A different reason to Prestige


Someone was talking about making perks that are teachable perks have higher levels based on Prestige level, and this got me thinking about a different idea:

One of the big issues I've always had with DbD is there's no reason to play the different survivors other than cosmetics. Thus, I think I have a solution:

Each Prestige level gives that Survivor/Killer, and them alone, a Tier 4 version of the perk. Other Survivors cannot use the Tier 4 version, only up to Tier 3. So let's go through a majority of them (aka, I'm gonna discuss my idea on 1 for each Survivor/Killer.)


Dwight: Bond: The Obsession can be seen anywhere on the map. If you are the Obsession, reveal your aura to all Survivors anywhere on the map.

Meg: Sprint Burst: For 30 seconds, or until Meg makes a complete stop for 1 second (whichever occurs first), Meg gains %5 movement speed.

Claudette: Botany Knowledge: While in a bush, can "gather herbs" to create a "botanical first aid kit" (same thing as a basic brown med-kit, but ignores Mangled.)

Jake: Saboteur: Can Sabotage an already Sabotaged hook to permanently break it. Can only occur to one hook per match.

Nea: Balanced Landing: While exhausted, stagger duration from falls is reduced by %50.

Laurie: Sole Survivor: While the Obsession, your Aura cannot be revealed by any perks. (doesn't affect items)

Ace: Ace in the Hole: The first chest you search will always contain an Ultra Rare Key.

Bill: Unbreakable: While active (haven't recovered once), you are immune to Exposed. Does not affect Chainsaws, Tier 3 Myers, or Iri hatchets.

Feng: Technician: %100 chance for a failed Skill check to not cause a Generator Explosion.

David: No Mither: %100 reduced grunts of pain. After being saved during Stage 2, No Mither deactivates.

Quentin: Wake Up!: Once there's only 2 Generators left, the Exit Gates are revealed to you.

Tapp: Stake Out: Gain Tokens over 5 seconds, and increase Token count to 8.

Dance With Me: Increase duration to 10 seconds.

Adam: Autodidact: Start at %0 Progression penalty.

Jeff: Distortion: Increase tokens to 6.

Jane: Solidarity: Healing an injured survivor with a med-kit also heals you at %100 conversion rate.

Mettle of Man: Starts active. Works on any hit.

Nancy: Better Together: Generator aura is now Global.

Steve: Babysitter: Increase all durations by 6 seconds. During your allies duration, if they take a hit and you're within protection range, you'll take the hit instead.

Yui: Lucky Break: Decrease duration to 45 seconds. Can become active again after fully healing.


Trapper: Brutal Strength: No longer destroys pallets and damages generators faster. Remove 1 kick from the animation.

Wraith: Predator: Scratch marks are now replaced with an actual visible footprint trail.

Billy: Lightborn: Cannot be Blinded.

Nurse: Thanatophobia: Dead survivors count towards the penalty.

Shape: Dying Light: No longer an Obsession perk, although the Obsession will still get the speed bonuses. Obsession will be affected by speed penalty.

Hag: Ruin: After the Totem is destroyed, all repair skillchecks will no longer have the Great Skill Check Zone.

Doctor: Overcharge: Add two additional Skill checks of Considerable difficulty.

Huntress: Lullaby: After the Totem is destroyed, reduce the number of tokens on it by 1. Lullaby affect persists, except for the bonus regression penalty.

Bubba: Knock Out: No Aura is shown at any range.

Nightmare: Fire Up: Fire up gains a point in it's buff every 120 seconds. Fire Up caps out at %40. Any buffs to the speeds that Fire Up affects do not stack above %40.

Pig: Surveillance: All Generators start with a white aura. Generators that regress to %0 remain White.

Clown: PGTW: Duration is infinite.

Spirit: Rancor: Reveals all Survivors auras for 3 seconds. All Survivors see your aura.

Legion: Mad Grit: For the duration of the paused wiggle timer, Survivor Struggling will not cause strafing.

Plague: Corrupt Intervention: Affects 4 Generators.

Ghostface: I'm All Ears: No cooldown, but 3 second duration.

Demogorgon: Surge: No Cooldown, Global Range. No longer puts Generators into Regression.

Oni: Nemesis: Obsession is permanently Oblivious.

Yes, some of these are absolutely broken and/or weak, but I'm also coming up with these when I'm half asleep. If anyone has any better ideas, post em'


  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Can't wait for the new survivor meta.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Mettle of Man buff is too op. Unbreakable punishes low tiers too much. Babysitter would be a pain to code. Sprint Burst too op. Balanced Landing should only be 25% or less. Change Autodidact to start with 1 token. Everything else looks good to me.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ok distortion should only be 5 tokens

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    Cool ideas, broken in gameplay

  • MrTbagFace
    MrTbagFace Member Posts: 73

    And of course little quentin got the worst effect,thats bullying

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,026

    One thing with all of these is that the devs are very careful of balancing around the thought of things stacking, which is the reason why tinkerer got reworked. A Meg being able to move at 105% speed would be pretty much untouchable if ya went ahead and tossed on Hope too. Freddy having the 40% reduction is vaulting and pallet break would be abit much when paired with brutal strength or Bamboozle.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Yikes, absolutely completely broken for most of these.

    Meg: Paired with hope, you are about as fast as a 110% killer.

    Laurie: Paired with Object of Obsession gives you free wallhacks with no downside.

    Bill: Ghostface's stalk is gone 🦀

    Kate: Pair with Lithe, Iron Will, and Quick and Quiet and it is a guaranteed chance to lose the chase.

    Ash: Free hit, hurting M1 killers even more, just like the original MoM did.

    Billy: Completely removed flashlights from the game. Makes flashlight challenges impossible to get.

    Doctor: With the go to Doc build of Distressing, Overcharge, and Unnerving Presence, hitting 3 in a row will be nearly impossible.

    Bubba: Hurts solo queue so much.

    Freddy: Doing everything 40% faster? A better Brutal Stength and Bamboozle.

    Pig: You know when a survivor is working on a gen, anywhere, anytime. Makes it nearly impossible for survivors to work on gens.

    Oni: One survivor cannot hear your terror radius or see your red stain. Worse than Freddy's Black Box. Almost a guaranteed DC.

    A lot of these sound nice on paper, but would absolutely destroy the game for both sides.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Bruh read the end of his discussion, they know a lot of them are op and broken. They just wanted to show examples lol