Give Incentives to Players When Killers / Survivors Needed. Plz.

So we've all been there. Take now for example. You load up in solo queue as a survivor. You could have a wait up to 10 minutes like I just did before you go screw this I'm just gonna play killer. Oh what's this? I instantly find a match as killer?

This happens too frequently. I know some games have incentives for people to play the side that needs more players. You could give players low amounts of blood or if we wanna get real crazy iridescent shards or an rift fragment. Please. Please. Please. Implement something like this.


A Lobby Sim Pro


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The only incentive I see is that all my daily rituals are killer based. So they’re trying to bribe me with blood points to play killer. Doesn’t work, give me a recolor if a mask or something. This games needs more cosmetics.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    When it's not fun it's called "work," and people get paid cash for that. Which is basically like a bribe.

    I'm not even sure I'd play killer more often if it were a paid job, but I might consider it.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Ummmmm ok. Well on ps4 there is a lack of people playing killers. But great point. Not everyone cares about blood, but some people do.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Also, I have fun playing the killer as well (50/50) when it stops being fun I switch to the other side. I like what the tomes bring to the table, trying to think of the best builds to work through. That type of thing. Maybe not executing it perfectly but that's ok.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'd like an estimate of what the queues are for each role with rewards. I don't mind playing for the other team if you give me a cupcake and a pat on the back.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Pretty simple really, this game has no competition and people keep buying the DLC's, so they have no incentive to actually balance both sides. They just appeal to survivors since more people play them. Once survivor queue times get insane and people stop playing/paying, or if Last Year goes gangbusters on steam, they might actually do something with killer.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Uggggh I agree with this so much. Not to compare but overwatch has recently done this and it is a nice feature. Like oh it says I'm gonna wait 10 mins as a survivor. No thank you.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    Having a system similar to Overwatch would be a good idea. I know it typically gives an estimate of each roles waittimes, while also offering incentives if a particular role is needed more than the others.

  • SQUIRREL_302
    SQUIRREL_302 Member Posts: 57

    This sounds like a great idea! Maybe if people won’t be interested in blood points like some are saying, shards might do the trick?