Why bring stuff in?

Personally I dont bring things in a match ie toolbox ect. Unless I'm doing a daily. So why do it ? Is it the memes?
Because they’re useful? What is this post lmao.
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Because they're useful? Seem's pretty straightforward.
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Lol useful? See I dont get survivor is pretty ez already.
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Oh it's just this kind of thread. Probably no point in responding then.
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No one cares if you think survivor is easy or not, regardless they are useful.
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No need to be all like that it was just a question.
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No no need I was just curious that's all. A few chapters ago. I'd hardly ever see people bring stuff in red tanks. Now I seem to be the only one not doing it. That's all.
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Imagine asking why people use items with functions that help them greatly without the need of a perk slot being taken up.
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Same could be said for killer addons. They just help.
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They're infinite, so might as well use them.
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I bring things just to spice things up. Broken keys with Blood Amber or the new ring addon, maps for totem munching etc
I don't bring toolboxes though.
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Sometimes I use flashlights or keys because they’re fun.
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They're useful, duh, you should know this by now sweetie
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Well, people spend BPs on those things. Why not use them then?
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Honestly one of the most weirdest question I’ve seen on here... are survivors not supposed to have items? Are killers the only one’s who should have add-ons?
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im using my items because i want to have only flashlights in my eq on my main survs
i do the same with my main killers im using all useless add ons so only good stuff is in my eq
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I almost never bring self-care, so I bring a brown medkit to give me one heal just in case i cant find someone to heal me. Seems like a pretty obvious strategy.