I personally don't like the way the future is looking for this game.
I think I genuinely give up with playing this game - nerfing killers again and again, the new rank reset system is terrible - i'm bored of waiting stupidly long for survivor games therefore I have to play killer and i'm already at Rank 2 since reset and it's incredibly unfun going against strong optimal teams consistently. If this is the way the game is headed then... god. Even the Rift System feels like such a chore.
The Queue's are horrible! I 100% agree. The rift/Tome is just more useless crap to grind for in a game that is already super grindy. What I feel we need is new modes! Something to break up the monotony. We have 74 perks for survivor and 67 (I think) for killer, yet we can still only use 4 of them at a time. I'm not really sure we need more perks, more survivors and more "unique" killers, more than we just need a different game type. It's been the same thing for 3.5 years. Personally, I'd love to see killer in 3rd person. Just about anything other than the same old, start 5 gens, open a door and leave.
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You probably do not go against strong optimal teams consistently, cause that would mean you play always against the same people cause such teams doesnt exist that much.
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I'm gonna hope they fix the sound bug for killers in the upcoming hotfix, that might get more people to play killer again. I do get that top tier killers have receieved some small nerfs, but it's really not that bad. I don't see how Spirit or Nurse are not viable anymore. I do understand that Nurse isn't fun to play as though, which hopefully will be looked at in the future, and that Spirit can't really hear any footsteps of running survivors at the moment.
Oni will also get some of his flick back again in the next hotifx, which I hope will be here soon. I do think the devs need to look at the weaker killers from now on and try to buff those.
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Last time it took them almost a year to fix sound issues. My hope's are below the floorboards in expectations for that.
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Hey, nothing against the archive.
While I could constantly rant about bhvr for some of their balancing decisions and the time they need to make some things undone, so I like the new archive.
Finaly we get some story^^.
But yes... This game is imo in dire need for some new game modes.*
Edit: What the comments about gens matters.
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if they buffed solo surv then maybe they could nerf SWF. solo is way too weak atm.
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This soon after a rank reset. What do you expect to occupy the upper ranks?
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@StrodeWins You realize there is no way to nerf SWF right? They stated this like a million times.
Solo Surviving is awful but not because it is missing comms, it is because teammates aren’t as reliable as in SWF. I often die on first hook because of their hesistation to pull me off the hook.
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Its not that difficult to rank up to upper ranks even on the day of rank reset. I did nearly two ranks on my own yesterday, cause I mostly went against lower ranked killers.
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then just give the killer more perks for SWF groups (not literal perks, but like bonuses)
for example, give them double BP for SWF.
thats fair.
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Yes, I think this is where the game is headed, as far as red ranks getting back to red ranks faster. They already made it less easy to depip by dc'ing and they'll soon implement the dc penalty to deter that ######### even more. Additionally they're going to redo the rank system that will, in all likelihood, make it easier for killers to rank up.
I'll miss the old system. I actually like the goal and it makes me play more. Once I get back to 1, I usually slow down. It was also cool to get a bigger pool of opponents. We'll see though. If they make it easy for survivors to rank up too, then it might not change much at all. Have to wait for that to happen though.
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if you are talking about red rank survivor Q's, they are HORRID because there is NOT many red rank killers that want to deal with the BS that is red ranks. that is why many people (like myself) will get to rank 1 killer, then de rank. until 2 things happen this will always be a problem since the balance is SO BLATANTLY BAD at red ranks
- give killers a reason to be red ranks, a reward or something
until these 2 things happen there will be a constant 1 red rank killer for every 100 red rank survivors in the red ranks
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Oh boy. But I don't think it has ever been this bad. Like even on interior maps I can't hear any footsteps of running survivors now, and I feel like that was never a problem before. I really hope they don't need so long to fix this bug this time. Especially since such a bug shouldn't actually be reintroduced so often.
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I wish i could be as brave as you are and just quit too.
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Devs don't know how to balance the game because they play at rank 15.
Just look at Mc Cote.
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Sad thing is back when they first tested dedicated servers on the ptr (I believe it was with nurse rework?) they had this exact issue. the only reason I remember this for sure is because otz has a perma-video on his secondary channel of him one-blink nursing on haddonfield. one of the gens was probably ~5 meters away inside a hourse on haddonfield and he stopped hearing it altogether
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I've been beating this drum for a long time. It still amazes me that they haven't taken this step. There are so many different directions they could take this game too. Here are a few ideas:
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Balance pallets and repair speed together so killer doesn't have to play stressed with 3 gens pop 1:30 mins thanks.
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I actually think it would be cooler to have survivor in first person. It might put some scare factor back into it when you can only look a bit to each side when repairing a gen.
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This game really does seem to be going down the tubes. The devs are constantly sabotaging their own game. They are only nerfing killers, not buffing any of the weak ones. So we get less killers and thus longer survivor queues.
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I feel like the biggest mistakes are nerfing the top viable killers (especially nurse) and the new rank reset. I always enjoyed resetting to rank 10 and casually playing all the killers. Now it is a job to be killer with no opportunities to relax. I don't mind being stressed but not all the time. Why the devs nerfed the top killers when survivors can be so powerful is beyond my imagination. One can only hope the devs revaluate the fun factor in the top killers and revert the rank reset.
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If you're a red rank killer, you probably play like a tryhard, and so you're getting matched against other tryhards. It's working as intended.
Queue times are definitely a problem though.
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I do not try in most of my games, I still end up at red ranks