategy, but a bad one.

    I have no problem in punishing campers even more tho, but sometimes it is necessary to camp. There are the moments when you need 1 person dead or simply the time where the gates are powered and camping is the only way to secure the Kill.

  • John_Doe
    John_Doe Member Posts: 236

    That would stop killers camping only problem is survivors will crouch just out of the killers sight for 2 minutes then run in at the last second and get grabbed. Happens more often than not.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Well...don't be the guy that gets grabbed like that, and you're already doing a great job. 👍

    You can pip without going for the trade. Meaning you rank up and get out of the "camping zone"

  • Littlecoward
    Littlecoward Member Posts: 3

    That might work in the beginning of the game, assuming you dont waste time looking for the gen. But if just 1 or 2 survivors are dead. Leaving someone on the hook will automatically lead to defeat as unless you can miraculously find the hatch, you cant win. Its just a really poorly design

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    If that was the case, camping would be everywhere on high ranks. But it isn't, because more often than not, it's a failing strategy.

    And dependa on how you define winning. Escaping? Pipping? Fun?

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Git gud

    Camping is just cheap and there's really not much you can do about it unfortunately. BT helps though

  • Littlecoward
    Littlecoward Member Posts: 3

    Lol, how would you know? It's not like there's a leaderboard saying if they camp or not.

    Let me paint you a scenario. There's 2-3 survivors left and 4 generators left. The killer manages to hook someone meaning there's only 1-2 survivors left. I'm not sure how long it take for a solo survivor to fully upgrade a generator. By the time that hooked member is dead you might've gotten 1 gen, that leaves 3 left and only 2 survivors.

    Idk, you seem to be defending the game very hard in the comment, you're entitled to your opinion, but camping is -clearly- a problem, otherwise it wouldn't have been such a common complaint with the game.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Neither of these two suggestions helps the hooked survivor.

    Many welcome the Kindred buff, but its impact is neutral, since it is still a perk. What does Kindred replace? BT? DS? DH? SB? Adrenaline? Lithe? Self-care? Inner Strength?

    Camping must be annihilated, intrinsically. This must not have any positive impact for the killer: the camped survivor must not be able to die on the hook. And the survivors do not have to be forced to use any perk for that.

    And I want to add that the equivalent of camping is not the genrushing. The equivalent would be that a killer is unable to break a generator or attack the survivor who repairs it. And if the killer tries something, he would take the risk that another generator repairs itself. It does not exist.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Probably knows from playing the game? My experience is in line with theirs. As you rank up as a survivor you see less campers. It is more prevalent in say ranks 15-20 than it is 1-5 as like stated killers that do that game in and game out will not rank up unless they get stupid survivors every single match.

    Camping sucks but I have never heard a single good suggestion for stopping it nor can I think of any.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I play the game. I watch streams of the game. I see the usual complaints around. That's how I would know. How about you?

    So in this scenario the killer already killed 1 or 2 survivors and only 1 gen fot done? You're already in a losing scenario here, if the killer goes to the corner of the map after hooking someone it would still be hard to escape, why bother with this scenario?

    80 seconds base. Person stays on hook for 120 seconds. With toolboxes you can be out of the gates in less than 4 minutes.

    But hey, you apparently think camping is this unbeatable strategy, so go ahead and reach rank 1 with it. I'll wait.

    "You seem to be defending the game very hard"...what? Just...what?

    It's a common complaint because it happens a lot on low ranks. Doesn't mean it's an issue, people haven't learned how to counter it yet.

    Creating pressure so the killer leaves the hook doesn't help the hooked survivor? Ok.

    Replaces whatever you want. Use the perks you wanna use.

    ...ok boomer.

    Did I say anything about the equivalent of camping being gen rushing? Why would you even bother bringing it up?

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    No, camping is insensitive to any pressure, because the goal is neither victory nor performance, the goal is to annoy the survivors.

    So Kindred is not a nicely offered advantage to solo players to be at the same level as the SWF. That's all.

    "ok boomer" it has absolutely no relation... So why ?

    It's exactly because you do not talk about it that I said "And I want to add" because it's something I've often read to justify camping.

    And bonus, example of pressure on a killer who camps :

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    This doesn't help new players, which is what the post is about. New survivors won't understand this. Even if they do, that one person who gets hard camped isn't going to enjoy the game even if their team gets 3 gens done for their death. The killer isn't going to be smart enough or experienced enough to stop camping because gens are popping. They are just going to camp for the kill and then go looking for another person to camp after the person dies. Sure, you can find ways to punish the killer by doing gens/etc. But, that doesn't change the experience for the one person who gets camped. Every game that player has about a 50% chance of getting hard camped and accomplishing almost nothing. (assuming the killer hard camps and gets the kill then finds another new player afterwards) If it feels like every other game they don't get to play, they will quickly get frustrated/bored and stop playing. It's happened to almost every friend I've introduced to the game or played with. Doesn't matter if the rest of us win, they don't have fun being camped. It's an issue for new players and it needs to be addressed or they will have turnover

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    A lot of new killers camp, because they are unsure they can catch a survivor again or they are more concerned with kills than learning to get better. Higher ranks camp because they are so often rewarded for it as they know we will try to save a guy before second stage. It is unfun play style for survivors but for behaviors to continue it must be reinforcing in some way.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2019

    "It's so sad how lacking of skill some killers in the game has that they have to rely on such cheap tactics. Really ruins the fun for me, but then again, im just a ''newb''."

    I'm not sure if I'd be so quick to make that kind of judgement.

    Does looping pallets require skill? I don't think so. If there was way less safe pallets then sure, but that isn't the case.

    Also in terms of ruining fun, is it fun for the killer to get looped at pallets? I don't think so.

    You say camping is cheap but if the killer plays by survivor standards of "fair" play they lose. It's like saying "the killer didn't play dumb, that's not fair".

    With how fast gens go the killer literally does not have the time to complete his objective playing "fair". Now I get this is more of a high rank thing, but my point is that the power is completely in your hands to counter this. Whether you lose the game or not is up to the survivors, not the killer.

    Even in spite of this there are also multiple perks to counter camping. As well as a lot of survivors use the term "camping" very loosely. Most the times survivors say a killer is camping, he's not. Same goes for the term "tunneling". Unless they are getting facecamped, they are definitely saveable.

    Obviously I'd like the game better balanced so no camping or tunneling for that matter was needed at all, but that just isn't how the game is currently balanced. If the game was more balanced I think you'd see way less of both.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Camping is a legit strategy, and it makes complete sense in a lot of scenarios, especially near the end game, and even more so on a lot of maps. If the gens are one or done, you can bet your booty I'm going to stay near that hook. If we're on a gigantic map, I may start even earlier depending on the killer.

    Camping is a big problem of poor killer mobility, and map design.

    Also, as the OP pointed out, "I can never with good conscience ignore a hooked player". You're playing INTO the strategy, not against it. Too many survivors will complain about camping, when the killer uses BBQ or other perks and literally SEEs players running towards the hook.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    My only quirk is perks like Insidious which promotes Camping.

    It should be reworked to grant undetectable for a short period of time, not stand still in a corner and stare at a hooked survivor.

    Insidious is perfect in mid ranks to gray ranks. Red ranks and purple not so much, but it's still a dumb thing when you Solo Q.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I honestly don't know how I even got out of those ranks I tried this game on pc one time and every killer does it

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It's a desperation move - new killers get panicky and start to camp cause there is a high probably new players will fall for the bait and throw the game trying for clumsy saves, making the camper more likely to keep camping that spot. Unfortunately this works out too often too well that these 'killers' rank up and keep doing it - and they don't get any better in their skill. Real killers don't need to camp, they are experienced and confident enough in their skill to leave the hook and are probably on their next target before the first is even saved. It's likely because they also play survivor and understand how they work - something that 'killer mains' who exclusively play killer miss out on, so what they don't understand, they camp.

    It is extremely vital that you and your scratch marks are not seen when the killer hooks. If they are then it's on you to lead them away - if they don't want the target you provided them, do gens.

    The new Kindred is also very potent - and it is a common perk.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    It can be countered with 2 ppl an borrowed time. It can be annoying, though. 2 ppl run at the hook. Whoever gets hit runs off while the other rushes the hook. Had a face camper DC because of this.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Problem is that killer who lack skill can compensate with cheap gameplay.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Killers are probably new too and thats just how they play. Same for survivors crouch walking around the edge of the map. Even if they're not new some killers do play this way because well, survivors reward it.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Hang in there it gets more fun once you start ranking up, or don’t either way they’re not fixing camping. The killers are new too and also figuring out what to do also. In higher ranks believe it or not still camping , they’re just better at it. You’ll wish you were back at that rank Bc you can get away with so much more and it’s so much easier while significantly less fun at beginner ranks.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited December 2019

    Of some killers, sure. But newer players? They just don't know any better. They think securing the kill is the best play.

    Kindred is now amazing. No, not at the same level as swf. So what?

    It's the feeling of it...way too much crap in your comment that I didn't wanna deal with. So, "ok, boomer" felt apropriate.

    Yeah, and why would you want to add that? Are you discussing with someone who said that? You are talking to me, argue against what I say, not against what some other person said.

    I have no idea what the guy is saying, but obviously the killer decided to camp there. Are you saying this one clip represents every single camping killer out there?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Unfortunately newer killer tend to camp because it seems the natural thing to do and low rank survivors tend to feed them.

    I suggest you to use Kindred, it's an amazing perk and it just got buffed. As a solo survivor it's insanely useful.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247
    edited December 2019

    Nothing needs to be done about camping. It's typically only as effective as survivors allow it to be. Making camping completely detrimental for killers ignores all the situations where it's optimal, and that's not fair. The killer shouldn't be penalized if they return to a hook to secure struggle state because teammates waited too long to save, nor should they be penalized if survivors 3 gen themselves and get hooked in the area. It opens up a whole can of worms, because then smart survivors can be clever with hook state management and generator spacing, to the point where a killer could conceivably be unable to defend a gen because they'd be "camping". It sucks for the person on the hook, but with this type of game, you're going to lose in a bad fashion at times. You have to become skillful in chases to at least make the killer throw the game to get you down.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm curious. What changes could be made to 'punish' camping? I'm not saying it needs to be, but what ideas are there?

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Your suggestion had been attempted in the past and it was abused. Survivors looped near the hooked victim to artificially extend the timer. Sometimes I wonder if some of the people in this community have played any other versus games. You're not always meant to have agency and sometimes you lose. Happens in fighting games when you get juggled, and it happens in shooters when you get spawn camped. Sometimes you draw the short straw. Get over it. I just got camped in my last trial and guess what I did? I queued again. It was that easy.

    And if new players quit due to this, I would have hated to see them join back in the dark ages. Before NOED was a hex. Or when you could get moried without being hooked first. 20 second cooldown on sprint burst. This is objectively the best balance state the game has ever been in and I'm tired of this constant whining about camping. Its an overblown problem that people won't stop circlejerking about.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    There is nothing developers can do about tunneling & camping, as much as people dislike it, there's nothing to be done.

    At the point a killer decides to camp they've already agreed with themselves that they're unlikely to get many points or "win" any negative penalty given to a killer is therefore null.

    You'll just have to deal with the minimal amount of killers that do camp, I've heard it's worse on console but again, nothing developers can do.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    My suggestion (which is not mine, but that of another) is not to prevent the Entity's progress on the hook when the killer is close to the hooked survivor. Ideas evolve!

    The suggestion is: to prevent the Entity's progression on the hook when the killer is close to the hooked survivor AND if there is no survivor in that same proximity to the hook.

    Yes, it's very simple, it seems obvious, but you had to think about it...

    Technically, this also implies other changes, but these are complicated details. If the killer still sees, yes or no, the progress of the Entity on the hooked survivor for example...

    Abuses described are not possible since progression only stops if the killer is alone. This requires some adaptation of the survivors (that they understand that they must move away from the hook first) to force the killer to move away too.

    This solution seems to me to be a fair immunity.

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    Judging with how you respond to people who are simply pointing out a problem that is very prevalent across all ranks myself made it to rank 1 multiple times and yet still the most common playstyle is facecamp then tunnel you talk about using perks to counter it but borrowed time only works if you can get the unhook and even then borrowed time only helps you for a short time if you cant escape and heal up after getting hit and tunneled as soon as your unhooked you're still going to die killers need to be punished for facecamping and tunneling and i dont mean as a perk because as the game stands these days its too far killer sided i play both and get frequent 4ks and thats without camping or tunneling all theyve really done is stopped a killer getting an emblem and a few bloodpoints plenty of killers ive come acroos whilst playing survivor literally facecamp on purpose they literally have the words toxic etc in their bios ive had several people in high ranks dc simply because of a facecamp because they know theyre getting nowhere in that game and now with this new ban all theyre going to do is kill themselves on hook leaving those who remain at an even bigger disadvantage your "solutions" dont help at all because its simple for killers to work around those perks

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    Ive had a lengthy discussion with my friends about this exact problem and the easiest solution weve found is to punish the killer for camping and tunneling an example we came up with is if the killer is within close proximity to the survivor for a set amount of time with no other survivor within a set distance the survivor should be able to escape the hook in any stage and get a borrowed time effect to punish the killer further only if the survivor is being tunneled and the borrowed time effect would end upon the killer exiting the chase of course this could be disabled during the endgame as a balance

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    Me and my friends have discussed this at length and the solution we came up with for punishing camping and tunneling is if the killer is within a set distance from the killer for a set time as long as there are no other survivors within a set distance the survivor should be able to escape from the hook at any stage and receive an endurance status effect if they are being tunneled which would end when the killer leaves the chase this could be disabled during the endgame to balance it

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    the devs have said camping and tunneling are legit strategies. Remember, if a killer can only focus on 1 out of 4 players...the 3 that are not being camped have choices to make...

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Just stop assuming you have three lives when you are playing survivor and you will be fine. Assume going down once = death unless your god combo of perks is ready to go. Because that's how it is going to play out in solo Q most of the time. The killer won't even be camping and your team will still let you hit half sometimes.

  • WillWolf76
    WillWolf76 Member Posts: 19

    Camping is a strategy. I know a user who says it best, "Why would I leave the area if all the survivors are right here!"

    I play games where I am the furthest on the map so I just work my gen. I see a bunch of people go down and pop back up. These FOOLS keep playing games with the killer ... and then they complain that I didn't help! Well, I wasn't getting involved in that crap! We lost a survivor, if we can't get him back safely, why risk more? They might get the quick 1k for the unhook before they go down where as I am taking a while to get the 1250 blood points for the gen I am working on, but I am 100% safe and I am doing my part to escape.

    The whole point is the gens, if you can't unhook someone safely then you shouldn't unhook them. They can't help on gens if the killer tunnels them and kills them outright so they serve a better purpose wasting the killer's time sitting on the hook. I yelled at people for trying to safe me when I was camped, you just don't safe a camped survivor! You are FEEDING THE KILLER!

    This isn't the killer's fault, this is the fault of moronic survivors who keep feeding them. If you keep feeding them, they will keep doing it. The time it takes for one survivor to go through the 3 states on the hook, I can get a whole gen done easily. That means that 3 survivors should be able to get 3 gens done. Another person caught immediately ... and this is based on killers catching them really fast, 2 more gens done while that killer camped survivor #2.

    Now it is 2 survivors exiting the gates easily because the camper camped and the survivors actually played smart. The ones on the hook stayed on that hook as long as possible to screw over the killer, a pay back for camping them! Those that quit early should be reported, you go into a game, then you play it out 100%.

    There isn't much more to say on the subject. Simply it is the SURVIVOR'S FAULT that the killer is camping. If the killer wasn't fed, the killer would get hungry and hunt!

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    This is the best post in this thread and its unforgivable that BHVR have had this problem SINCE DAY ONE.

    It's highlights why BHVR have ultimately painted themselves into a corner now. The 'time out' system won't work, because all the devs are doing is reinforcing all the negative aspects that lead to people leaving games to begin with. But you can't do anything positive for survivors, without the collective killer community nerd raging.

    Just look at all the posts after legion and nurse were nerfed.

    It's impossible to recommend this game to a new player if they are interested to play survivor.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Jesus mate... please use commas and periods. What a mess.

    "Judging with how you respond to people who are simply pointing out a problem that is very prevalent across all ranks"

    I think this is a break in the sentence...seriously, format your comments better, it helps.

    The thing is, it's not very prevalent, even if you think it is. I literally wrote way too many details about almost 100 matches last season. Out of them I wrote down 3 campers. From rank 13 to 3(I believe) and yet I barely saw campers. If it's indeed "very prevalent" shouldn't I have seen more of them?

    "myself made it to rank 1 multiple times and yet still the most common playstyle is facecamp then tunnel"

    That's your impression, sure. It's not mine and most of the people I talk to. Can you demonstrate how frequent it is?

    "you talk about using perks to counter it but borrowed time only works if you can get the unhook and even then borrowed time only helps you for a short time if you cant escape and heal up after getting hit and tunneled as soon as your unhooked you're still going to die"

    In the very comment you replied to, I gave the best tactic to use without a single perk or item. You could have quoted something else to make your point better.

    But, on countering it with perks. Borrowed garantees an unhook. You go down in the persons place, but the unhook is garanteed. There's no "if" in getting the unhook. And yes, if the killer decides to tunnel the unhooked, they will go down again. Just like if the killer decides decides to tunnel the unhooker. Point?

    "Killers need to be punished for facecamping and tunneling"

    Why? Because it's a strategy you don't like? That's not enough. And they are already punished.

    "and i dont mean as a perk because as the game stands these days its too far killer sided"

    The punishment that's in the game is already not perk related. It's emblem related. A killer that camps will have a really hard time ranking up.

    "i play both and get frequent 4ks and thats without camping or tunneling"

    Congrats? That's not special mate. Camping and tunneling is rarely the best strategy at any given point.

    "all theyve really done is stopped a killer getting an emblem and a few bloodpoints"

    No devout emblem, because he only hooks once, no devious emblem, because he isn't using his power while camping, no chaser emblem, because he isn't chasing for most of the game, no brutality emblem because he only hits people 2 times... and that's without the penalty. Campers have a hard time pipping. That's why you mostly see it on the lower ranks.

    "plenty of killers ive come acroos whilst playing survivor literally facecamp on purpose they literally have the words toxic etc in their bios"

    Toxic people exist. Point?

    "ive had several people in high ranks dc simply because of a facecamp because they know theyre getting nowhere in that game"

    So, what you're you are saying, is that people break the rules of the game because other people play in a way they don't like? And this helps your point how?

    "and now with this new ban all theyre going to do is kill themselves on hook leaving those who remain at an even bigger disadvantage"

    How is he suiciding on hook more disavantageous than if he dcs? Did you even read what you wrote before posting it?

    "your "solutions" dont help at all because its simple for killers to work around those perks"

    My solution involved no perks at all. Perks merely create more options. Did you even read the comment you quoted?

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    I read all your comments and the reason behind the lack of grammar etc is because im using a tablet which has problems typing and once again youre saying youve not come across 3 campers in 100 games what were they kyf ? Because everyone ive played with always run into a camper every 3/5 games and were all between the ranks of 1-10 either youre extremely lucky or you dont see the camper because youre on the other end of the map refusing to be remotely altruistic i quoted one of your comments simply because i didnt want to waste more time reading your comments where you simply degrade and refuse to believe others come across these problems the only reason i find for such a defensive attitude for campers is because you must be one of them

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I'm typing on a phone, that's no excuse.

    "Youre saying youve not come across 3 campers in 100 games what were they kyf?"

    Yes I am. And no , solo queue. All of them.

    "Because everyone ive played with always run into a camper every 3/5 games and were all between the ranks of 1-10"

    Where do you play? That could make a difference. Or you're remembering the matches that annoyed you instead of the whole picture. Which is normal.

    "either youre extremely lucky or you dont see the camper because youre on the other end of the map refusing to be remotely altruistic"

    Considering the amount of times I died because I went to save someone after the gates were open...I would say... no.

    In fact, I'm way too altruistic. Unless I get a daily or challenge that requires me to escape, I never leave unless the egc timer is about to run out or everyone is at the door.

    "I read all your comments..." "...i quoted one of your comments simply because i didnt want to waste more time reading your comments"

    Which one was it? Did you read all my comments or not?

    "where you simply degrade and refuse to believe others come across these problems"

    Simply degrade? Wow. What an accusation. Where did I simply degrade someone? Go on. Show me. Because I am a bit of an ######### sometimes but that's always on the side and not the main part of the comment. At least on this thread.

    And refuse to believe? Again, where? I believe what people are telling me. But saying someone is wrong and not believing them, aren't mutually exclusive.

    "the only reason i find for such a defensive attitude for campers is because you must be one of them"

    I know this is a logical fallacy, but I don't remember the name.

    It's kind of an af hominum since you're trying to insult me instead of arguing against my points. But I am not certain it's that. 🤔

    Either way... this "you only defend them because you're them" is ridiculous and useless. Doesn't matter where I'm coming from, if I'm right, I'm right.

    And remember that comment I made like... a while might not remember... it's right above yours. Where I said.

    @Weck "Camping and tunneling is rarely the best strategy at any given point." must be a genious to think I actively play in a way that I myself consider a bad strategy.

    Or better yet, when I told the OP that camping is a failing strategy. That is probably why you think I play like that.

    Only a true madlad such as yourself would see through my clever ruse. Who would think that I, the guy saying at any point that camping is bad, besides some very situational circunstances, am in fact a camper?

    Only you! Oh master of the smartness! Please teach this but humble trickster how to smart like you smart.

    I could go on...but it got boring.

    What you just said is stupid. The very fact you would consider such a thing is stupid. The fact that you can't decide if you read my comments or not is stupid. The fact that you think that insulting me is somehow helping you is stupid and hilarious. The fact that you say I need to accept others point of view while telling me you're not accepting mine is stupid.

    But no matter how stupid your points are, I still read every single one of your comments. Because I wanna understand your position before replying.

    If you wanna ignore what I'm saying and pretend you somehow have the high ground, then not only your points are bad, but you're pathetic aswell.

    Enjoy your miserable experience

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    If you read my comment properly i was saying that i quoted one because i didnt want to waste more time by reading something ive already read to argue certain points you keep telling people its a bad strategy because if you told people you were part of the problem why would anyone accept your point of view its a toxic strategy and youre a toxix person you say im trying to insult you by merely pointing out that youre defending something in a way that a person defends something that means something to them personally and when younask where i play i play on playstation in the UK and ill quote one of your comments after this post so you can see the parts where you degrade people because they have a separate opinion and you say im remembering only the games i find bad wow glad to see how you think my memory works simply because the stats ive found completely contracted your 3 /100 stat which is clearly BS if you took the time to do that where is the stream of these 100 games qnd the notes to go along with it showing how you got 3/100 ? The last part of your comment where you find it important to insult me because you dont agree with my points and think calling me stupid helps good job showing people you dont resort to insults and within this comment you say it doesn't matter where you come from you literally claim that youre opinion is a fact when it clearly isnt considering the large amount of people who can back up the point im making that camping is a large scale problem that is very prevalent youre in the minority claiming its not

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    In this comment you resort to the meme phrase of OK boomer because the person calls you out for trying to say perks are a way to counter camping when it doesn't as he explained then you try defending the use of the phrase in another comment by saying you didnt want to deal with his crap like wow nice way to insult someones comment because it contradicts your own yet again

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    As long as we reward the killer with stupid overaltruistic behavior, camping will not go away.

    Do gens and run Kindred, newly nicely buffed, BT and DS.

    If you really are a mad lad, buff yourself with the Medkit, run in, take a hit, unhook the poor guy with BT please and then GTFO!

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The fallacy you are looking for is "Poisoning the well", which is where an accusation regarding your character not relevant to your claims is used to discredit you. In this case you are being called a camper, which is not related to your claims of what happens when you play as a Survivor.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Being camped sucks, camping for no reason shows lack of skill, but there are reasons to camp.

    Camping is impossible to get rid of in this game without completely overhauling how the Killer gets kills works, it's that simple. You can't block the Killer from entering a radius of the Survivor as that is just as unfair as the camping itself and it also means that Borrowed Time has less of a chance to work. You can't teleport the Killer far away every time they hook someone because that would screw over the Killer 100% of the time and will get abused; the game would be almost impossible to win.

    Now all of those things I said are directed towards the Killer and that may seem bias but it is fair because that Killer is a human being, they're also playing the game and contrary to popular belief the Killer is only thing keeping this game alive, no Killers no game. There are many tools Survivors have to battle against camping and none of them will work 100% of the time and like I said earlier they can't get rid of camping without completely changing the game.

    You need to use valid strategies and hope your new player friends have thick skin because only people with thick skin play this game and stick around.