Question for Survivors with hero complex

mmain Member Posts: 430
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I comment about this frequently on threads where the topic is camping, but I wanted to start a thread about this and see if there is something I am missing.

In half or more of the matches I play when the killer gets his first hang (and all subsequent ones) at least 1, if not 2, and sometimes 3 (if I am the first one hung) are going to rush the hook. So many just have to be the hero. It's like it's a race to see who can be the second (or third) to be taken down. This strategy, or should I say lack of strategy, is pretty much a guaranteed loss for the whole team. It hands easy 4k's to killers. I mean if survivors are just going to offer themselves up to the killer as easy sacrifices why shouldn't they take it?

I see posts where killers talk about gen rushing and I keep wondering where the survivors are that actually gen rush. I rarely see survivors that gen rush. If anything the ones I see most often hook rush. For clarification, I am not trying to say gen rush doesn't happen. Just saying I only get on a team that seems to think doing gens is important about one quarter of the time.

I'm trying to understand why so many survivors are intent on playing in a manner that is pretty much a guaranteed loss for the whole team. Is it just for the easy points? Is it that there are lots of survivors that can't comprehend hook rushing is a horrible losing strategy? Or is there some other benefit to hook rushing I just don't know about?


  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I'm calling it hero complex because so many survivors just have to be the hero and get that person off the hook. As for rank 1 thing.... I am nowhere close to rank 1 yet, so maybe there's hope that eventually I will stop seeing it so often.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I don't know how doing the only fun thing on the survivor side makes them a "hero." They literally just want a multiplayer game.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I get the point you are making. I would dispute it's the only fun thing on the survivor side. As a matter of fact that's kind of the question I am asking. Why is it fun, profitable or whatever to constantly play in a manner that is a guaranteed loss?

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    The last thing you are saying is what prompted me to write this. With the rework of kindred I have been amazed at how many times I have watched survivors run straight to a hook knowing the killer is right there. I know they see the killer. Prior to that I tried to give the benefit of the doubt and assume they just didn't know. But nearly every match now someone is playing kindred. I do most matches. So if I see the killer standing by a hook I know the other survivors do also.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It depends on a few factors.

    How many are left in game and how many gens have been done along with what perks you have and how good you are at unhooking.

    If there is 5 gens for example and someone kills themselves on hook or dc's due to a camper the chances of you getting them all done go down unless someone can run the killer for a decent period of time.

    Then there is the emblems as without saves punishing the killer can mean a depip and the last thing you want is to get in a chase with a camper if you aren't that good at running.

    To top it off I find most campers run NOED so punishing it gives them strength and I find they can slug once the gens are done.

    So you can lose boldness even from totems and altruism just from doing gens and still risk getting downed for doing it.

    Now if you have 5 gens up and the killer starts camping and they stay on the hook I am like yourself as I want to punish it and I do just stay on gens if the others also have that mindset. A flappy armed hooked person normally tells me they want it punished if I have been close and see the killer there.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    A lot of times, I go in expecting to die, so I just try to have fun in the meantime. Doing gens isn't really fun. DbD needs to have a more entertaining objective.

    I'd often rather have fun and die than have a boring match and escape. Unless it's double BP.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    As others have said there are many factors but the only reasons I ever do this:

    1. The killer is camping, I want to get the person off the hook using trusty BT and someone else happens to be there.

    2. Camping again but it needs to be a team effort to work (I have had matches where the 1 time I don't bring BT no one else does either).

    3. I am on a gen on the other side of the map and am waiting for someone to unhook them but its taking too long and they go to the 2nd phase. I feel bad so run all the way over and just as I get there another survivor crouch walks from behind a rock and steals my unhook, *cue angry face* 😡

    To be honest I don't mind if I get traded or die, I just like helping the team. I've even saved survivors who've pointed at me in a locker while the killer was there 😅 the worst sort of team mate to save.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I have gone to stage 2 because no survivors left their damn generator, and I have done 4+ generators in a single match because they always left their generators.

    Am I running kindred a lot lately, (the buff is amazing) and you would be surprised how little attention people pay to each other...

    People are weird. :p

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Oh when you said hero complex I thought you meant the survivors in endgame that refuse to leave their teammates behind so they end up giving a killer way more than a potential 1k for example. I'm generally one of them.

    But no you're talking about farmers / hookrushers that just zerg the moment someone is hooked. Those aren't heroes, they're just bad survivors and / or jerks.

    A lot of the times it's just that. Especially if they're running WGLF and BT. They just want their tokens and points. Some others want to farm and then be chased by killer because they hate holding m1 the entire game. Still others just have no awareness and would rather call the killer a camper because they didn't run across the map immediately.

    But most are just farmers and do it for points.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    In fact this rarely happens at rank 1-2

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    The main reason besides simply people doing daily challenges or even the archive challenges is because when a survivor is taken out of the game via being hooked the game gets harder to escape and depending on the rank you play survivors usually know how to safely unhook you even with the killer being close by ive saved people without bt with the killer close by because the killer swings and either hits me or hits the survivor still on the hook giving time for the unhook and if the survivor is quick enough both can then escape unscathed or itll end in a trade this is harder to do in the basement but can still work and the other thing i find is the hook dive method which requires 2 people at the hook one runs in making it look like a rescue attempt gets hit on purpose somthe killer chases them and someone else gets the unhook behind the killer now this only works if the killer doesn't tunnel but i hope that answers your question

  • DBDfan12
    DBDfan12 Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2019


    Post edited by DBDfan12 on
  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I have seen those things work. Unfortunately most of the time in the games I am playing it doesn't. I am nowhere close to the lower ranks yet though. I have been playing the game off and on for a long time. I just recently had the opportunity to get serious about it. Hopefully, I will get to lower ranks where I can play with some better players. That's been the hard part though. I am having a hard time lowering my level because I keep playing with survivors that are basically just handing games to killers.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    Up to this point I am not playing with survivors that are good enough to outsmart a killer in that situation. Maybe I will get there.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    Yeah. That's what I am referring to. I need to get to a point I am not playing with those types of survivors. I want to play to win. Don't get me wrong. I want to get points, but I'd like to win sometimes too.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 507
    edited December 2019

    Know this, I've purposefully let survivors who go back for their team (not farm) no matter the cost (edit) <escape>. Just saying it might result in a loss but I think it's better to never leave a man behind.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I admire that thought process in principle. The thing is most killers don't play that way, nor do I expect them to do so. I will readily admit I view things from an extremely pragmatic thought process. If leaving one man will allow 2 others to escape then I view that as the right thing to do.

    I do want to clarify something though. If someone wants to go back for the 1 man at the end of the game I don't mind that. When the generators are done, and the gate is open or about to be open and someone goes back for the 1 I don't mind. I do sometimes just to see if it I can. But at that point the gens are done. Escape is possible. Going back at that point is risking nothing other than yourself.

    It's the survivors that do nothing but hook rescue from the start of the game and never attempt to do generators that bother me. That makes it incredibly hard for any survivor to escape. It's almost a guaranteed loss for the whole team as no one is getting out without the gens getting done unless someone manages to catch the hatch before the killer.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226
    edited December 2019

    For me, its purely just a matter of emblem progress. If its early in a match, and someone goes down and hooked very quickly, i typically swap from "lets win this mode" to "lets pip at least" mode. Since doing gens to pip takes forever, isn't particularly interesting, and doesn't reward that many bloodpoints, rushing an unhook is the much more attractive option.

    You get chased typically, so thats emblem progress there, and even if you hook trade, thats still a bunch. You get the unhook, safe unhook, and a protection hit. Thats 2 stacks of WGLF at the minimum. Combine it with borrowed time, kindred and the hooked guy having DS, you really can waste alot of the killers time too.

    And then of course, theres the archives challenges too, which is a very nice little bonus, and further incentive to rush for the unhooks. And contrary to everyone else, i find that killers dont usually sit on top of hooked people nearly as much as others claim, and if they do, i can just see them with kindred and there goes the element of surprise

    Post edited by IceCreamPrincess on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    It’s better to not try to understand it because there are many reasons why things happen during a match. Specifically the unhooking right away.

    Yesterday for example, I played 4 matches in a row where at least two teammates Just crouched in hesitation trying to unhook me. So I go to phase two, only to someone finally getting me and me getting tunneled by the killer. So you see, in that scenario I would have rather just been unsafely unhooked to at least have one more chance.

    Of course this doesn’t mean do it all the time but if you see no other way, at least you can give your teammate another chance.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    This is why kindred is an amazing perk

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    Im sorry, You’re finding survivors who rush to get the save? Can you direct them to me? I’m sick of being chased for 10 mins to die first hook to a (surprisingly) non camping killer.

  • Marcosapproved
    Marcosapproved Member Posts: 3

    You got a few days till rank reset. So let's hope when it hits, you get new kinds of survivors to play with.

    Also, Kindred is really important if you wanna change that from happening to you as the hooked survivor.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    I don't think it's about being a hero. It's probably more about competition.

    All 4 survivors are a team, but they are also competing for both blood points, and emblem points. Getting a save is huge for points, but it often looses the game, when people are over altruistic.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    They may be grinding achievements : Taking one for the team / Not today (if you use deliverance)

    They may be doing archive challenges

    They may want to have more BPs than the others

    They may want to pip

    Survivors going for unhook only to be a hero are imo a very rare species.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Going off this statement, I'm anxious as hell that the random hooked survivor will be impatient and kill their self because I or we didn't move our asses from the warm embrace of a half done generator to their liking, then in turn, killing us all, in most cases.

    Going off of op and hero complex question yes I do have one I was a corpsman in the marines. The ability to show empathy to other gamers brings me back to the game more then anything, in fact.

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Loss aversion. They know their character would weigh the value of the other character as high or higher than their own, and play accordingly

  • FruityMemes
    FruityMemes Member Posts: 55

    Its because of a lack of communication and stupid teammates really. Sometimes multiple people go for the save not knowing if anyone else is at the same time. Then if a survivor sees another survivor trying to save they either think "oh they see me they will leave now that they know I'm saving" or "MY BLOODPOINTS" and unfortunately the most uncommon one "oh this person is saving I'll go repair then so we aren't wasting time.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    Also : run Kindred. Wasn't that cool before, but the latest buff is great.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I've been running Kindred, it ensures this sort of thing doesn't happen.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    That's the thing. With the new kindred I am seeing just how much this happens. I like the perk overall. It just gets frustrating that it allows me to witness this style of gameplay

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I'd be happy to trade some if I could. Again, I am not opposed to saving. Just opposed to unsafe saving that results in no chances to escape.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    It definitely loses games, and that's the majority of what I am getting.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430
  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    I made a post on Reddit earlier this year about making a way for first hook survivors being able to not be taken off of the hook due to trolly survivors wanting to unhook you so they can have the killer knock you back down and re hook you and they gave themselves a nifty little getaway. No borrowed time. No body block if anything they even try and stand where they figure you’re going to run so then no matter what they end up going for you instead of them.

  • stylisticx
    stylisticx Member Posts: 44

    I hate when I get farmed off the hook and it leads to either my early death or theirs, makes the game worse for the rest of the team.

  • Chaseismygame
    Chaseismygame Member Posts: 1

    I do this only to make the game fun I don't find sitting on gens fun

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I’m not a farmer, I’m a COOL farmer /mean girls quote. Also Stardew Valley is an awesome game.

    Jokes aside, yes, I am a very empathetic person by nature and tend to be altruistic. I would gladly sacrifice myself if it meant someone else could live. BT, like DS, is a staple in my kit and I feel naked and bad without it - the one time I don’t bring borrowed is the time I or others get camped and tunneled to the ground. I pack wglf because yeah, you know what? It’s nice getting those sweet double bps when you’re trying to level your characters. I really like what they have done with Kindred (which was ALWAYS handy dandy, just mighty infuriating if you pack it and nobody came at all) and will gladly use it in place of wglf when I’m not trying to get bp fast.

    Anyways, I always come into the game with good intentions. I want the survivor to get back in and have fun. I want to save them from a one way ticket back to the lobby. I want them to know someone won’t abandon them. I want to have a good game and to me, a good game is when everyone else or even just the poor dear hooked in the endgame (or even the other last survivor) can get out even if I can’t. And I’m anxious as all hell that the survivor in question might end up being toxic and give up, screwing the rest of us over. And like I said, it’s nice getting fat stacks of blood money for good deeds.

    I honestly don’t care about surviving. It’s a nice bonus but to me, I feel rewarded when I can save other people. The only time I care is if it’s for a ritual or challenge.

    Also it really REALLY sucks to lose a stage when it was perfectly possible to be saved and I know how demoralizing that is, so I’m gonna get you out no matter the cost. Just don’t give up in my face or I wish legos upon your naked feet.