Nurse was a scummy rework, she needs changed

Just a reminder, that the Nurse is still awful to play, her skill cap instead being replaced by a forced mechanic that makes skill worthless in some scenarios. You basically lose on any map like Hawkins, as her power is now extremely counterable there.
Honestly, maybe if they rework maps they can bring bl back. Who knows!? I just want my girl fixed. I don't even need OLD base Nurse. I just need something fun again.
I agree that that the added cooldown was really unnecessary. Her fatigue is already a cooldown, so slapping another on top is honestly lazy, and shows the devs don't really understand her.
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Nope, the devs definitely do not seem to know how to handle Nurse. Or Legion.
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I agree.
They didn't make her skill cieling any higher, in fact I believe they completely and artificially lowered it. Before the rework you could play her multiple different ways and achieve good results. Now you are forced to play in more or less one playstyle and you can not do mind games anymore or risk wasting minutes worth of chase.
This change did nothing to make Nurse more skillful, only harder to use. Nothing about it requires more skill, only patience and playing one way or losing.
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Yes, agreed. Instead of making her harder, she is now instead just capped by the devs. Your skill doesn't matter in a lot of cases.
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Exactly. In scenarios where you used to have options based on your skill on what you wanted to do is now artificially just wait until you have a perfect 1 blink attack or you suffer extreme performance loss and potentially lose the game from one bad read alone.
If you guys want to give me good suggestions on what would be better than the current rework I'd love to gather them all up and make a thread that they can hopefully read like that legion one. I would love to play this game again but the current Nurse feels like an insult to play rather than enjoy.
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The thing that gets me about her at this point is every time a thread saying how unfun Nurse is now (and I wholeheartedly agree), people inevitably come in and say “Nurse is fine, she’s still OP and breaks the game”...but I also note that no one makes threads about that anymore. If something is complain-worthy, someone will make a thread about it...right now we see threads on Spirit, Freddy, and Oni since those are the current killers deemed to be strong (though Oni I’d argue is more because he’s new than anything else). No one complains about Nurse being OP anymore unless it’s to counterbalance those of us saying she’s not fun to play anymore. That more than anything I think showcases just how far she’s fallen.
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They over nerf to compensate on time. They do not want to have to come back to fix something, so instead they make it nearly unplayable. Look at MoM.
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*stares at bottom left of screen
how do these survivors keep disappearing?!
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The real stealth counterplay for Nurse comes from having to look away from survivors so often lol
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Like everybody agrees, that the base nerf was too much.
BHVR: "We think this is a balanced change to make her more fun to play and play against."
Ok then.
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Approaches LOS break. Survivor will either double back or keep running. Guess that they'll double back. Survivor keeps running and is out of second blink range. Go into cooldown. Guess I should be more accurate with my blinks.
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Inbefore those "use those 2 addons to get old basekit nurse back" comments emerge:
Those to addone got nerfed right before live patch and DONT bring her back to basekit. Also 2 addons for old basekit.
Also 2 "speed limiters" and a "get punished for using blink addon (the 115%er one)
With all that gimping of her maxium (the range and blink addons) and minimum (basekit-vooldown and earlier reappearance), I wonder if her fatigue could be streamlined to work the same as legions.
Would she be too strong if her fatigue didnt force her to look at the ground anymore?
( I know that a simple slowdown like HB's selfstun would still be too strong on her)
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Most of her new add ons are awful, is also a thing.
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Who thought that disabling your power and making you a literal blank m1 killer for a minute was somehow a reward for landing a blink attack as Nurse?
Who. Thought. It. Was. Good.
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The one who designed legion. End of the story.
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I mean, people who are actually good at nurse are (wait for it, this is going to blow your mind)...still good at nurse. Maybe you relied too much on certain elements of her. She's actually in a pretty good place now.
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@Peanits Please say something regarding Nurse
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No one complains because no one ever plays her. I've played against 2 Nurse's since the rework and I play pretty much every day (with exceptions).
She's still OP, it's just not as fun to play as her any more.
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Nurse is still S-Tier. There no way if youre good, they you will lose on every map besides Hawkins. Also, how about giving constructive feedback instead of just being whiny?
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I play in xbox and have never, NEVER ever been killed by a nurse. I dont think ive ever even seen someone get killed by her. Most of the (Rare) games i have with her are filled with my teammates t bagging and taunting. Ive been trying to get better at her but i have yet to get more than one kill in a game. Whats even worse is that because all killer ranks are the same i dont have really have the opportunity to learn her because the survivors are already experienced
I realize this is besides the point of what people are talking about but Nurse is much different on console then she is on PC. I have no doubt in my mind she the weakest killer in the game. I would like a buff to her but with cross play Hopefully coming soon idk what it would be. Maybe something like fortnite where if they detect youre using a keyboard on console they switch your settings or something (not completely sure how it works, my knowledge is second hand), but it would be if you were using a controller on PC instead
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I don't think I've seen one old school Nurse since the nerf happened. Majority of the Nurses I have played against were using the sweatiest perks they could find. And the ones that weren't simply didn't have a lot of perks on Nurse to begin with.
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On console, she is the weakest. Simply because of the nature of controllers.
On PC, she is the strongest.
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I know that's why i think she should word different on console/controller because she was already weak, the nerf really just kicked her whole down but i know shes OP on PC so obviously a nerf was necessary but only on PC
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The way killers work needs to be consistent across the board.
Multiplatform games have always had this issue, especially when how they control is drastically different. But it's always best to keep things feature consistent.
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But nurse doesn't work the same because people are using different control methods. It also doesn't matter unless they add cross play (Hopefully soon) but even when they do there would still be a divide. In fortnite theres aim assist on controller but not on mouse and keyboard, if you use a mouse and keyboard on console they will put you in a mixed lobby with mostly PC players
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There's aim assist on all the killers anyway, lol
PC or console, controller or mouse.
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im saying fortnite changes depending on your control method instead of staying consistent across the board. Its not about aim assist (tho i actually pretty sure PC doesn't have it or is weaker/option to turn off based off of what ive heard some youtubers say) its about making the killer playable on whatever platform youre on.
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I love how it seems every game mechanic is trying its best to screw me over. I've autoaimed to more corners than I can count. I've had wonky geometry screw me out of blinks because my player model wasn't 100% not touching the rock or pile of boxes and crates. Then you have that cooldown exacerbating it all by punishing you for something that you aren't responsible for.
And all it takes is a few mistakes to lose.
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I see many underestimate console player. Fortnite tournament proved that console players can be equal even stronger than PC. To the point that many streamer wanted them banned from tournament.
DbD have rough optimization which make the game quite hard to use. Sensitivity also is an issue but both can be fixed.
To come back to the thread you would astonished to see how strong nurse main can be on consoles despise the issues i said above. Nurse is still top 1 she still blinks the same distance , she still go though walls , she still have the same fatigue and she's still has two blinks. She's only have a 4s cooldown that's not a lot could been worse.
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We love nerfing the only skillful thing in our game and not doing anything about the no skill that survivors have.
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Would making her walk faster alleviate any of her issues?
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What would you suggest they do?
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Don't think they care.
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You know it isn't like that trust me i get bored as survivor from this game because of idiotic design decisions, i want something new for survivors to do not just holding m1 or running routes like pacman. Tired of it.
Props to the people making new threads about it, i hope devs will pay some attention to it.
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No worries the devs will only start to read and address this constructive criticism after 2-4 years when either another asymmetrical horror game competes with DBD or we end up in another dark times situation. We love that this is a casual game :)
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They need to revert her fully. Her rework is a huge mess.
I would rather them nerf her than rework her. They could've done so many other things than this rework. I wouldn't mind if they gave her a longer fatigue or decreased vision after each blink.
She just isn't fun to play at all.
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Simply, remove the Rtarded 3 second per blink recharge or increase the distance she can blink. Apparently the DBD community loves being lied to.
Devs: Nurse and Doctor rework, we're only changing add-ons and giving them ultra rares in the same patch.
Devs: You know what let's give her a cooldown on blinks because our entitled survivors don't want to get good against her.
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Why can nobody EVER understand that?
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When I think about it, at this point @xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx is right, even if we make her walk any faster it wouldn't do anything. The most the Dev's would give is 105%, but even then it doesn't remove the nerfs the nurse got:
- Another cooldown on a cooldown, basically this killed Nurse's Map potential. She's basically like Clown she's good at stopping loops but has no map pressure (stats even showed that Nurse Is barely stronger than a Clown)
- Survivors can see the Nurse position when the Nurse blinks, before the Nurse even gets to that position. Basically survivors can react to the Nurse before she gets to the postion giving them a big advantage
- The added cooldown makes it so a survivor can outrun a no add nurse after 2 blinks in a straight line.
- Nurse is now an add on dependent killers, Nurse now needs either the extra range add ons or the shorter cool downs to be less unfun and feel less nerfed. That's what the Nurse has become a killer that now needs add ons to be playable.
Giving her a 105% movement speed would only eliminate point #2, but it won't elimate the other 3 points. All this would do is give a small QoL change.
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She's fine, especially at high ranks where they know how to play the character. Seriously stop it.
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So you should be fine if we nerf SWF, because SWF=old Nurse.
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Care to explain? Did you even read what was written? Doubt it.
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@Peanits are you still monitoring nurse? She just feels so awful basekit with no addons.
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*Joins thread without reading what's discussed*
@Soultiller @copperniles @OmegaXII did you guys see this one yet?
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That's funny and triggering at the same time but hey he should have just played better and hit all his blinks. /s
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I personally like playing her and like the new addons.
If anything, I'd want the whole fatigue animation and vision loss effect removed so you could at least see the survivors properly. That'd be a huge help since you have to be more precise with your blinks nowadays.
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The very least they could do is never pause or reset the blink charge timer. You still can't "spam" her blinks even tho that is literally how she moves around, but would be less fatiguing on the player and feel mountains better to use.
But nah.. these devs don't do anything, because survivors stopped complaining, the goal has been achieved.
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Only her add-ons needed a rework, not also giving her power a cooldown. The developers once again outright ignored their community in favor of going the step beyond.
Its infuriating to me how little they care.