Killer players complaining about gen rush.

I just tried sabotage, rudimentary thing in Dead by Daylight, and...
No profit, there are too many hooks spawning throughout the map.
Killers dislike this kind of secondary objectives and just facecamp or at least camp you. And killers don't have to worry about gens bcs Ruin is a great perk.
And in this situation other Survivors had to do only gens to have a chance to escape, and they were killed by NOED. And Killers then complain about gen rush problem, Hah, majority of killer players by yourself create conditions to make Survivors gen rush you.
Devs, I hope you are not gonna increase gen times, just make Survivors have at least one really worthful secondary objective.
And delete sabotage from the game, every killer hates it. I was just doing one awful ritual.
sabotage is hilarious when it works always take the facecamp from it with stride
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The funny thing is when they camp what is the first thing they tell you to do? Just do gens right?
You basically have to “gen rush” as they’d like to call it. Making it a direct counter to camping. Yet they believe Camping is a tactical move but not Gen Rushing. Lol
Secondary objectives would only be adding more time to scummy play styles and give more time for killers to correct their mistakes. Especially secondary objectives directly affecting gens.
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Killers who do this have no right to complain about Gen Rushing. It is the true counter.
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gens are the primary goal for survivors gen rushing is just something killers say to make them feel better about doing poorly.
I'll fight about it but not argue online.
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Right. They can’t add to the survivor objective without also adding to killer to make camping and tunneling non-existent. Humorous the amount of people that scream for another survivor objective (or longer gens), but then go defensive and tell you to use perks against those playstyles... or “just do gens” against camping except if that killer has NOED they will also tell you you were lazy and didn’t do the bones lol. So counter one to eliminate the counter to the other, interesting logic, but I digress. Address both in the base game, or neither. If survivors are forced to use BT and DS, then killers should have to use Ruin, POP, corrupt, etc if needed. Only fair.
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I agree. I think gen speeds are fine as they are tbh.
I think the one thing I will say that I personally think some killers should get is a buff to their own ability. Specifically the ones without mobility. That way it is a direct buff to them and not overcompensating other killers who are already strong. Like The Hillbilly or Spirit.
If you target gens alone and basically decrease the baseline speed and/or add a secondary objective, those killers who more or less rely on camping methods would have a field day.
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I completely agree with that. All I ever see around here is suggestions for longer gens, or survivors grabbing parts or gas....with little to no acknowledgement to the fact camping and tunneling is massively buffed. Might see someone once in a blue moon also say extend hook times, but that’s a bandaid as it is nothing to stop the proxy camping unhook tunnelers which is the most common “strategy” in the game. They’ll just tell you to use your perks against that, to which I respond use your perks against gens then...back to square one lol.
Im fine with lower mobility killers just getting a buff, and nothing with the survivor objective changing.
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This entire thread hurts my head.
You have ONE example and try to mold it into the standard. Sigh.
This doesn't happen often in higher ranks, camping is not a good tactic at all as Killer. This literally isn't what most Killers are complaining about or doing.
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I'm in red ranks and it happens more than you think. So really, it is one example of many.
Also, face-camping isn't optimal, but proxy camping is. Why? Because you are guaranteed that someone won't be on a generator, and also at least one down (providing they have BT) or with the right killer you can get two.
Don't kid yourself by thinking that because it isn't "optimal" it doesn't work. Many killers have already figured out a way to camp without the need for it to be a full face-camp. Quite frankly I don't care if it is either. I just hate the double standard that exists when people who believe using Camping as a tactic is valid aka. "Oh yeah, bring BT next time", but working proficiently on gens isn't..."Well I got gen rushed, devs need to fix the gen problem". tsk tsk.
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When i go for chases and hook survivors, no camping, no tunnelung and no slugging, i loose with most killers due too their lacking map presure or lacking chase potential. Nurse and Spirit are not playable due to many sound problems atm. So i play anti-heal-stealth or loose against good survivors. I don't complain about survivors doing gens, only that most killers are not able to do anything against it.
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I would be already happy if I could set the ingame music off. Can't barley hear anyone whimper because of that sometimes.
I usually also don't camp if someone has not got me on the wrong feed and annoy me.
Besides that, survivors do a ton of crap and still whimper about things like this, or moris and so on.
Imo, would killers play like survivors, every killer would just play one of the alpha-killers, with only the best working perks and add ones and also moris to counter keys.
Thats not really the case by killers if you think about it.
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I've never experienced or seen a killer complaining about gen rushing but also camping. I've seen a couple say they eventually camped because the gens were being blasted through, but the gen rush was already on in those games well before the camping begun. On some maps as killer there gets to be a point where using a hooked survivor as bait is a better tactic than going across the map to chase another survivor.
Where gen rush is a problem is when you're using one of the doodoo M1 killers and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Survivors have a good map, there are strong loops everywhere with safe pallets. You can give up chases and ignore the objective or you can commit to a chase and watch 2-3 gens pop depending on the map. It's entirely up to the skill of the person being chased, not the killer.
Also, LOL @ "Ruin is a great perk!" and you have a screenshot of a hex totem sitting by a tree out in the open incredibly easy to spot. Hell, in this scenario the killer is probably making their best move. You have Kindred, which makes everyone else see his aura, and Ruin is right there, meaning that one person not on a gen is probably looking for Ruin and guess where they won't look? Right where the killer is face camping. Killer probably winning themselves the game there. Looks like you might die and they'll only have one gen done and Ruin will still be up. Actually yeah, looking at the ss again, you're almost dead and no gens are done.
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Getting butthurt about sabotage in (almost) 2020 *facepalm*
Jokes aside, everyone asks for a secondary objective while there is already one which was nerfed into the ground and is almost guaranteed to put a huge bullseye on you. As bad as sabo was in the old days, nobody complained about "gen rushing" at the time because survivors actually had a secondary objective.
Personally I wish for a rework of sabotage to make it more fair for both sides.
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Figures a trapper wearing that hideous outfit would facecamp.
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I mostly play survivor, but when I play killer without ruin, the gens get done very fast, unless I manage to down a survivor early. I mean, without ruin, most survivors just do gens, since it's their main objective and the only one needed for them to survive.
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Facecamping is perfectly fine in the face of toxic behavior. If you're obviously being a dick to me, I tunnel and facecamp you until you die.
Had a guy in a SWF group equip a flashlight 6 seconds before the match started yesterday, obviously doing it to prevent me from picking Franklin's Demise. I facecamped him to death, then went AFK to get a snack and a drink while the remaining 3 survivors were wasting time at the exit gates until the endgame collapse, just because they wanted to teabag me rofl.
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Yes, every killer plays like this. Please, grow up.
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First of all, It ONLY works if the survivors are brain dead. It's easy to counter, you just do gens, yeah, It sucks for the guy on hook, but some games be that way. This really isn't an issue at all. It only hurts the Killer, unless survivors make the mistake of hovering around the face camp and allowing the Killer to punish them for it.
I'm also in red ranks, both sides, I don't see face camping hardly at all. The only time I do is usually when someone is being toxic and probably deserved it at that point. It is very rare to see a killer that knows what they are doing allow themselves to be tilted by someone because they will abandon chase when they know It isn't to their advantage.
Face camping is very common in lower ranks, that's just a lack of experience though.
Proxy Camping is far more common, I agree. However, this isn't a great strategy either because It's just the lazy way of applying map pressure which is also countered by anyone that has enough experience as survivor to realize the situation. You do see this more, but, It's certainly not a very consistent way to play at higher ranks either from my experience. Also, for me, It's hella boring.
There is certainly situations where It is the smart play for the Killer to Proxy, this, Is very situational though.
So, now that we've come back full circle..
It stands to reason, If gen rushing wasn't so powerful, people wouldn't feel so obligated to face camp.
I mean, have you asked yourself WHY people do face camp, especially at lower ranks? It's because of how fast gen's get done. They feel they don't have a chance because of how fast things are getting done, so they at least one to kill ONE survivor for their troubles.
This is a problem. Now, for Killers that have experience, there are plenty of games that I have played, where I did everything I could, I had good map pressure, I was downing people consistently, hooking people consistently (not slugging or camping) and still lost in 5-8 minutes because of how fast gens got done. Games where there was literally nothing I could do about it, didn't stand a chance.
That is a HUGE problem. Face Camping, survivors have an even greater chance of winning because they can punish the Killer that much easier because of It.
Killer.. yeah, good luck.
So.. It's not even comparable or an issue to me. Gen Speeds are flawed, I don't know the solution but It's a joke at times. Face Camping is just silly, ineffective, and not worth the time for me.
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Sabatoge is actually pretty worthwhile sometimes. There are certain perk builds that make the camp worthwhile when doing SWF or solo. Example: No mither, Dead Hard, Boil Over, and Sabatour (IDK how to spell it). Pair it with an Alex's toolbox and sabo add-ons, 99 the 5 closest hooks to a corner, set one off and wait for the killer then get rid of the hooks and sit in the corner. The killer can't down you since you'll get back up but her can't hook you since they're no hooks. when you escape/get back up check if the hooks are up before going back into the corner. You'll be a big distraction until the killer says screw it and leaves you alone, they won't wanna see you again. Trust me 😆
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So the only thing I gathered from everything you just said is: Killers facecamp because they have an obligated duty to do so once gens start popping. I mean.. what?
Did you ever ask yourself why gens start getting completed? MANY killers don't even bother to kick a gen when they come into contact with it... let alone check them.
You really think someone who has to feel the need to facecamp because their hooks are getting saboed really has any desire to win the match? No. They just want to "punish" that survivor for messing with their hooks. Same with the people who can't catch other survivors because they keep swinging and missing, or their bloodlust gameplay isn't working for them, so they FINALLY break the pallet Etc. Etc. and survivors should be punished for the killer's inability to perform? Nah fam.
This isn't a full circle we've come to. It isn't even half a circle.
Clearly not every situation is the same, but to flat out say that killers get a free pass on camping simply because they got outperformed, doesn't give anyone license to complain about getting "gen rushed". That's like saying survivors should automatically by default unbreakable even without a perk because you literally cannot do anything when you're on the ground, unless you have a perk or someone who can heal you.
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Here's how sabotage could be reworked.
Saboing a hook does not immediately break it but rather makes it compromised. Killer does not get a notification when this happens, nor can he distinguish compromised hooks from safe ones. When Killer tries to put a survivor on a compromised hook it breaks immediately, stunning a killer briefly and releasing survivor, injured with a 10 second deep wound.
Killer can check any hook if it was compromise when not carrying a survivor, an action taking 2 seconds + additional 2 to fix it should it turn out saboed.
Thus, at the very least saboing wastes killers time and potentially allows for setups with last second saves. Some killer perks, like hangman's trick, could be reworked to counter saboing in a meaningful way - like seeing auras of compromised hooks in different colour when carrying a survivor.
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Tunneling is just the primary goal of killers, survivors just say that to make themselves feel better about doing poorly.
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Why not take pride by being facecamped atleast you know that he is mad ;)
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That would be ridiculously overpowererd. Imagine if killer could do the same to pallets.
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Genrush was and has been a thing since the start of the game, the difference being survivors were new, and bad, infinites existed meaning they could "play" with the killer easier so why rush gens?
a secondary objective should be detrimental to survivors, old sabo was heavily detrimental to the killer to the point where they literally could not win.
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Not the same thing at all. Those pallets only work in the dream world for starters. Imagine it was a basekit for all killers and worked all the time. Only way for a survivor to know is to spend time to check them.
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Gen rush was not a thing because survivors were stronger and didn't feel the need to escape asap. Saying they were new and bad doesn't make sense unless you refer to the first few months of the game.
And btw old sabo was detrimental for survivors too, since then killers adapted with basement build and a lot of 4k were due to that. My point is that old sabo was good as a secondary objective (meaning it gave a reason to survivors to not repair gens), not that it was good per se.
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I think a crooked angle would do the job then. So no 2 seconds but you can look. You could repair it if you wanted to as well.
After a while the entity fixes them like it does now.
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You can end the game in 5minutes as survivor and that is generous.
Without the killer ever camping so what about those games?
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What? Did you even bother to read my post? What is this non sense? In no way is your conclusion even remotely on par with what I wrote. Huh?
You were extremely lazy with your rebuttal and I honestly don't think your reading comprehension really kicked in for you at all.
An obligated duty to do so? That is WAY different from what I actually said, which was, you rarely see face camping at high ranks and you mainly see it from less experienced killers, especially at low ranks because they feel a SENSE OF PRESSURE because of the problem being gens get done way too fast. Hopelessness. A lost game. Not knowing what to do. Desperation.
Take your pick man.
Big difference fella'.
Kicking a Gen happens way more than people realize, problem is, a Killer can kick a gen, waste 3 seconds of their time doing so, just to have a survivor run by an INSTANTLY stop regression, with no time delay at all. Kicking a gen without pop isn't doing much unless you proxy the gen. Just the way the game is.
I'm saying.. Camping isn't remotely close to the gen rush problem. Killers, ESPECIALLY AT LOWER RANK feel pressured to face camp because Gens are popping as fast as they do. This is the reason you see it, not because It's a great tactic. I gave several reasons why camping isn't effective. How It literally benefits survivors for Killers to camp..
I'm not sure how good at this game you are (I have my assumptions) but after reading your post, I'm going to just agree to disagree at this point.
Take care.
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It would be alright actually, assuming there would be a similar difference in sabo/desabo times as is with my proposed concept. If killer wastes 12 seconds to compromise a pallet and only 1-2 to check and fix it for me - I'd take that trade. It would be not much of a waste of time to just check any pallets I come upon by as I transition to another gen or maneuver around the map, and if he just has to go around and touch every pallet it's more time survs can safely put into gens.
Of course there are already killers that can do that kind of prepwork. Trapper can fairly quickly disable major pallet loops, and of course there is Freddy. Yes, this isn't base kit for every killer, but neither is meanungful sabo - you need either a toolbox (which are a limited, expiring resource) or a perk, and with the perk sabo times are fairly long. Even with alex's toolbox it takes 10-12 seconds to bonk a hook, as opposed to proposed 4 second check time. And if you see a flock of jakes hugging toolboxes in a lobby you could prepare with reworkes perks that specifically counter that, like aforementioned Hangsman's Trick, or Monstrous Shrine injuring any survivor that compromises non-basement hook.
Furthermore, consider possible in-game situations. As a Killer, once you win a chase and down a surv you can either pick him up right there and proceed to a hook if you feel confident, but you will be punished if you read survivor actions wrong and fail to consider that there might be compromised hooks nearby. Or you could slug him for the time being if there is a hook in reasonable proximity and go check it out, but you waste time and risk him getting picked up or crawling too far.
As a survivor you waste time not doing gens for a very uncertain benefit - killer could just undo all your work in seconds if he's cautious or vigilant. Or he could fake going to check on a hook only to doubleback and smack you for an attempted pickup.
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I play both so a couple thing the secondary should have been totems not hooks, but you were going for the meme so that's fine. The others should have been doing both tho. Can't die from noed if there no place to spawn it.
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But the time wasted is too skewed in the survivors favor. You're talking 30-40 seconds out of the killers time just to get a single hook, or the possibility of another 2-3 minute chase. Gen times would have to be doubled if you need to check every damned hook. It would make the killer experience more miserable than it already is.
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To sabotage correctly you have to 99% the hook and complete it when the killer is just about to it.
Also: everyone dies to NOED because they only did gens. Why do people not do totems?
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I am sorry, but I don't see where you're getting 30-40 seconds per hook. If you mean that constantly checking every single hook you come upon would add up, then yes it would and also you would be playing inefficiently. There is only reason to check hooks when you need to use one - and then it's at most 10-12 seconds, counting time to walk from slugged surv to a hook and back.
Checking every single hook becomes reasonable and actually time-efficient if you know for a fact that they are saboing - it's 4 seconds of your time for about 20 seconds of surv-time not spent on gens. And if you are observant there would be a lot of signs to give you a hint that exactly that is happening, like no gens being done, survs in weird spots, etc.
Now, what you described could be a good surv-tactic - instilling paranoia through precedent and forcing you to waste time and risk pickups. But that is another aspect of mindgames and whether you can call their bluff and distinguish a single saboed hook you come upon from a systematic effort. And that is ok, we need more diversity in approaches, both for survivors and for killers. And whether gen-times should be lengthened is another topic whatsoever. I consider that they do but in a subtler way than just slapping extra 60 seconds on a gen basetime or something.
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God I can tell you're a survivor main. 2 minute chase to down the survivor, risking the wiggle bar by walking to the wrong hook, adding to the wiggle bar by dropping, then they crawl away, which further adds to the time wasted. Then you have to look around again for A holes with flashlights, or head on, or waiting for a pallet stun. It would take a hell of a lot longer than 10-12 seconds.
They're wasting 20 seconds not being on a gen, but you have three more that you can't pressure because you're dicking around making sure that you can actually hook the guy. The potential for abuse would be staggering.
The only way it could work is by a single hook consuming the entire toolbox, much like an instaheal and not allow a perk to do it.
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well, firstly I'm pretty even on my Killer/Survivor time, thanks for asking.
Secondly, what you described is quite suboptimal way to go about that kind of situation. Should you suspect that there are janky hooks abound you would not pick up surv until you know exactly which hook you are taking him to. And yes, he'll probably crawl away, but he cannot get far anyway and you shouldn't have problems finding him at that length of time. Even if you do, well that would make deerstalker useful for once. Consider also that he does not recover when crawling (unless he has one very specific and not very popular perk). Also, survivor properly orienting himself in a chase he cannot win and running you to a place where there are no hooks in proximity or where there are hooks that he knows are compromised should be rewarded for it - as too should be the killer who manages to chase a surv towards a hook and down him right under it.
In any case with good judgement that is still a net positive on gametime in favour of killer. Good judgement here implies making correct decisions about when to go for confident hooking, when to slug for a brief time and when to flush out survs hiding in bushes and preparing to go for pickup. This also applies to other examples you provided - while flashlight saves are certainly infuriating, they are still a punishment for your own overconfidence or failure to read a situation. Situations when you absolutely cannot know that there are survs with flashlights nearby are thankfully pretty rare, and even then you can always be cautious and pick surv up facing an obstacle, making a flashlight save harder, if not impossible outright. As for the pallet stun saves the solution is even more trivial - they are in all cases without exception a punishment for killer's carelessness. Head-on is so situational it's use is anecdotal.
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The fact that you think this change would be fair is plenty indication that you lean toward survivor. It's a gigantic crap shoot/time waster for killer that is 100% survivor sided. There would be no reason NOT to do this every single map.
Imagine a 4 man SWF, all saboing every hook to start with and running petrified oak. It would be impossible to stop them. Why does the killer have to play perfectly without making mistakes, but survivors are allowed to screw up constantly and still win?
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>Imagine a 4 man SWF, all saboing every hook to start with and running petrified oak.
Well, good. They just wasted a whole lot of time and toolboxes - or even more time if they run a perk - and it's pretty easy for me to catch on what is going on and erase their hard work in seconds, and I'll probably get a couple of smacks in and an occasional down while doing so. I'd gladly take this against three gens popping 90 seconds in. You should know that defending a 3gen with everyone alive and standing is a herculean task, often ending in 0k. Denying them gentime in exchange for having to hump a hook now and then works for me and should help me start the usual botched-save-cascade going. That is if they make mistakes of course.
And yes, I will concede that properly coordinated well-synergized swf group on comms can wipe the floor with killer that makes mistakes, but than again they can do so now without sabo. Being coordinated and synergized is definition of perfect play for survs and should be beaten only by a perfect play on killers side.
>Why does the killer have to play perfectly without making mistakes, but survivors are allowed to screw up constantly and still win?
As for this, well mostly because mistakes cost killer and survs differently. Remeber, when playing surv every hook can be your last, that's why there are second chance perks for survivors but no way for a killer to easily deny decisive. And no, killer doesn't have to play perfectly; no-one plays perfectly (except for maybe otz) and those times when you got 4k were not because you didn't make a single mistake but because you made less of them then survs, i.e. you were better, Killer play should not be free of risk/reward decisions.
Swf groups are an evil on its own, stemming from the fact that game's core was not designed with them in mind; but dealing with this problem is different topic entirely and still absolute majority of all players are solos. Survivors shouldn't be denied multiple alternative ways to fight back, variety will itself enrich killer's experience forcing him out of stale molds and into new avenues of struggle. As it exists now sabotage is practically dead and that's a systemic shame because it robs the game of aforementioned variety. Exact parameters, times and rules could be reworked to balance out the killer/surv dynamic, but surely the rework is overdue.
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There are like 10 hooks per map not counting the basement. 4 survivors do 2 each. So 40 seconds wasted to deny 80% of the hooks. Now they run to gens. You chase one for 2 minutes, three gens pop in that time. Now you have to waste say 25 seconds to slug, check, fix, check for survivors, then hook. In that time, the remaining two gens are 50% done. Survivor gets saved, last two pop, you chase, down them, they escape, entity displeased.
You would have to do SOMETHING to delay them more than the time wasted. Halve the pallet count, injure them after the sabo, double gen times, etc.
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killers complaining about gen rush is the equivalent of survivors complaining about camping. so you can’t be against one and for the other.
respect and fairness in this game is a two way street.