An elegant solution to genrush and super fun SWF NERF

I think we can all agree that genrush is only a problem when facing coordinated swf groups with all the tasty perks equipped. There is one easy solution to that. Let's finally nerf SWF! And there are some good options of how to do that, imho. For example - as a swf group you would be allowed to equip just one of each perks. I mean 1 self care per team, one DS, one BT...that would be an elegant nerf to swf (no clickbait) and it would also help against genrush a lot. If you are able to the gens quickly as solo players, kudos to you, you deserve to win..but swf groups are destroying the balance of the game. We all know it. If there was no swf I think that the balance of the game would be pretty good as it is now. But there has to be swf, I why not at least try to balance it just a little bit? :)
Queue together in solo queue...
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No. Not all swf are sweaty tryhards some people just wanna have fun with friends, alot dont even talk about the match in question and centrally not every single swf uses coms. Why should people be punished for that?
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Have you tried doing that?
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Um no. It is similar to my idea of survivors having only 3 perks and an ability and there can only be one of each survivor. This is too extreme. You say the devs should have a new rarity for perks killers dont like bt ds ub dh sb and only one of each per team? Too restrictive but maybe thinking in the right direction. (Yes, having only 3 perk slots is less restrictive)
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No thanks.
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A solution to gen rushing could be to slow the time gens get done when they are worked on by one person. New survivors wont be that bothered since they would look for other survivors to work with, good survivors will be nerfed since they'll work on gens separately.
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It doesn't have to be exactly what I've proposed..but something in this direction. And the game can never tell if you are using coms or not. So either there is no solution to that which I don't believe or it would have to be something in those lines...or something else.. <D But it goes hand in hand - if you nerf swf in any way, you always nerf the ones with coms and the ones without.
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Holy crap, why do people want to punish people for playing with their friends? Just buff solos to SWF level and buff killers accordingly. No nerfs are needed for SWF, buffs are needed for killers and solo.
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Yes actually I have back when I solo queue'd alot
I find my friends alot on accident
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There is just one problem with that. The games go by too fast when you play against coordinated swfs. If you buff solo survivors to the same level, there will be much more fast games. So you would have to buff all killers and so much so that it would be a whole new game. Some small nerf to swf would be much more realistic imo.
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I think we can all agree that genrush is only a problem when facing coordinated swf groups with all the tasty perks equipped
Disagree. Solo's can hold M1 just as good as SWFs.
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Dude that's like saying every surv has DH and doesn't use it when the killer is behind them.... They just take the hit and go down... Lmao😂
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Per Devs 4 Man SWF has a 49% average survival rate. Please explain why survivors need a nerf?
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Killer mains: "until the game is balanced around 4ks the game is survivor sided."
Killer mains see 4 man SWF getting 49% survival rates: "SWF is game breaking OP please nerf"
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Again, you can not, in any way, punish people for playing with their friends. NERFING them isn't, and will never be the answer.
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And I'll echo @The_Second_Coming@The_Second_Coming
You can't nerf SWF directly. The best way of handling them is to buff solo to their level and then buff killers. Adding incentives to go against SWF would be nice as well.
But again you can't penalize people for playing with their friends. That will kill this game in a heartbeat.
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Yes, but good killers can control those gen speeds. Which is why you buff the weaker killers to Spirit/Billy level to allow them to control gen speeds more.
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Not all games go by too fast when playing against SWF.... and sometimes when they do it can also be because the killer snowballed because many SWF get very altruistic.
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Because this random number doesn't have to do anything with the balance of the game. It inculdes people who play for fun, probably people who DCs and who knows what else.. we all know the balance is gone when facing COORDINATED swfs. This number is just a number.
I disagree. You can. I personally wouldn't mind not having games so easy when I play with friends. Because it is much more easy than when I play solo. This is not at all about punishing's about balance - not being overpowerd over everyone else.
I have already answered that. Not much realistic, imo. And if you take (for example) one perk off of each survivor, I don't think that would be the reason swfs would stop playing the game suddenly. They would just be less overpowered.
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It's the objective. When I play solo I'm a gen jockey to help the team escape. Killer doesn't get me off gens then I'm going keep doing em.
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Its not a "random number" though? And the devs have stated they dont include games with DCs in them so this 49% is a generous number... And what exactly do you mean "it includes people who play for fun"? Like, who would keep playing a game they dont have fun in? I think you need to re-evaluate a lot of things regarding your perspective...
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You literally can’t nerf SWF. People seem to forget or don’t me know why SWF was added in the first place. The reason it was added was to stop survivors from lobby dodging so they can get placed with their friends. If you nerf SWF they will instead just dodge lobbies until they get each other and that’s is not as hard as you would think. No one should be punished for playing with their friends and with the new SWF matchmaking, if you add nerfs on top of that will make people want to play a different game where they can actually play with their friends without getting weakened because of it.
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Thing is, only the really sweaty people would still play. And when you have a SWF-Group, you WILL have a sweaty one. At least I would not play anymore with such a restriction, and I am playing only in a 2 man SWF or Solo.
Really, there needs to be an indicator after the Match who was in SWF. Then some Killers might realize that they did not lose vs a 4 man SWF but vs some Solos. Or did not win vs some Randoms, but vs a 4 man SWF which was (Oh Surprise!) not highly coordinated (because the chances of running into such a coordinated team is way smaller than people claim).
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Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, of course - personally, I believe that buffing solos, not nerfing SWF, is the way to go for several reasons.
But the developers have already stated what their plan is when it comes to closing that gap, and that is to buff solos to SWF level and then balance killers accordingly. So coming up with additional solutions is great, as long as everyone is aware that it's pretty much hypothetical, because an official statement on the topic has already been made. I'm sure the devs are open to feedback and suggestions on how they might go about carrying it out, but I can't see them just abandoning a plan that is probably already in motion to change tracks completely.
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Just stop this plain generalizing of SWFs.
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That is a very bad idea
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I totally get where you're coming from. I don't want to punish people for playing with their friends.
But why should I be punished as killer by HAVING to face SWF that are toxic and destroy the intended balance of the game?
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Honestly, I don't mind SWF anymore. People only seem to ever point out the negatives to them, but you never see a positive. I've had a fair few games with SWF as a killer, and yes, they slaughtered me, but they weren't toxic about it, and we even had a good laugh after the match and praised each other on the skills. Yes, many are toxic about it, but there are also those that aren't and they're good fun to play against. People shouldn't get penalties against them just because they want to enjoy the game with some friends. I guarantee there are more friendly SWF's than there are toxic ones.
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I will not be penalized for playing with my friends and being forbidden from picking potentially some of my favorite perks. This also affects meme builds, not just the meta. Not really "elegant" at all.
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I did not understand what is the connection of BT,DS etc with gen rushing in SFW ?
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You can disagree, and you would be 100% and unequivocally incorrect.
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Bah! You knew it was clickbait! I mean just look at the juicy caps on SWF NERF! Mmmm... Scrumdiddlyumptious
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I would rather change the overall gen speed depending on your lobby. Brown, yellow, and green ranks have the basic 80 second gen speed while purple ranks have 90 or 95 second gen speed, and red ranks have a 100 or 110 second gen speed, this will make gen rushing a lot harder while giving the killer more time to perform, for instance trapper can’t even trap off 2 jungle gyms before a gen or two pop in red ranks (even with ruin). So the longer reparation time will all together make the game more fair. What if there’s only 1 red rank and 3 yellow rank survivors in a lobby, well because of that red rank the gen speed will be equivalent to red rank speed, this will make boosting harder because now all the gens take longer and chances are those yellow ranks don’t do gens, overall making survivor harder. Killer ranks will not affect survivor gen times which means a red rank killer can go against green rank survivors and they’d still have the 80 second gen time. But this is just a thought, and would have to be ran in PTB servers to see if this could work.
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Sounds like a good idea. And there's even more options. Another good one might be to give free Hex Ruin to the killer anytime 3 or 4 friends are waiting in the lobby. It would just turn grey in your inventory and you would have an opportunity to choose 4 other perks. We all know Hex Ruin is necessary on high ranks and considering it's 4 perks vs 16 perks anyway... that might be at least some help.. I think that there are many ways of how to think about this issue.. But the devs have been sadly ignoring it completely for years now.
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I think limiting how people play is a bad idea. However, I think giving some of those perks overall nerfs would be a far more elegant idea than yours... like making DS less abusable, for instance.
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If that ever became a thing then I hope it would be optional. A lot of people out there would rather not run ruin because they find the perk really boring to have and makes games too easy.
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Disagree. I find that if you play 4 solo red ranks they pump out gens faster than a swf group. Usually they're pumping gens, but also going out of their way to play overly altruistic. That is unless it's a group thay runs OoO. Those swf squads will pump out gens. I just don't see those that much.