issue`s im having with this game

So this is just a quick list of issues im having, not any bug`s or anything just thing i think should be looked into being changed. Obviously comment yourselves just hoping a dev will see and maybe shed some light on these

  • Pipping issues as plague: some reason even if i do really well im not award the same sort of pip`s as i would if playing another killer, im not sure if its due to people not cleansing, puke downs or what but it`s a tad annoying.
  • Matchmaking: dont always seem to be matching with the right ranks, i get that if it cant find a game close to your ranks it will find you the closest, but this raises the issue of lack of red rank killers (rank 1/2) as i`ll be in games with purple ranks
  • Toolboxes: Still not sure why basic brown toolboxes moderately increase repair speed, it should only be slightly in my opinion, they're easily found and obtained. also think the actual % speeds that all toolboxes provide should be slightly lowered as 4 toolboxes become insanely strong.
  • Pig traps: i feel the fact traps only stop ticking down when a chase begins can be unfair at times, you dont really have time to heal and get round to all the boxes avoiding the killer, more commonly you seem to have the choice of letting the killer down you easily because youre out positioned but need to get into a chase, or avoid the killer via stealth but the longer you avoid the killer the higher chance the trap will kill you even though moving/running is likely to let the killer get an easy down.
  • Map size: maps like the temple of P or rotten fields seem extremely large compared to others and feel they should be shortened. (rotten fields may need 1/2 pallets more if making it smaller)


  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    • Pipping issues as plague - yeah, she's heavily penalised by the ranking system, similarly to the trapper. If people don't cleanse you just don't get enough chases (and it takes longer for the first few if you try to get them sick AND down them in the same chase); if people do cleanse, sometimes you down people before you even get into a chase.. I think the fountains also have a weird interaction with the pipping system
    • Ranking system - I imagine you're probably on console, as this issue seems to be more prevalent there - from as high as rank 12 killers start to get matched with red rank survivors, which i think is due to the imbalance between the number of red rank survivors and killers
    • Toolboxes are extremely powerful.. I hope they get an interesting rework like medkits soon
    • Pig traps - I don't know if i can agree on this one - the pig really needs that pressure, as she tends to have a really slow start. She often has to sacrifice 1-3 gens before she can start properly stalling the game. Personally I find the thrill of having a ticking hat on my head pretty enjoyable and yes, you do end up in the situation you described sometimes, but personally I enjoy being forced to make decisions like that
    • Map sizes - agree regarding map sizes. I'd also add pallet spawns to the issue. I think the badham reworks hit the nail on the head in terms of balance, but the new maps that have come out after that are an absolute chore to play on (no matter how good they look). The new yamaoka is a nightmare for killer and hawkins is a labyrinth of deathtraps for survivor. I don't think the developers have figured out the map balance formula just yet.
  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    • Plague issue: okay im glad im not the only one who gets this and its a known thing, i do hope it gets fixed soon i enjoy playing every killer but near every time i play plague at red ranks ill get punished pip/medal wise.
    • Matchmaking: Yeah im on console (xbox) just seems a lack of high red rank killers, dont get me wrong going against purple killers is nice as you see a bigger range of killers, hell i had a doctor havent had one of those in awhile! but obviously they do struggle when they get matched against multiple red ranks
    • Toolboxes: id like to see a change too, feels dirty using them even if i find them in game, but i feel the repair should change but maybe increase sabo speed, dont see anyone else ever do that anymore
    • Its not like i mind having a trap on my head or something, but quite often it will be a pig with decent add-ons and it makes it near impossible to get the trap off without giving a free down, i could be unlucky in regards to the killer always going after the same sorta person just wondering if there could be a slight change
    • Map size: glad you could agree, feels near impossible to create pressure on some maps as killer, can make for boring survivor games too.
  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited December 2019

    Re - Bear traps - Yeah, I do agree on your last point - a pig can make your game an absolute chore if she wants to. Personally I think that's down to the killer's playstyle, as a lot of pig players (including myself when I play pig) will be happy to forget about a trapped person until they get it off, because they know that survivor is not on a generator and can get a lot more pressure if they focus on the ones that can do gens. In theory you could argue that most killers can make your life absolutely miserable with their power if they want to - think ghostface stealthing near the hook, doctor keeping you in a perpetual tier 3, clown spamming gas bottles on you and so on

    Re - Toolboxes - i think more creativity could be put into a rework - something that removes the speed buff, but adds powerful and more situational interactions

    • imagine being able to remote drop a hook if within a certain radius
    • applying a status effect on gens to look to the killer like they're regressing from a certain distance
    • actually breaking a gen as survivor to start regressing it yourself in order to counter perks like surge or pop
    • Force the gen's pistons movement to de-synchronise with the sound it makes - e.g. it sounds like the gen is almost done, but the pistons are barely moving and vice versa
    • forcing noise notifications from failed repair skillchecks to spawn at a certain distance from the gen to keep the killer guessing if you blew up a gen, or messed up a healign skillcheck in the area
    • Muffle repair sound (in a similar way to the perk technician)
    • Allow you to dull hook auras after you've worked them for a certain amount of time to make them harder for the killer to spot
    • Make a hook look like it's been dropped, while it's actually still active
    • Reduce speed while working alone, but remove efficiency penalty when working with someone else (similar to prove thyself)
    • significantly increase or decrease the chance to get skillchecks

    And so on.. the list is endless.. I just wish for toolboxes to become a bit more interactive and less of a tool to just do gens faster.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Toolboxes are pretty broken tbh. The fact that a commodious toolbox (even without any addons) has more than enough charges to fully repair 2 generators, 15% faster I believe, is just ridiculous. If you add socket swivels I think that speed up doubles so 30% faster for 2 gens and you would still have some charges left over

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    Hello, just some advice for pipping as plague:

    • Don't give max illness to healthy survivors. It's bad for Malicious emblem as the resulting injured/broken status doesn't count as a hit
    • Avoid drinking the red pools. The corrupted purge may injure survivors before you get in chase
    • Injured survivors cleansing counts as a healing so it's also bad for Malicious. So you would limit the use of Vile Purge also

    As a synthesis -> To pip as Plague, use mainly basic attacks. Vile Purge is ok to slow down survivors but should be used cautiously.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    All very valid problems except the Pig trap one.

  • jokerdude23_
    jokerdude23_ Member Posts: 102

    These are all common problems for most except pig, pig's traps are most of the time not a huge issues as some survivors will wait to pop gens and there are other survivors to focus on, and she has been nerfed a million times, if a pig really is tunneling and doing her best to keep YOU from boxes, then against a good team the pig has already lost once they have decided to do that