How do we buff mettle of man?

Mettle of man was truly the best survivor perk in the game before it's nerf to meme status so how do we revive this once godly perk?
i think it could be a good perk if combo’ed with another perk that has the same concept... you tank a hit for free for doing x where people are likely to be around...
one idea is making it so wake up let’s you tank a hit if you open the exit gate... you can imagine teammates might be near here - so if you got 2 protection hits earlier in the game you can tank 2 coming up (kinda end-gamey build).
Like the perk is at a good power level where it’s at... it’s just that it probably needs synergy perks to become a thing.
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I thought about it a few times, I feel like safe unhooks should also count towards MoM, but the requirement should be increased slightly, something like 4 seems fine, that'd make the perk way easier to activate, which would make it more satisfying for survivors to use, to offset that insane buff in power however, the penalty after healing up could be permanent. You could say that permanent Object of Obsession is not fun, but by the time you activated it, 2/3 of the match have most likely passed already, so I feel like it's a fair trade to be vulnerable in the endgame. Im no BHVR so I don't have enough data to balance numbers correctly, but I feel like the general idea is pretty decent ;)
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You don't buff it, you rework it. This perk is either too strong, either too weak.
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You don't. It was completely broken before, it is fine now.
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MoM just needs some complimentary perks to work well. Try pairing it with Breakout. That way you may get a lot more value out of body-blocking people being carried. I that perk cuts the wiggle time by ~3 seconds to about 13 seconds if you're next to the killer the entire time, so you should be able to get someone off the killer's shoulder if you tank a hit or two.
It's also important to note that getting hit while a killer is carrying someone always counts as a protection hit. Tanking two hits while breakout is active seems like a pretty good way to save someone and grab two stacks doing it. Just make sure the hooks are far enough away from each other.
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The question is, do we buff MoM?
I think the answer is no tbh. The effect is too strong to have it be meta.
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Make safe unhooks counts too but increase the amount of stacks to 4 and change the penalty to where instead of your aura being revealed for the remainder of the match, your aura is revealed after the exit gates are powered or hatch is opened if you have successfully used it.
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MoM needs to be reworked. It'll always either be too amazingly good, or too shockingly bad to use over other perks in the game.
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Ok Myers main
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You survivors have a billion second chance perk, stop crying.
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What is that supposed to mean? Do you think Myers is broken?
How do you know I main Myers?
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Or better yet. The penalty should be that your aura is permanently revealed after you exit the match. Amazing ideas, right?
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Pfp maybe
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I don't think that's quite fair. They certainly have quite a few second chance perks, but they also have some useless ones too.
There is no need to be so rude.
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Simple. Make the aura reading mutual. Other than that it's at a good spot.
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Nah, I just like Halloween. Favorite horror franchise.
I actually main Legion, Spirit and GhostFace, though I started out on Wraith and Doctor.
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Ah a fellow intellectual (I main GF and Legion has my favorite lore/cosmetics)
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Absolutely! Have you bought a Legion Christmas Sweater?
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Not yet but I'm working on it
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I'm buying mine tonight, should I grab Joe's or Susie's?
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Fine = dead. Ok.
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It is difficult to proc now, but not impossible. For the effect it gives, it is fair.
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3 questions in one post? Yeah... No. I don't feel like writing an essay.
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Fine. Do you think Myers is broken?
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No. I was just teasing you about your profile pic. Myers is fine where he is.
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Remove the aura reading downside
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Add Distraction, Rescue and Heal Score Events to the activation requirements.
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I think its fine the way it is honestly, its more of a challenge to get it and when you do it then you did it right! They just need to get the protection hits to work properly, I rarely run this perk but its nice when you or other people pull it off.