This is The Oni P3-50

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Well boys we did it, the grind is no more. (Not really)

I finally finished the newest chapters Killer... a bit longer than my P3-50 Demogorgon post, but it's still another P3-50 Killer to my collection. This makes about, 12 out of 18 now? I think?... And hopefully i'll be able to prolong my completion of the entire roster for a bit, focus on maxing my 12 P3-50 Killers with all the perks and than maybe move onto Trapper next.

This is also a way to float around the P3-50 Oni cosmetics, but I also make these posts to set a sort of... milestone for myself. Besides that, I want to share this all with you guys (if anyone actually cares) and see show you how far I've come each time with these new P3-50 Killer posts!

Of course these posts are only for the new Killers, the ones I P3-50'ed before have been P3-50'ed long before I did (Except Legion, Plague, GhostFace, and Demogorgon... those were P3-50'ed about around a few days after the DLCs release like with The Oni here).

besides all that though, here you go!

This is what The Oni looks like with his P3-50 cosmetics!

I have more but this is basically enough to show, hope you guys can BASK IN ITS GLORY... or something... I don't know.

