So when are we gonna fix haddonfield?

Its currently very survivor sided. Even without balanced landing it can still be loopable.
I hope it's the next or close to next map they have planned for reworking because I agree it is a very stressful and annoying map as any killer.
Less so with Hag and Trapper but still not enjoyable if they know how to abuse the 2nd story windows.
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The next map rework is mid chapter which will likely be out around late January/Early February.
Is it Haddonfield? No one knows but it definitely could be,
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Please be Schmaddonfield!
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Haddonfield is the most likely. One one of the safest maps as it has the most invincible loops.
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They're going to have to get permission from the people who hold the rights to the Halloween DLC. So until then, nothing is happening to Haddonfield.
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To fix a map? Really?
That's just silly it sounds like they signed a really poor deal just to make sure he got in game, I don't know if I respect that or not lol.
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I haven’t had any issues on Haddonfield. I played games there as Freddy, Huntress, and Billy this weekend and did fine.
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I find the game safer than Haddonfield. Not only does it have strong loops with balanced like the big drop down. It has so many god pallets.
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Funny enough; statistically it's far more dangerous, the most killer favored map in the game actually.
Except for the demo's underground lab; but that is still new ish so it doesn't really count just yet.
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That's because survivors dont want to learn it... it's so safe I can run a killer for 5 gens easy.. going up and down it spawns atleast 5 god pallets sometimes more if the pallets spawn behind the stairs downstairs.
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I think it would be very interesting to introduce fall damage for survivors. Not into injured state, but maybe deep wounds. That way they need to really consider those areas, and there is added risk. It could actually fix haddonfield, without changing the actual map.
Balanced landing could be tweaked to prevent the effect .
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Pretty sure it doesn't work like that
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Yeah I am skeptical too; I've heard dumber things though. They can re-balance freddy and change how he works entirely, they can probably change the haddonfield map.
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From what I remember, before it was completely dead, when F13 lost the rights to add any more content, they let everyone know that they could alter the content that was already in-game for balance and QoL. So, the devs should be able to change Haddonfield.
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Maybe now that they lost that and that game is dead; they might be able to get the rights to get jason in DBD. They already have Freddy so you would think they would jump at that chance, there is so much more synergy with him and DBD than in his own game lol.
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there will be a map rework with this midchapter update, i am sincerely hoping its Haddonfield...
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They could get jason, but it depends on who wins the lawsuit I'm pretty sure. The two creators of him are destroying the franchise rn lol.
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Haddonfield is fine, only BL was the problem. The Map is balanced now.
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That's a fat lie. Bl was useful on the map but the perk wasn't making the map broken. It's the amount of Windows and loops on the map that makes haddonfield a nightmare for killer
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I know. But I am writing this in all threads where people complain about Haddonfield. Devs thought BL is the problem (it is not), so they nerfed it. Haddonfield should be fine now.
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I mean, haddonfield is the only one that sorely needs it (aside from maybe crotus penn?)...I would assume it is Haddonfield. But this is BHVR, they are probably reworking Shelter Woods, lol
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I honestly don’t find haddonfield too crazy when I play killer (totems normally last pretty well and just know how to counteract some of the loops from survivor gameplay)... if it were up to me I’d rework that winter map before any other... I dislike it as survivor and killer. It’s like doing loops blind as a survivor and for killer it can be hell if the survivors somehow navigate the stuff. - it’s mostly excessive guessing.
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Fence loops are my only problem with this map.
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I should also add - if done right, Trapper is REALLY fun to play on this map. You can shut down so many loops it's crazy.
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Yuh that can legit be an issue... that’s pretty much all I see wrong is that RnG can be insane where you’re completely blocked from hooks and sometimes there’s a close double window at fences.
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Honestly badham preschool is not a good rework, it was just decent. There are still a ton of ultra save pallets that you have to destroy immidiatly, they said they wanted to promote mindgames, so why are still pallets like that in? For a example:
Shack (its fairly balanced but the pallet is still really save)
In the school is one always in the basement and one above, both of them are 100% save and has to be broken.
The small house with a basement with a gen down there, the pallet right next to the stairs, 100% save AND if the window is infront of the stairs open... I dont want to think about that.
Upstairs house with the pallet upstairs, again 100% save, no mindgame.
Even though haddonfield will get a rework, what we have seen from preschool, nothing that much will change then to haddonfield too.
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i personally really dislike the Myers house.
but yeah, fence loops are definitely on that list aswell...
would it be better if they'd decrease the distance between house and fence, so a killer could hit over the fence more often?
just a thought...
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No one can get the rights until the franchise pulls itself together after the lawsuit. Jason in DBD would be underwhelming compared to what he can do in his own game anyway.
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Just mindgame it 🤣
In case timestamp isn't working 9:48
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That might work but I’m not 100% sure.
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Do remember that they did this 3 years ago, when they were small
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It does, because the right holders for Halloween have all the control in this situation. So the Devs, would have to tell them if they wanted to add/remove/change anything that has to do with Halloween. Just like the last guy, do remember that they agreed with the Holders 3 years ago when they were very small. So they were, most likely, very submissive at the time.
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They recently added a Laurie cosmetic from the first Halloween film and a Myer's cosmetic plus weapons from Halloween 4. Also unlike with Leatherface or Freddy, Myers was quickly added to the mobile version and was there day one on the Switch version.
Why are you acting like the owners of the Halloween IP (Miramax) are hard to work with?
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Because they've been hard to work with according to the Devs. Now that may have changed & I haven't realized it or seen them say "Hey, we have more freedom with the Halloween DLC". But for a long time, and I assume still, they have been very restricted by the Holders.
Also Myers was the very first Licensed Killer in the game. Of course he's going to be put in the Mobile/Switch version very quickly.
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Unless the devs for some reason signed a contract that said they weren't allowed to change anything Halloween related for balance, they can do whatever they want to the map. Following your train of thought, the devs weren't allowed to add the undetectable status effect to Michael without asking first.
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Personally, I'd rather see changes to Coldwind Farm before Haddonfield. Most of the Farm is god awful. I believe Rotten Fields to be the most poorly designed map in the game. It is good for Billy and Oni, while every other killer makes the game feel like a boring chore. Haddonfield should be reworked near Halloween, along with new animations for Myers (his whole set feels clunky especially when in tier 3), cosmetics, charms, etc. Call it the Halloween Redux and release it for free, between chapters.
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Pallets are trash on that map and only a couple problematic windows that most of the time don't even spawn. Dunno why people still think the maps survivor sided at ALL after the balanced landing nerf.
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When are we gonna fix Shelter Woods? It's ridiculous for survivor (even when I'm killer I feel really bad at times haha)
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And like I said, they may have had their freedom increased. Because back then, for a long time, the Halloween DLC was untouched & they said that they couldn't do anything with it yet. So I'm going to now assume they had their freedom widened with the Halloween DLC.