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When do you give hatch to last surv?

Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
edited December 2019 in Polls

Just curious how merciful killer players out there.

When do you give hatch to last surv? 115 votes

I never give last person hatch
GHERBEARRULESceerooverCashelP14RaptorrotasABannedCatYaiPaMedicSpirit7premiumRICEDr_LoomisMrsGhostfaceMattie_MayhemOGThe_Meh_Tehbubbasbasementchest 13 votes
Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well
ScarecrowFoggyDownpourYaNesteaStevoOnryosTapeRentalsarslaNgrayon444pootis_BearwladimiiirlunaticlifterGrootDudeArashiNoHantaBoosted_DwightKathecrudyinangAwakeySmuggsBunnyAhoyWolfPistolTimbDarkwraith13 33 votes
Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that I gonna pip anyway
dragobvGamingZebra88[Deleted User]rch614OshiAbsolutelyAmelSebaOutbreakYBTre11Anthony151201 9 votes
I give hatch if last person don't wiggle
PuggyMohawkAdelooInnCognitosmappdoodaCJsDBDjokerdude23_CyberianFauxKrazyKat1011123musstang62NexurentpichumudkipLx_maliceKingsGambitDeKillerKillerSilentSpectrestreamer_memerPoorlyPython9Cnich65ToastyyUndershot 20 votes
I give hatch, if last person offers me an item
BlueberryMysticAdvisorLentoro 3 votes
I give hatch, if someone DCed before
ASpazNamedSteveRattmanPandomCheersshardsGhost077RIP_LegionTalmeerjasonq500fly_172GravnosEnderloganYTzmassanitetsuodomriverDreaded_Wraith887FblthpPsypho_DiazDwight_Best_Survivorppo8820 20 votes
I always give hatch
rhaTheRockstarKnightWalker_of_the_fog_96nickoffordPSP 5 votes
I pretend to give hatch, but then close it
AvilgusRin_is_my_waifuNickelX 3 votes
*Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*
BossFibijeanSpartagone45TapeKnotthekiller490490HoodiedMarksmanSpecalPulsarCreepingcam1070 9 votes
Post edited by Rattman on


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266
    I never give last person hatch

    Ever met a survivor intentionally get himself killed once he could escape? It's such an rare even we dont even have killer's demanding to be handed those pity kills. While survivors....

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    Many things from this poll are reasons why I give the hatch sometimes.

    But the most consistent way to make me give you the hatch is just to meme with me. :)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,031
    *Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*

    I've done this before with NoeD

    Super hilarious

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    I like to give shirtless David hatch

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192
    • If it's Kate
    • If it's Jane and there is no Kate in the game
    • If I had a fun game and I don't care about 4k (i.e. I am not working on any challenge/achievement)
    • If a survivor seems very clueless and clearly can't play this game (possible rank 20), I SOMETIMES spare them
    • If a survivor was crippled by some bug (like basement bug recently), I might give them hatch unless he or his teammates were "toxic" or I need this kill for some reason (like previously mentioned challenges/achievements)

    Additionally the person mustn't wiggle if they want hatch (unless it's Kate).

    There is one exception to all these rules though: No hatch for Claudette, Ace, Quentin, Ash and Steve.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    *Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*


  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    *Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*

    Actually I was given a free kill at a exit gate. Once.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453
    edited December 2019
    I give hatch, if last person offers me an item

    This is not communism you must pay for your right to escape.

    *You are not guaranteed the right to escape it is selective.

    * I am not responsible for the following

    -Your life

    -your team mates

    -Slugging you

    -Baby sitting potato’s

    -Using noed/ devour hope/ ruin

    -Causing unexpected death( DC)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    *Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*

    I'm actually very nice and almost always let people go but this was just too funny not to pick.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547
    I give hatch if last person don't wiggle

    If you still try to struggle, I won't hesitate putting you on a hook.

    Thankfully most survivors struggle at the end.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    I pretend to give hatch, but then close it

    I call this, "Bamboozle" xD

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    And then you realize they have key and adrenaline :P

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    Interesting! But out of curiosity if you don’t mind answering, why kate?

    It’s the character i like the most and try to play the most so is good to know I might get a free pass with you :)

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Can't really vote for just 1 option.

    -I give hatch when:

    -I'm dominating and need one person to live and tell my story.

    -The last person offers up an item as payment for their life (assuming I feel I hit that pip).

    -The last person didn't wiggle and has accepted death.

    -A DC occurred and yet the team still made a true attempt at playing.

    I can easily tell someone on the survivors team is NOT at my rank and played poorly, so pity I guess.

    -The person was lagging something fierce!

    I do not give hatch when:

    -I'm trying to hit rank 1 for the season (or just rank up in general).

    -Someone on the team was being toxic (unless they were being toxic TO their teammates).

    -Its an obvious SWF.

    -I played my butt off and the match was close.

    -I'm playing Myers because death by Myers is an honor and privilege you should accept with grace!

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    *Laughs in cloaked Wraith standing on hatch*

    He he he.

    I dont play Wraith that much but when I do I love doing this. But when I'm not Wraith I dont give hatch that much.

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136
    I never give last person hatch

    This is a thing?

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190

    A Killer chased me and I was hearing the hatch behind a wall. When I was standing on it nothing happened and Freddy stared down at me. Instead going into the exit, I dropped my flashlight by accident..

    He saw this and let me escape. ☺️

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    It's honestly, for me, a combination of a lot of things you listed above. I also won't lie, I do have a bit of character bias as well. If you're playing a Feng or Yui there's like a 95% chance you're getting hatch.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited December 2019
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that I gonna pip anyway

    Either this, getting early DCs (before a gen even gets finished) or BABY DWIGHT ALERT are the only instances where I give hatch.

    Otherwise, I'll do my best to sacrifice the last one and prevent a hatch escape. If they did in fact played well, they shouldn't be that upset to die since they're probably going to pip anyway.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I'll give hatch if I feel like it. No single set of conditions, although early DCs definitely help your case

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    I give hatch, if someone DCed before

    only if 2-3 DC will I give a free escape. I feel so bad.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 547
    I give hatch if last person don't wiggle

    My main reason is not on there which is "Whenever I damn well feel like it".

    Some times I feel bad for a player who got screwed over, some times I can tell they are new and should have it, and some times I just decide to out of sheer chaotic neutral fun.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    I always give hatch

    It depends on the mood I'm in, but I almost always give a free Escape to the last person because I enjoy doing it.

    Even if they were a tbagging P3 Claudette who tells me "GG EZ" after I let them crawl out because they tried to wiggle free (true story) I feel good about it.

    It's not their reactions I care about, although I do appreciate people who say "Thanks", I just like being nice.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    I always give hatch

    Yes actually. I've both met people like that and been that person.

    It does happen, even if it's less common than Killers giving Hatch.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2019
    I give hatch, if someone DCed before

    Depends on the mood and several reasons.

    Maybe I will give a hatch if:

    someone DS or just stupid ######### teammates

    I already got enough BP for the match

    for a good player

    for a weak scared player

    if he not resist (but if I want to give, I will give it even if he do this)

    if he help me to do my objective (does not prevent me from carrying to the event hook, steps into traps, etc.)

    if it's a Kate (yes, i love her too)

    just because I want to let go of the last.

    Low chances if I have not received a bonus for him to Chile.

    Low chances if he gave me a lot of problems in achieving my important objective (he prevented from hanging needed me player, uses strength sides of the game to interfere me - bodyblock others with active DS, using old MOM or DS, etc)

    I will never let go if it's a toxic. And not necessarily in this match, if I have met him before and he was - he die in this game. Low chances if it's a party, and one of them toxic - everyone will suffer for one.

    First. How many survivors of horror films you see, wanted the killer to kill them? Survivor wants to live, it's instinctive. With killers is not so simple. This is an asymmetric game. This should not be interconnected. You let go if you want to let go, and doesn’t matter yielding to you in other matches or not. This is how to give a gift only to be given in return.

    Second. Killer receives a much greater BP reward for the match. Like the survivor loses much more at death (5000 and maybe some good item).

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    I just put the second one, however it depends on my mood and how the survivors acted. But if I'm about to give last person hatch and they wiggle, I just hook them. Usually if someone DC's within 1-2 gens being done, I just let the rest of them escape and live. There's no reason I should punish them or they should be punished because someone decided to leave.

  • ArashiNoHanta
    ArashiNoHanta Member Posts: 53
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    There are many factors involved when deciding to give hatch or not:

    Mainly yes it's if I'm in a good mood and I think they played well

    Ghost077 has stolen all the words from my mouth so refer to this comment to see my reasoning on giving hatch, except the Kate thing, I treat all my "victims" equally

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Well , no option for me so I can't vote.

    I give hatch sometimes. Depends if the last one didn't annoy me too much.

    Sometimes I let more than one escape but that has nothing to do with hatch.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    I give hatch out of pity, i.e 3 people with the collective IQ of a can of Spaghetti-Os and a decent carry, the decent one gets hatch.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that he played well

    I give the hatch quite often, I'm not really a tryharder:

    • If they played very well, without toxicity
    • If they were handicapped by early DCs
    • If I maxed out my points anyway
    • If gates spawn is very unfair (same wall and switch is visible from one spot and I wouldn't need to move to see which gate is being opened)
    • If last person basically surrenders to me

    3k, 4k... doesn't mean anything, there are no tournaments, no rank rewards, so what's the point of tryharding so much? With 3k I pip anyway, so last lucky survivor can have some bonus points from me. Sometimes though I close the hatch and give them the gate. If you'll ever be last survivor, looking for the hatch and spot a Ghostface, 'teabagging' the hatch, closing it and then coming at you, 'teabagging', then don't be afraid, I most likely turned 'Scary Movie Ghostface' mode on and you can safely go for the gate ;)

  • streamer_memer
    streamer_memer Member Posts: 6
    I give hatch if last person don't wiggle

    Tf is wrong with ace, him and ace are usually the most friendly survivors

  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151
    I give hatch, if someone DCed before

    I only give hatch when someone DCs early in the game or when every survivor I killed was a potato and the last survivor was a good player.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    I never give last person hatch

    Kind of not true to my answer but I do if they were respectful to me, which is rare these days.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713
    I give hatch, if someone DCed before

    One recent game reminded me of another reason. The Hag caught me at the end. Two survivors just cowardly run, abandoned me, although there was still a lot of time to do something. Last broke the Noed and saved me and get hooked instead of me. I decided to give my life for him, for his boldness. Saved him and was downed. He managed to escape from her. Hag picked me up and just carried me to the gate. Reason - for selflessness.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    I never give last person hatch

    I sometimes give the survivor the hatch but it's not as often as I did last year. Sometimes if I feel like I earned it then I'll take my 4k.

    Mainly the reason I kill the last survivor is for the points. If I could get max points before the hatch spawns then I'd probably let the survivor go.

  • Anthony151201
    Anthony151201 Member Posts: 17
    Sometimes I give last person hatch if I feel that I gonna pip anyway

    There is times when I give hatch, If the best player I've seen survived longer/finished objectives better than most survivors and also is the last survivor alive, I would give them hatch, because I understand when you try your best but get easily flawed by the random players you have.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428
    I give hatch, if someone DCed before

    While I get what you mean and it is a very fair point I did actually see it happen once, this smurf squad I was with felt bad that they bullied a baby hag so one of them let herself get hooked when the gate was already open, even I gave that hag 2 hooks mid game. I think part of it comes down to survivors making 5000-6500 score for escaping and killers make like 600-800 something for a kill.