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Facecamping and tunneling

Id like to take this time to discuss a pretty controversial topic about dbd. I never really understood why killers will facecamp and tunnel if the survivors has done literally nothing wrong. Im rank 4 on survivor and i still see it happening. I wish the devs would punish killers even further than losing points in a category. Im not talking about like a ban or something,maybe something small like lose bloodpoints or only gain a small amount of xp towards your player level. And i understand that if theres no gens left and 4 survivors still alive,then id could see why you would camp or tunnel. But if theres 4 gens left and no one has done anything wrong such as tbag, or abuse exploits then i dont find the point in facecamping or tunneling. Idk maybe its just me but im getting sick of it


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Aren't we all. This is why DS and BT exist

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2019

    Frustration,hate,salt.Unless a survivor made a killer angry by doing something i don't see a reason to do it.I see it as a win tho,cause if they are salty i either ran em for 3 gens or smth like that so i just kill myself on hook and make sure my 3 other teammates get out and not all die trying to save me.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    He is already being punished enough with not being able to apply any kind of pressure and gens get done. Although for that of course you need to have average iq teamates. He also looses points in his emblems scoring so yeah also that. Sometimes you get camped for 0 reason and it sucks, but just stay for as long as possible on the hook and if you die just say "well, tough luck for me, onto the next game". Sh*t happens

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    Also about 8/10 times complains about camping and tunneling are because of a match they had where they were neither facecamped or tunneled.

    -My personal favorite is when the killer hooks one person and the gates are up; and they freak out about camping like there is 0 reason to leave the hook at that point, and you got to play the whole match so it isn't like they denied you game time- you just got caught at the very end and are salty about it.

    -There is also the people that literally play the same character in sWF and all look the same, and complain tunneling when you accidentally rehook the same guy because you can't tell the difference unless you focus more on the names than the game.

    -Also if you make a HUGE mistake and the killer picks you up again and you DS them, there is a chance they might run you down because you just used your DS so unless they need to be somewhere else, may as well re-hook you. If you can't capitalize on a free escape from a mistake you made- that's definitely on you.

    -Oh and then there is when you hook someone, and an injured person runs all the way back to hook and calls you a camper when you down that person trying to unhook them.

    -OH! and another one; when they step on your hag trap or w/e and of course you punish that, camper again! If you say otherwise they will be like "BS You camped I saw you putting traps around hook!" like...duh?

    Things of that nature happen more than actual tunneling and camping I find. Don't get me wrong, there are toxic killers I play both and I run into them, but I've literally seen more people in the postgame ragging on the killer for it than I have actually seen camping/tunneling killers.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    Survivor here. Camping and tunnelling are legitimate strategies so they shouldn't be punished. Yes they're annoying and can be unnecessary sometimes but killers gotta kill, just the same as survivors gen rush (gen rushing is not toxic, it's literally the objective) and juke killers.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Some killers are good campers, leatherface and trapper as examples.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    why are legitimate strategies discredited by the game's systems?

  • To be fair, a camping leatherface is genuinely pretty gross, as there is nothing you can do about it. There is counterplay to camping normally, but leatherface if he wants one kill- he will get one kill no matter what.

  • GuyNamedPubert
    GuyNamedPubert Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2019

    Solo queue is a thing and randoms might not bring BT or you might not have DS. But I agree with you otherwise.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Because they make the game unfun for the other team. Losing points for camping is just meant as a slight incentive to play in a way that is more fun for the other team. BHVR's goal is to make sure the majority of people playing each role are having fun doing so. It's the same reason any balance patch happens.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    It has gotten worse of late, wether its because ppl are desperate to get youtube clips of them getting 4k as Oni or something, buts getting regular in matches and its not much fun if as yesterday start game, take 2 steps and a chainsaw with no sound smacks you in the back.

    I play both sides and the archives have ppl being super toxic I mean when you are in an SWF do you really ALL have to go for the freaking flashlight blind one at the same time, I am playing a killer not going to a damn rave lol.

    But as Echorion said there ppl who will call you a camper or tunneld when they have played idiotically. IE run into the killer on the other side of the map when I ma chasing someone else, they get downed, DC and thenmsg me for camping and tunnleing.

    Frankly the game just aint fun right now, if your not camped or tunneled, the game kicks you cos of a lag spike or you are farmed of the hook by dumbass randoms

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    There may be a variety of reasons for a killer to camp even when there are still 4 gens left.

    1. He hooked you near two gens that are about to pop.
    2. He saw scratchmarks coming from different directions (which lets the killer know there are at least two people not working on gens)
    3. You are about to enter the second stage of the sacrifice or die on hook.

    I've camped the hook for a while a few times when all or at least two of these conditions are met.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    I don't mind (kind of) tunnelling and face camping, BUT, I do mind (a lot) the fact, that it completely denies my my game. I literally can't do anything. I get chased for X time, teammates are doing gens, trying to get killer's attention on themselves and killer just ignores them and keeps going after me until I die or somehow escape (no I don't teabag or flashlight click). Killer gets points no matter what (unless AFK), even without killing everyone, still gets points for chasing, hitting, kicking gens, pallets, hooking... even if all survivors escape, killer usually gets, at least, decent amount of points. And this is what I complain about when I play survivor. I'd like to get some BP bonus, when I get camped or tunnelled longer than certain amount of time or something like that. You know, I 'sacrificed' myself for the team, so okay, I can be face camped, I can be tunnelled, but if it happens for too long, give me some extra BP. Because I'll get my 8K for chasing, but that's it and I'm not gaining other points not because I hide in locker, but because my game is 'denied' for me.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    🙃 Because in most situations, camping only works if survivors feed the camper and camping doesn't require a lot of work from the killer. That's why you don't gain as many points for camping as it isn't actually a 'good' strategy, it's just a strategy. I despise face campers but there's nothing anyone can do about it as it's part of the game...

    I've never heard of tunnelling being discredited by the games system?? Tunnelling is killer trying to remove the weakest links to make it harder for the round to progress. I don't like tunnelling but it's part of the gameplay if the killer chooses it. There's nothing we can do about it but try to play smart and pick anti tunnel perks.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    I know what you're getting at. It's very frustrating to get removed from the match quickly. I used to get really frustrated at campers and tunnellers but I've just stopped caring. I don't care about my rank, I've improved my gameplay and if I die that round, I move onto the next. Since then my ability to rank up has greatly improved, I usually get at least 1 pip every match except for occasional noob matches where I make really dumb mistakes. I now have more fun playing and get less salty at the killer. I despise face campers though... I imagine them sitting behind their screens making sneering little faces 🤬

    We have to remember at the end of the day both sides want to win. Most will do what they need to do to win - even if it feels cheap. If this happens to me I make it my job to distract the killer for as long as possible and hope my team can save me eventually 😊

    I do agree that killers seriously affect how the game plays and how (un)fun it is. Survivors are the ones that can have their match ruined very quickly. This never happens to killers so a lot of them don't care 😒 And about killers getting more points - I agree to a certain extent. I think it's true at low ranks but when you get to purple/red ranks, killers can get a 4k and still barely get a black pip.

    I'd love if we got more blood points for being camped. I've had matches were I was tunnelled and camped for the entire match then died as the gate opened. So for my (unwilling) sacrifice I got very little reward.

    Sorry for super long comment, didn't realise how much I wrote 😯

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Well, yeah, I quite rarely de-pip, usually it happens when I get caught early by spawning almost on the killer and then - being tunnelled few times or tunnelled and camped or when teammate dies, disconnects, then another and then I'm just like f... it. But in 'normal' games I at least keep my rank.

    And I get it, both sides want to win, but I also play as a killer, and I don't really have that douchebag 'hard mode on'. Maybe I'm stupid, but I like when both sides have fun, good chase, rescue, getting gen done and at the end of the day, better wins. For example, I hook person A, person B quickly unhooks them, so I go after person B, I will let person A go, unless I down person B and A tries to farm the hook. Or in other words - if survivors are fair with me, don't teabag or anything, just do their job, I do my job and try to be fair as possible. I could get easy 4Ks in most games if I was going after unhooked person every time they get unhooked, but it's kind of no brain playing. And not really rewarding, I'm chasing injured person, while 3 people can do whatever they want, if I go after the rescuer, then rescued person most likely would like to be healed, so at least two people are doing nothing when it comes to gens. But if those situations happen, in my opinion, those survivors should get some bonus points, it's not their fault they can't do anything. They keep getting points from one category and then they reach their cap. Maybe once they get 8K for chasing and still get camped and tunnelled, maybe they should start getting passively points from other categories. That would discourage tunnellers, because some have this mindset 'I won't give others points' and give little something for those, that can't participate in the actual game, not by their own fault.

    True about killers, but still, I think you'll get more points for insidious Bubba's basement, rather than for being tunnelled for 3 hooks straight ;)