Thanks for the new counter devs!

So, I was playing survivor today, and my team and I encountered an Oni post hotfix. I could see blood orbs and knew he was using his Ultra Rare Renjiro's Bloody Glove add-on, so for the first half of the match I avoided them and focused on gens. Then I noticed Piles of blood orbs wherever injured teammates were doing gens or getting healed and I had an epiphany... while healing a teammate and with the Oni coming for us, I noticed as he got close he was sucking up the orbs, and so, me being the healthy one, I did the thing I knew could just ruin his day and absorbed the huge pile we amassed before he got close enough.
After that I had a long chase with him, but he's just so loopable when not using his power, eventually I got hit, and he finally got enough blood to rage out. After he left me to go after my teammates (I was at a god loop), I healed and purposely ran around the map absorbing every orb I ran across (Prioritizing the piles of them). I have no idea how long my aura was visible to him throughout the game, nor did I care, because He seriously only activated his power like 5 times total before 3 of us escaped, and he was incredibly salty about the change to his add-on in the after game chat.
So, to you other survivors out there: If you're healthy and confident in your looping skills, Eat up! Every time an Oni brings in this add-on, Just Suck up all them juicy orbs to slow down how often he rages out, and loop his ass when he comes for you. It worked well for me at rank 5, it should work pretty well for the rest of you too.
To be honest, I did main killer for the first 1000 hours, but have been maining survivor for the next 1000. I just hadn't changed my picture in the forums till I thought about it today. Currently at 1143 hours in the game, so I haven't been playing survivor for more than a couple of months, but this counter worked for me today, and I'm pretty sure It'll work for you too the next time you go up against an Oni with this add-on. Just spreading the news, it's up to you whether its good or not.
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Nice try, killer main.
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Bloody Glove is not a good addon. But i think everyone knows that UR addons are supposed to be average or bad.
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>I did main killer for the first 1000 hours
>have been maining survivors for the next 1000
1000 hours + 1000 hours = 2000 hours
>currently at 1143 hours at the game
10 -
They never said that they had over 2000 hours. They said they mained killer for the first 1000, and have been maining survivor ("have been maining" meaning they are still in the process) for the next 1000, of which they have completed 143 so far.
13 -
I never thought of that actually. The people above are definitely clown mains above though.
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Tbh the addon was just decently good before, but now the nerfs to it seemed really unnecessary. They really seem intent on making all killers ultra rares bad. A good group of survivors that realizes he is running this addon are going to abuse him for it hard.
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They could make it stronger potentially by making it so when survivor's pick up blood orbs it counts towards his rage but that wouldn't really make sense tbh
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Not really.
Or I can say I've been playing dbd for 10 years as I'm in the process ?
Not that it really matters anyway, or means that OP is sincere or not.
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Yes, grammatically speaking, saying that you have been playing DBD for 10 years implies that you plan to continue playing it and haven't yet finished all the playing you plan to do. Otherwise you would simply say "I played DBD for 10 years".
But you're right, the OP's observation is equally valid regardless of whether they have played 1000 survivor hours yet or not.
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With all due respect, you should review the PPC tense.
The elapsed time in the sentence must be from the past until now, not in the future.
" I've been playing dbd for 10 years" means that I began 10 years ago and still playing.
"I played DBD for 10 years" means that I played for 10 years but not playing anymore.
Anyway, looking at the OP's profile, they only posted killer sided comments before today, so I wonder : if this thread is a trick, what is the aim of it ? It looks like a sincerely good advice for survivors...
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Yes, that is exactly what I was saying. Apologies if the way I worded it was confusing.
I would just take the post at face value. I make a lot of comments that may seem survivor- or killer-sided just because that's the opinion I happen to hold on the given topic. It would make sense that most of OP's comments up to this point have been killer-biased since that's where most of their ingame hours have been, but it's not really relevant because as they stated, they've been playing survivor recently and are simply sharing an experience they had ingame. Regardless of which "side" they're on, they're making a valid point.
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Not sure you'll see many more people run this addon lol. Having access to your power much less often is just NOT worth the aura reading.
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Two things though:
- OP said "To be honest, I did main killer for the first 1000 hours, but have been maining survivor for the next 1000." Emphasis on "have". Meaning they are currently maining Survivor in this, their current, 1000 hours.
- Just because they are a Killer main or post Killer sided posts doesn't mean they are wrong. Its a legit strategy to counter the changes to the UR add-on for Oni. If you are good and the Oni you are facing isn't great.
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- Still a big no, the OP has been maining Survivor for 143 hours by now, and mained Killer for 1000 hours (as it's over), but whatever... it's off topic and irrelevant
- That's my point. I totally agree with you, so I really wonder why other Survivors mains reply "Nice try" or "Killer main" as if the OP was trying to do some trick I still don't get.
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who cares if this kid is killer or survivor main? the point is, that the is useless now and even works against the killer if the survivors have a brain. so i hope they revert this crap.
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Survivors can suck blood too.
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Bloody Coil, Iridescent Stone, Match Box, Mint Rag, Iridescent Head, Iridescent King, etc…
Those are all good, some over powered, Ultra- rare add-ons that haven’t been changed.
3 -
Match Box, Mint Rag and Iridescent King are all just okay at best imo.
Trappers are decently good but they need to be for how weak his base kit is.
Iridescent Head is a strong one but we all know its nerf is coming.
1 -
I don't see any OP add-on here.
Trapper is pretty weak at base so he needs those add-ons.
The Match Box basically turns Nurse to an M1 killer if you can't blink perfectly.
Iri head requires skill and is very limited without a belt.
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It's not a trick. Although I have mained killer, had a lot of fun doing so, and sometimes still have killer game here or there (mostly to rack up BP for my Survivor), I am maining Survivor currently. The Advice I gave in my post is based off of an actual game I played, and won because I was able to actively deny the killer the ability to gain many blood orbs at the cost of being revealed to him all game long. I've become pretty confident at my looping, routing and Juking skills in the 143 hours I have maining survivor, and welcomed the chase. Sure I went down 2 times that game because i couldn't really lose him and had to rely more on my looping/routing ability (plus pallets were running out), but the fact remains that I was in control of how often he was able to use his power at the small cost of being constantly visible to him.
Like I said, If you go up against this add-on, are healthy, and confident in your looping/routing skills, eat up those orbs for your team and distract the hell out of the Oni. What really won us that game was 2 things:
- He didn't have as many blood orbs available to him and couldn't recharge his power as often.
- He wasted a large amount of time coming after me instead of trying to stop my teammates from finishing gens.
The reason Oni is so loopable, IMO, is because he's so loud that (with headphones) you can literally hear what direction he's moving behind walls at jungle gyms, and mind-gameable loops. Hiding his red Stain doesn't do much for him when it comes to mind-gaming if you just pay attention to his stomping. Also since his power stops passively charging at 98% and he has to get a blood orb or a hit on a healthy survivor to finish charging it, I basically denied him one of those options for the majority of the match. Admittedly this is one of my first posts giving advice to survivors, but you shouldn't bemoan this advice just because I mained killer for so long, and decided to change my profile picture when I posted this.
If you want I can reverse the role here and make a response tuned towards what the killer I went up against must've been thinking:
(Killer sided post)
"Renjiros Bloody Glove is Trash now. Just had a game where a survivor spent almost the entire match sucking up all my blood orbs and t-bagging me. He couldn't hide from me all game, and If I focused on him I could catch him, but I wasted so much time going after that turd that the gens just flew, and I hardly ever got to use Oni's power. Thanks Devs, you just killed Oni's best add-on, no ones going to use this piece of crap now!"
Does the killer main perspective make my advice sound any better?
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Having their auras seen all game is kind of a downside
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Some people are saying the glove should be buffed, but ummmmm... Pig ultra rare add-ons? But hats off topic...
Bring fairness to my Piggy!!!
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A few seconds of aura reading for no power all game and to be a loud M1 killer is a deal any survivor would take.
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imo smacking healthy survivors is much more viable than sniffing around for blood orbs
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Imagine if they nerfed survivors UR's so they were pretty much usless. I think the forum would literally burst into a flame. You would come to visit, and all you would see is fire, and lots of it... 😂
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Relying on URs is pretty foolish imo
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So by that logic if my profile picture on some other site was that of Stalin that makes me Stalin. Flawless bloomin logic right there
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You're assuming you are getting M1's with no power as the largest and loudest killer in game. We already know how viable that is a rank 1, it's not.
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That is some ######### math. You have 1143 hours, so you can't have mained killer and survivor for 1000 hours each
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They said they were in the process of maining survivor
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But my point still stands. And people don't "rely" On them, but they do use them every so often. Like the UR's for flashlights, med kits, and tool boxes. Killers on the other hand though, not so much. Are UR's are mostly horrible.
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You just said, people don't rely on them. They won't miss 'em when they're gone. Flashlight UR got nerfed nobody cared, same with toolbox (although it's still broken) and let's not forget when instaheals got killed. You'd have to be pretty ridiculous to think instaheals were fair.
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Man people need to learn how to read before bashing someone and making an ass out of themselves. He didn't say he has 1000hrs as survivor. Have a nice day!
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It's an honest mistake, me or you could've made it
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He said for the first 1000 hours that he played the game, he did it as a killer main, and he has been playing another 1000 hours as a survivor. You would assume he has at least 2000 hours, or else it would be as absurd as a person with 100 hours saying that they will be playing their next 1000 hours as x side so they have some merit. He could have just said "I have 140 hours on survivors" but he didn't , because he wanted to make it seem like he had more experience in game than he actually does
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No, I hated insta-heal. (Killer main mostly) I also hate self-care. I just stabbed you in the back, but you can magically reach around and heal yourself? That makes sense...And what I meant is, killers don't rely on them nearly as much as survivor does. Only exception really is huntress with iri heads, and I'm sure that's getting a nerf soon too. A lot of complaints and quitters over that one...
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You hate self care? I feel literal happiness when a survivor decides to waste 40 seconds healing instead of doing gens
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It's logic doesn't make sense. How can you heal a wound to your back by yourself? I mean, the game is SUPPOSE to rely on teamwork, right? That's some REAL Rambo 💩💩💩right there... Lmao
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If you think that way it is truly hard to explain most perks. Like, you are dying on the ground and because the last gen popped your wounds close and you become sonic?
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It has something to do with the power of hope ;)
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OK, let me put an end to this once and for all, because obviously its become too much of a distraction. My plan when I started this game was to pick the side that had the most difficulty, that side being killer at the time. I mained killer for 1000 hours, and at that point decided to switch my main to survivor for the next 1000. Currently I have only been maining survivor for 143 hours... but because I knew survivor tactics and tricks from playing against them for so long, I picked up on the survivor role rapidly. I may have phrased things incorrectly, but the fact still stands: I was a killer main for 1000 hours, and have changed to survivor main for the next 1000, of which i have currently completed 143.
That being said, can we please just stay on topic as to whether or not my advice against the Oni and the recent change to his add-on is valid? Personally I understand why so many of you are so eager to dismiss my advice as this is one of the first posts I've made giving tutelage to the survivor side, but that doesn't make my experience with this game, or my opinion, any less valid.
for further information on my change over, look here:
EDIT: That was back in August when I decided to change over. If you're now wondering why I've only accrued 143 hours in survivor since then... I have a job, and only get to play this game a few hours per week.
Post edited by TWiXT on0 -
Here I am trying to give good advice to survivors about how to turn the Oni's UR add-on against him, and you are still hung up on the idea that because I was a killer main for 1000 hours, who changed his profile pic after making this post to reflect that i have changed to the survivor side, I must be being "sarcastic" and "trying to trick survivors", but in all honesty how does anything I've suggested become an advantage for the Oni players out there?
Sure, the survivors who take this advice will have their aura's revealed for the majority of the game, but on the other hand, the Oni using this add-on will have far less blood orbs to use for recharging his power. Any survivors confident in their looping and routing skills should know that what I've suggested is a good counter to an Oni using this add-on. Yet you dismiss it because I changed my profile picture after posting this.
Here's when i changed over to survivor: , and Here's YOUR "BLOOMING LOGIC":
I want to say many things in response to your biased opinion, but I fear the entire response would be censored or get me banned from these forums, so I'll just leave you with this:
I'm a survivor main now for the next 1000 hours, of which I have only completed 143. I'm giving survivors like you sound advice on how to turn a killers add-on against them at the cost of being revealed to the killer all game, and its up to you to decide which is better... A killer who can activate their power frequently and devastate your team with it, or a killer who is reduced to being an M1 killer because of your risky actions?
Now can we PLEASE forget that I was a killer main "Trying to sarcastically trick survivors" and instead take my advice at face value and debate whether or not its good or bad? I'm really getting tired of all this off topic, biased BS!
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Tell that to the silent bell/iridescent head/Iridescent button lol.
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Something more nutrient dense than the picture of a cake
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I'm sorry everyone, but I have been blasted on this post relentlessly because i apprently committed the crime of changing my profile pic, mained killer prior to posting this, and... I get it! How can any of you trust me no matter how much i tell you about my plan for maining one role for 1k hours and the other for the next 1k? Especially when my previously mained role is in direct opposition of my current?
What i wanted to convey is not just a bit of advice based upon my 143 hours of playing survivor, but also my previous experience fighting them. If you want to hurt the Oni for using this add-on, use its downside and Deny him his blood orbs. Sure that increases your risk of being chased/downed, but if you are a good survivor who knows how to loop and rout, or plays the runner/distraction role frequently, then this tactic should be right up your alley.
@MandyTalk , I didn't want to have to ask you, but could you please intervene here and help us keep all Further comments On topic?
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Who uses items? Mine are there to be hoarded. Mostly because I always got Franklin's
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I don't doubt your sincerity, I just did'nt and still don't get why others did. End of digression :)
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I thought the more blood obsorbed by survivor the longer the aura showed...
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Sorry you had to defend yourself so much.
This is really good advice. I appreciate you sharing it. Sounds like fun to try out! Thank you.