Thanks for the new counter devs!

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069

So, I was playing survivor today, and my team and I encountered an Oni post hotfix. I could see blood orbs and knew he was using his Ultra Rare Renjiro's Bloody Glove add-on, so for the first half of the match I avoided them and focused on gens. Then I noticed Piles of blood orbs wherever injured teammates were doing gens or getting healed and I had an epiphany... while healing a teammate and with the Oni coming for us, I noticed as he got close he was sucking up the orbs, and so, me being the healthy one, I did the thing I knew could just ruin his day and absorbed the huge pile we amassed before he got close enough.

After that I had a long chase with him, but he's just so loopable when not using his power, eventually I got hit, and he finally got enough blood to rage out. After he left me to go after my teammates (I was at a god loop), I healed and purposely ran around the map absorbing every orb I ran across (Prioritizing the piles of them). I have no idea how long my aura was visible to him throughout the game, nor did I care, because He seriously only activated his power like 5 times total before 3 of us escaped, and he was incredibly salty about the change to his add-on in the after game chat.

So, to you other survivors out there: If you're healthy and confident in your looping skills, Eat up! Every time an Oni brings in this add-on, Just Suck up all them juicy orbs to slow down how often he rages out, and loop his ass when he comes for you. It worked well for me at rank 5, it should work pretty well for the rest of you too.

