Gen rushing and tunneling



  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    @Popsos360 i can understand where ya coming from. I dont camp or face camp. Only time i do that is when some bm me. I only tunnel to thin the herd. To make it harder on them. But with all my killers i run Franklin demise to get rid of there items. I do play survior to. But when it happen to me. I dont say its unfair or the killer is trash. Cuz i know that killer is doung what he can to get his or her kills. But for me both sides still fun. But what every fails to realise that you still can punish the killer either way it goes. But to me yes still fun.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    what a well thought reply im impressed, well done, exceptional communication skills... LMAO

    Surviors are literally doing what they are supposed to do: doing gens, if the killer is not after them what are they supposed to do? just wait? there is literally nothing else for them to do unless someone is hooked. The killer can tunnel if he wants, thats what DS is for, or camp, still doesnt change the fact that while hes running after just one person, or camping one survivor instead of gen patroling/kicking/etc the gens are gonna get done. The killer sets the pace 100% and, unlike others, I accept when im doing a crappy job at killing them and gens get done, I dont blame "gen rushing" I blame myself that I took too long chasing them or focused on one survivor to even care about the rest of the survivors/gens. Gen rushing = bad killer, sorry.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    its hard to pressure 4 players at once. especially on the rare occasion that they're a SWF.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493
    edited December 2019

    since I cant delete a repeat im editing this

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493
    edited December 2019

    wow it posted 3 times

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    Tunneling is not in the survivors control! Maybe in certain situations but at the end of the day, it's the killer who chooses to tunnel. If the killer is a hard core tunneller, survivors are gonna struggle (well at least 1 will).

    Recently went against the most tunnel vision killer I've ever faced, on Hawkins Lab. He'd focus solely on 1 survivor until they were dead, even ignoring someone he literally just downed. I body blocked the hell out of him, threw pallets in his face, did all I could and the most he ever did was hit me once and then continue following the other person. At one point, the entire team swarmed around the hook to rescue this poor survivor and even though 3 of us were injured (he even downed someone next to hook), he STILL went after the unhooked who had fled to another room.

    How exactly were we in control of that situation? That was all the killer. In fact, I wasted so much time trying to 'help' I think I single handedly caused the whole team to fail. If I had gen rushed instead of trying to body block we probably would have all escaped. I will NOT be making that mistake again!

    It's clear to me if you get tunneled, it's your job is to make the killer work for it while the rest of the team are on gens. I'll help if I can but if the killer is going to those lengths the team will better off doing gens.

  • Popsos360
    Popsos360 Member Posts: 26

    Exactly theres no enjoyment on either side if youre sweating as suv or killer

  • Popsos360
    Popsos360 Member Posts: 26

    Its nice too see theres some people that have average iq on dbd :).

  • Popsos360
    Popsos360 Member Posts: 26

    Yes but... On the other hand it doesnt... Because you tunnel and camp 1 guy out you have 1-2 gens left and 3 suvs that hasnt got hooked once.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    Gen rushing shouldn't be considered wrong though, the whole objective of a survivor is to do the gens quickly and escape. The longer the match, the less likely you are to survive (unless its a very well played match and not a noob survivor). Yes this may annoy the killer but it means the survivors are working well as a team and doing pretty much the only objective they have.

    The whole point of killer is to kill the survivors. Tunneling and camping aren't wrong either but it can sometimes come across as cheap tactics. Yes it's a legit strategy but if all you do is face camp every match, it doesn't exactly take much skill... you just stand there and wait till someone comes to you (I'm looking at you Leatherfacecamp extraordinaire lol).

    I understand why people get frustrated but from a survivor point of view camping/tunneling often drastically changes 1 unfortunate survivors round. I used to get really annoyed about campers and tunnelers when I was a noob but now I stopped caring so much. Stopped caring about my rank, which ironically seemed to make me rank up better and just did my bit for the team.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    The tunneling I'm talking about is going after someone after you hooked another person even though they were just unhooked.