I love to play Ghost Face, but he is quite disgusting to go against.

The main issue is information feedback for Survivors, the same thing with the Spirit.
When his shroud is active, and you ran to Jungle Gym, T-L wall, other types of wall loops, you literally have nothing to determine where he his, for some reason my skill is nothing and I have to do blind decisions and to be LUCKY to escape him. Is it okay?
And his reveal mechanic is very weird sometimes.
Maybe Red Stain shouldn't fade completely (by 50% or something like this), no Red Stain while crouched, and make some Green/Purple Add-on remove the whole Red Stain.
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Or maybe survivors should adapt a bit and avoid Jungle Gyms when facing ghost face.
I think some killers should be able to shut down certain aspects of the game, its what makes them viable. Ghost face has no increase movement speed like Oni or Billy, his "power" comes from being very unpredictable in his location.
Much like you don't run around loops vs the Hag or Myers (when he can see you to stalk) these types of killers require a different approach and that's a good thing.
He still can't shut down infinite loops.. But his lack of red stain is what really gives him any viability at all where his stalk is a little....useless most of the time.
I will agree that his reveal needs a little work, its very quirky.
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I want his Reveal mechanic to be looked into. So many times, a situation occurred that felt unfair;
- Him able to Expose you but you can't reveal him
- You accidentally Reveal him (and your location) despite the fact there's a tree/rock blocking your direct vision of seeing him
- Ending the Reveal process early means you have to start the whole process from scratch, giving him more time to charge Expose on you
- And several more annoying issues
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Here we go again...
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If a killer forces you to avoid your usual tactics and force you into something new, you should innerly thank him, because that is the only way, you will be getting better.
After my experience, gaming abilities behave always as would they lay in som sort of spiral.
If you go against better guys, or new game mechanics, your abilities rise. If you go always against the same, or bad enemies, your abilities fall.
Besides that, every killer abilitie is important because she keeps the whole game interesting.
I don't think that every survivor like to always against m1 loop hunts, as example.
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Kinda annoying how i can stare right at him and all of a sudden "exposed" and im just like... "okay bs" and of course i get one hit downed thanks to a faulty feature.
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Bit off topic but most people that play Ghostface don't play him the same as he would play in the lore. Same with Demo, you're not really supposed to hit them cause it's just a TV show
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What I want to know personally is what the difference is between running a Ghostface with his shroud up and running a more traditional killer player who's learned how to hide their red light a bit. In both instances you're relying on a mindgame at that point, and it can not pay off in either circumstance.
I had a game recently where I went against a streamer as Wraith. I like to watch the VOD of the game after the fact to see how they thought I played and whatnot. My favorite part of the match was the first time I encountered the streamer. They ran to that Macmillan specific tile, the double L with an extra wall with a window, and dropped the pallet a little early to cut me off. I make it immediately clear I'm just going to round the L and chase, and he decides to get greedy and doesn't vault the pallet again. I chase them around the loop until they round the corner back in the same direction we started this tile. I stop and start running backwards, he vaults the pallet, assuming I'd keep chasing. I spin around and smack him almost the instant he's available to be smacked, and he goes down, yelling "WHERE THE ######### DID YOU COME FROM?" From his perspective, my red light didn't exist until I was about a quarter second away from hitting him. He had chase music the whole time, so he didn't have an indicator I wasn't directly following him, and his assumption that I was behind him and he wouldn't get another half loop in time to reach the pallet made him choose to vault despite a sudden absence of my presence. To his credit he did look back as he vaulted and saw I wasn't there, but he chose to fall into the trap I set and failed the mindgame check.
I could've pulled that off with any normal speed killer (the others may not have been able to catch up enough to pressure the vault in a single round of the loop). The only difference between them and Ghostface is if his shroud is up, he could have turned forwards as he reversed course. That doesn't change the fundamental fact it's a mindgame, and any killer can pull that off if they're thinking ahead far enough. So I'm hesitant to say that the red light disappearing is a problem, honestly.
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I agree, It's similar to how before GF was added you have tier 2 myers who"s light is extremely dim and short, yet people still mind game him just fine and vise versa, IMO red light wouldn't change much as you were right about how a seasoned killer could just as easily hide their stain mid chase
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Welcome to playing Killer, as killer you have to make blind decisions every game, it's called making an educated guess. Killer's don't have the advantage of a 3rd person view so why complain about a killer that can hide his light?
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You have third person view, that is quite literally the counter to the situation you are describing.
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Ghostface: Exist
Spine chill and 360 camera: Imma bout to end this man's whole career
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It's almost like that's his power and you have to play differently against him. It's almost like if he didn't have that, he would be bottom tier M1 garbage. Hell, his main stalk ability is so inconsistent people use his lack of terror radius and red stain as his main power.
I can't believe I see threads about Wraith and GF having to be nerfed. Have we really reached that point now? Where we just complain and try to get every killer nerfed?
The only thing I agree on is his stalk and the inconsistent nature of pulling him out of his power. If you're too close as GF/Michael, you can't even stalk people. Sometimes he comes out instantly, sometimes you stare and he just won't come out. Sometimes you hold your stalk and someone a mile away, or behind a wall, starts getting stalked through walls.
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Yeah, I was gonna mention Spinechill as well but I left it out since he was specifically referring to at loops with him.
Ghostface as well as most the other stealth killers all running the "hit and run" build now is why I've been running Spinechill. It's literally a complete hard counter to them and even just decent against the non stealth killers.
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If you have eyes to watch certain spots you got the tools to see him. Yes he got no red glow at that time, but any other killer can mimic that with simple moonwalking.
He's strong with some builds, but guess what a killer is supposed to be strong.
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Ghostface is basically wraith+pig on steroids + the ability to expose someone.
Imo his shroud/stealth needs to be toned down, it has literally 0 drawback besides a powerbar (which can get filled very quick with addons).
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Ikr? Just don't go to strong loops, better run into the open. 11/10 omegabrain starts.
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any killer can moonwalk to hide their red light 4head
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I think the only thing that should change about GF it's how his stalks works. Sometimes the survivor is revealed if GF stalks his aura, with perks like "I'm all ears" (tested by me).
When you stop stalking survivors, the stalk progress should start depleting slowy, it's not fair if a survivor gets to avoid you all the match you can still stalk for less than a second and expose him because the stalk progress was at 95% (as an example)
For the survivor's side
There should be a closer proximity from where you can reveal GF, without add-ons the distance it's quite a lot
About the info that ghostface gives... it's not like spirit that you saw her standing still. You can see ghostface even without terror radius.
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Stay clueless
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Nurse spirit Oni Freddy. I Guess ghostface Is next. What after? Billy aswell? What after wraith? Impressive. Just get good at the Game there is nothing wrong With ghostface at all but his revealing stuff should get fixed but his shroud? Is totally fine.
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Sounds like someone hasn't played against Plague.
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Most of the time this happens when ghostface already has some stalk filled up on you so it makes sense.
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So, instead of adapting and figuring out a new strategy, you want them to nerf the only advantage he has on survivors so you can play the same strategy on every killer?
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Ghostface's stealth is what makes him good since his stalk is only very situationally better than just hitting someone outright from shroud.
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People have often not realized that I stalked them earlier (to 99%) and ran into their obvious field of view to finish the stalk and stab them. In that instance you would never be able to reveal me before I finished stalking you. And if stalking kept progress, it would ruin him. Full stop.
While I agree that his reveal mechanic should be looked into, your ideas aren't very killer friendly. It should be easier to reveal him when hes standing right in front of you, but you also shouldnt be able to reveal him from halfway across the map... Behind a wall.
When you think of ways to "fix" a killer try to remember that there are people behind that mask trying to enjoy themselves too. Its not just about you.
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The drawback is that he can get spotted which removes his power. A weakness that wraith, pig and myers don't share. Get over yourself and learn how to use that third person camera you have.
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GF can "bank" stalk on you as long as he doesn't hit you. Learn the killer before you call something faulty.
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Absolutely not. A stalk takes 2.5 seconds when leaning. Even if you perfectly M1 into another M1, that's still going to take longer than a stalk into an M1 instadown. But that's usually not how it pans out, the M1 gives them a ton of distance and enables them to use dead hard, so there's a good chance you will need to chase them through safe pallets if it's the start of the game.
A ghostface instadown into a pop goes gen regression with sloppy butcher is some of the most damage you can do in the shortest amount of time in the game.
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That's probably because he stalked you for a while without you knowing so when you notice him and try to break him out he only has to stalk you for a split second before you become exposed. It's one of the reasons why so many survivors think he "instantly exposing" them.
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I can spot wraith myers and pig just fine. They all share the same weakness. But all of them besides ghostface a direct drawback.
3rd person camera? Cuz ghostface mains run around in the open and not stealth behind cover amaright? 4head.
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GF gets screwed over by his funky reveal just as much as he screws other people over.
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Ghostface shouldn't have a power you say?
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The thing that makes him annoying to play against for me is how bad his reveal is. You can stare directly at him and not reveal him. It’s a really bad mechanic.
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I’ve had games like this almost anytime I go against a ghost face. I will be running from him with my camera dead on him and there is no reveal on him but he’s still able to reveal me. I know there’s add ons that make him harder to detect BUT when the game ends and u see he didn’t have those addons it becomes extremely frustrating knowing that the game just doesn’t know how to register his reveal. Sometimes I’ll stare at him when he breaks a pallet and it’ll still take a while for it to register his reveal.
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I play as Duckface, the only way to play this killer.
All crouch movement speed and only crouch all game. Make sure to waddle and quack too.
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Right? That's one of the worst aspects about him.
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I feel like Ghostface needs some significant changes. The fact that people outright ignore what SHOULD be the major part of his power is problematic.
They need to get the reveal mechanic sorted out to actually function properly, and make it faster to expose.
It isn't that he needs a nerf, it's that his power needs to be fixed so he isn't ONLY played as "no terror radius m1 killer."
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No he doesn't need nerfed. He is fine and fair. The only thing that needs looked at is knocking him out of his ability, it can be clunky. Sometimes not able to while staring right at him in the open and sometimes revealing him from behind a wall or other obstacles that you cant see him.
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''If a killer forces you to avoid your usual tactics and force you into something new, you should innerly thank him, because that is the only way, you will be getting better.'' Bruh, what new tactics?All that survivors have is windows, pallets, mindgames and jungle gyms.Oh, do you mean hiding?With that bright as ######### atmosphere?Hell no, only if youre a blendette and we all know how blendettes contribute to the team.
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Take it from someone that has gotten his butt handed to him on a platter by high rank survivors, there are other options. Lightweight + quick and quiet + iron will = vanished into thin air. You don't have to run Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, Decisive, and Dead Hard all the dang time.
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Next up:
Devs please nerf m1 115% ms killer cause I don't have eyes nor can I use them. Attach some kind of thing onto the killer like a floodlight in all directions so i can pinpoint position cause I can not use my eyes. 🙊 Oh and please make gf into ptb version i think that was really good despite that you devs had quite the shitstorm when you shipped gf the way he was on ptb.
Maybe you people should git gud, can't say this in another way. His reveal mechanic works fine and even when exposed, you can still loop him.
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You don't have skill, you just watched some tutorials and learned the pathing like a lab rat.
Red stain should never have been a thing in this game.
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In case of gf you can look at him as example. Its by the most killers not important, but it is advisable against him.