What's up with the queue times for survivors?

I mean, if anyone enjoys waiting for 11+ minutes to join a bugged lobby or to have their game cancelled because someone crashed during the loading, then sure, go ahead, but I'm not having it, it's just a lobby waiting time simulator at this point. As killer I get instant lobbies on rank 4-1 all day everyday, no matter what time is it. Live in EU btw.
Also, I clearly remember that before Dedicated Servers, survivor queues were instant but so were the killer ones for me and everyone I know. Dedicated Servers break a lot of things but survivor queues got hit the hardest, not like I wanted to play survivor at the moment but the wait times were the last straw, only playing killer from now on and won't touch survivor until this gets fixed.
Instant killer lobbies + long survivor queue times = not enough killers
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Swf definitely loads so much slower. Idk about pc but on console the wait as rank 1 survivor goes from 1 min solo queue to 15 mins 4 man swf.
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It could be several things. For one, survivor tomes outnumber killer tomes, the second page being particularly bad. This could cause more people to play survivor than usual, I know it did for me. Another thing it could be is the Chapter Release patch. That patch has been the buggiest patch the game has faced in a long time and I wouldn't be surprised if it messed up matchmaking somehow. The last thing I can think of is an increase in players due to the new chapter, though that shouldn't have messed up the matchmaking to this degree. I think its a combination of the tomes and the Chapter release patch.
One thing is certain: matchmaking for survivors is CHEEKS right now.
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From instant queues on both sides to 4-6+ minute-long queues as a survivor as soon as the Dedicated Servers were added on the same day, really seems like there wasn't enough and isn't enough killers.
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Because all you baby survivors are begging for unnecessary killer nerfs which shoudk be buffs which is causing people to not want to play killer anymore.
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I really am not sure what's going on in the matchmaking department, somehow BHVR seems to make the queues worse and worse with each update, I have no clue how do they achieve this, there is definitely something wrong with the way the game works, I don't think the problem is with one side having more players, we've seen situations like that happen before yet every single time the queue times were fine before the newest patches.
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This is not caused by bad matchmaking. If the survivor : killer ratio was good and bad servers would cause 5 minutes waiting times for survivors, this would also mean 5 minutes waiting for killers.
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They nerfed forever freddy to improve survivor queues!
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Yup, baby survivors, survivor bad - killer good, survivor op - killer only gets nerfs and only needs buffs, great attitude. Don't have the "baby survivor" definition anywhere available so make sure to link me one. I don't really care, I'll just play killer and join you with the rest of the baby killers, instant queues, loads of bp and more fun :)
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So, then the only possible explanation is that the killer count drops by ~10k players exactly every time a new big update comes out.
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ill just copy past my comment from another thread that had a similar topic
if you are talking about red ranks, there is NO incentive for killers at red ranks other than stress. you play perfectly or you lose. for survivor? it gets super easy, one person needs to have 1 good chase with the killer and the game is pretty much over most of the time. red rank killers (like myself) will just get to rank 1 then de rank, im in the process of this atm. killer Q's at red ranks are INSTANT. but like I said there is no reason to be a red rank killer other than stress or youtube/twitch content. because at red ranks the IMBALANCE in the game is VERY clear
until 2 things happen, this will remain a problem
- give us a reason to be a red rank killer (reward or something)
- balance the game better
now we have come a long way since 2016, but there is still a lot of imbalance in the game. so until things change, red rank survivors will have longer Q's since not very many people want to deal with red rank games
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Yep, got home last night. Wife and I logged on. We waited about 15 minutes. Got instadodged. I switched to killer. Sucks not being able to play with my wife that we both paid money for, but that's how it goes I guess.
Kind of a bad situation. Easily the worst situation plaguing the game.
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Give me a reason to be a rank 1 survivor as well. It's not like I want to be there either. All I get are insane wait times, terrible teammates that prove that rank 1 means absolutely nothing or rank 8-6 teammates who magically got placed against a rank 1 killer. Have your instant queues, as I said, I will only be playing killer from now on, since I'm fine with the game's state right now, I lose nothing by doing this.
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This is surreal to see because on console it's the exact opposite. I would play more killer (for bp) but the queue times were really terrible compared to survivor. Now they are both pretty fast but swf is bugged af.
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Last Year came out, and DBD is slowly dying because of competition.
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simple fact is survivor is easier and more enjoyable than killer. sure you can try deny or disagree all you want but its just the way it is, nerfs aside killers still rely on ruin and stuff to slow down gen`s without that against a decent team youre screwed not to mention swf. you forget alot of people play to have fun and not always be competitive but its hard to have chill killer games at lower ranks and thats why queue times are so long, no one wants to play killer as much/often as they do survivor. when you can go into a survivor game perkless at rank 1 without fear but even thinking the same as killer is insane, oh not to mention all the hate,abuse and toxic behavior you get for playing killer good or bad. i will get to rank 1 killer and survivor but i wont play killer constantly at rank 1 for these reasons
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just look at all the recent killer nerfs. then you know why your survivor queue will get longer and longer and longer and longer...
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i wish you good luck
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It's the same for me on PS4 with survivor and killer queue times. We don't even have dedicated servers.
It's clear to see: When you get instant lobbies as killer but have to wait as survivor, this means there is a shortage of people playing killer. If there were matchmaking issues, killers' lobby times would suffer as well, but they aren't.
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I knew it wouldnt take long to see another cry baby killer main
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I wonder why there are less killers
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When you nerf the killers into the ground and have both survivor mains and the devs basically tell you to "git gud", you wind up with fewer killers. I still have fun playing killer, so I enjoy the instant lobbies. I have found a hard counter to long wait times though, try to read a book while waiting, the game KNOWS that I want to finish a page and it gives me a lobby.
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And that's because killer is so unfun to play. You just get bullied if you're not on your A-game.
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I thought originally it was the match making system somehow. I get super fast queues as killer at red ranks and slow survivor queues at red ranks. My friend who is rank 12 has super fast survivor queues and long killer queues.
Now I doubt its matchmaking. Its just less killers at red ranks. Which cant really blame them. I used to play about 80 percent of the time as killer. Now im having to deal with the queue but playing survivor more than killer. Sorta sucks on both ends right now.
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Anytime one side's queues are much longer than the other, it's because the ratio of 4:1 survivors to killers is off. Seems to have gone in waves in the past.
Rn there's just not enough killers for the survivor demand I guess.
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very productive reply totally helped this post
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Maybe, it could be a lot of killers are getting fed up with the sweaty matches and BS, and are hanging it up, and going to the chill side until things get more balanced. Can you really blame them?
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What;s upwith killer queue times I've been waiting forever
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it's an unsolvable mystery
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Borrowed time buffed along with a freddy nerf, legion nerfed and oni nerfed.
Gee why wouldn't killers want to play? When a swf that slams gens and can sit at a position in most loops to react to what you do and be safe along with 4 second chance perks then dcs spirit and nurse until they're nerfed making killers have little to no options to consistently beat swfs that play optimally and then if theres anything even somewhat good they still dc and can cause a forced de pip, survivors often times will close their game against moris despite having keys and toolboxes, killer seems really fun atm especially with me getting 2 downs at 5 gens and then losing 2 gens by the time I hook both, bring ruin you say? Oh wait, you already spawned on it.
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When did Borrowed Time get buffed? Where did medkits and Balanced Landing go?
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borrowed time was buffed to godmode on the oni patch.
Now you can run around the WHOLE map with "deep wounds" and it wont ever tick down until.....you start walking?
balanced landing was only nerfed because of literal infinites that made you literally unkillable on some maps using that perk.
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I don't see how thats a buff no one actually died from deep wounds unless it was a Freddy
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Mend time reduced and you can run to make the bar not go down, medkits? The green insanely fast, balanced as an exhaust perk is exactly the same, they removed what survivors were abusing for infinites and replaced it for a stealth secondary effect. It got nerfed for making things infinites and buffed for stealth.
If your referring to insta heals, let's have a chat about 2 items, one of which is basically the same vs a whole character and all her addons at the same time.
Killers had one perk made not to create infinites while survivors got freddy's bullshit build nerfed, which could be argued to be even and killers got the new killer nerfed and made less fun.
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looks like neither side were hit too badly (except for the fact that everyone and their mom was using BL). BL is dead now. Freddy was broken and Oni's 180 flick was not intended
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Killer players are getting tired of dealing with toxic SWF and the devs constantly nerfing killers with no buffs.
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You say that but are you aware of the hell which killers are forced to go through each and every match. Probably not.
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It generally means not enough people are playing killer. (For good reason.)
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Because killer is just stressful. The amount of effort the devs expect from killers is beyond what most are willing to deal with.
The speed of the gens, the amount of hook a killer needs, dealing with DS on top of that, the size of most maps and the constant release of bad maps, pipping requirements needing a total rework because you are punished for using instadowns or ending games too quickly, medicore killers like Legion getting nerfed, terrible killers left to collect dust, killers more or less only having 3 perk slots because if you're not running ruin you're gimping yourself (and let's be honest, almost everyone is running BBQ for double points so you have 2 flex slots which usually goes to Pop Goes the Weasel and one other perk).
Killer is not fun, it's a job.
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I can get behind this and agree, killer is simply frustrating right now in high ranks.
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Just play killer instead of waiting for a game then.
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What region and console do you play on btw?
Im PS4 UK region and same as OP my killer queues are instant and survivor queues are 5-10 minutes at least.
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my queue times are just fine from a survivor standpoint.
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The most likely answer is there are simply not enough high rank killers to survivors. This is probably due to killer being a bit harder to rank up and players that decided killer is too stressful. Though the stressful part is ridiculous to me. The only stress in this game, is the stress you place on yourself.
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The issue is that any killer that can't pull off mind games (with or without a mindgaming ability, like Spirit) with a decent red rank survivor is left having to chase them across the map loop after loop. Even if you do abandon chase, that's valuable seconds that the rest of the team might use to work on generators.
Against a really coordinated team, most likely they'll fan out if they spawn together and start working on 3 gens while the chased guy runs you around. You finally down him, and 3 gens pop. That leaves 2 gens left, so another survivor is free to be altruistic and help his teammate while the other 2 survivors are working on generators. Ruin usually goes down really fast (I've seen small game a lot more than I'd think on those teams), and any killer with low mobility still has to get to the generator to apply pop.
Stressful? You could say that.