How to not get caught fixing your first Jenny 🤯

1 . When you load into the game find your generator , but don’t touch it .
2 . When the killer patrol passes by your urban immersion , start it .
- you will have a huge amount of time to complete if you do not mess up .
- At least half way with your Jenny , and if your other survivors are found . All the way .
3 . When done , hide behind a nearby tree or wall , Don’t run . Test your nerves of wood .
4 . Find another Jenny and tap that sh*t .
This is the most effective way I found to AT LEAST do one generator at the beginning .
If all 4 survivors did this , then there would be 1 gen to do , with no hooks yet within the first 160 seconds . 🤯
Disclaimer : some killers are way better at finding you no matter what , but most killers will not go near a gen that hasn’t been touched . Or a virgin jenny . 🤓
You sorta want the killer to find someone though, preferably the best one in chase.
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Are these emotes really necessary? xD
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Strategy can also been seen in:
Baby Survivor Handbook
Blendette Handbook
How to master the art of Blending - Volume I
Rank 20 & You
Life as a Rank 20
So You're About to be Mori'd
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The emotes aren’t necessary , but where else can you use these emotes ? 💩
Lol I guess everyone knows it , but no one uses it then ? Rather have 3 downs before first Jenny .
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How to play like a rank 20 101. 🤯
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Also, to refute everything the OP said:
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What rank 1 killer uses whispers ? Even if you use it , 32 meters is a lot of distance to hide . And that’s assuming they use it .
I think that all high rank killers would rather use :
1 . Ruin
2 . NOED
3 . BBQ and Chili
4 . Random perk / iron grasp , bamboozle .
also , how would they know to use it if this was the first time you played against them ? How would they know your style unless you stream ? You only put that as a solution because you know the strategy . I know I probably play way different than you , because I am a plunderer player , but I can gen rush you through ruin . Also I don’t play Claudette since even using her , to me , is a crutch in itself , like UE , Noed , and Ruin . I play feng with her sweater so I’m white as can be . But I also use her blood red shirt if I want to have a good chase . 🏃🏻♀️💨💨🐒
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I think you seriously underestimate the amount of red rank killers who use Whispers. It's actually a very popular perk.
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Whispers is a solid perk not only because of when it tells the killer there's survivors nearby, but when it tells the killer there's no survivors nearby. Can save a lot of time while patrolling or searching as you can check entire corners of the map without actually walking there.
NOED is also relatively rare at high ranks in my experience, by no means a common pick.
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whos Jenny
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You don't know her? Everyone knows Jenny 😏.
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Jenny mama lmao got em
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She is the one who hangs out at black panther parties
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That strategy is fine until you play enough games where nothing happens in your general area and suddenly one of your team mates are injured.
Not saying I didn't used to hop in a locker at the start of the match and wait, I know the feels trust me...but it gets boring. Look around for a nearby pallet, and mentally hold on to it like a teddy bear that will make the monsters go away, then hold M1 in peace.
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I only use whispers on Michael and even then , I can do without it . I don’t use ruin or noed because when I play survivor , I know it’s a pain , and I want to teach people to do generators by themselves so I use discordance . I don’t tunnel because that isn’t fun , but if a survivor thinks I won’t sacrifice them , they better think again . 😂
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Lol I am not rank 20 . I am rank 4 already and I think the reset was 4 days ago , but I also was busy getting plat in apex , but I digress . I rarely ever use lockers , unless it’s a sneaky slow vault into slow locker . Then I walk the other way like nothing happened . I can loop , but killers hit through pallets so often it’s not worth getting tunneled by a rank 7 killer that’s been bullied by “ good “ survivors in his previous match .
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Weird flex about getting plat in a hitscan shooter.
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I often touch the gen. I touch it and I run away for another gen. The idea is to make the killer paranoid about that gen and waste his time looking around
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Immersion being good.....
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Why do you people who obviously don’t need help , post ? Lol is it to refute the strategy that works well ? Or because you guys are killer mains ? Because I can guarantee that not every survivor in a game is running the killer for 5 gens , hell I don’t even see a survivor in my games that run the killer more than 2 gens , unless it’s a baby killer . I’m rank 4 solo survivor , so I’m just wondering , when do people become good ? Majority of my games , no one will come to save you before bleeding into second state because of the SWFs wanting to massage their mangled buddies . If they let me bleed into second state , I just let go . Don’t see a point to playing a 4 gen game with 1 hit left , and pallet camping plebs . Also , don’t think you’re very good if you use every single pallet in a chase ... lol I use 3 - 4 a game so other survivors have something . If I’m running the killer for miles without a pallet , he’s catching me with that bloodlust . No doubt , unless the killer loses vision because I didn’t forget to put my nikes on .
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Like this ... what is the point of this ? Or you got 240 posts of useless information ? 🧐
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I mean,it's better than 7 posts of telling people that "good = blending".
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A good killer will always make the game fun , patrolling the whole map , and won’t tunnel .
A toxic one will keep popping your gens like a weasel with pop .😂
i don’t ever have a game where I am not seen at least 2 times with a good chase . But bloodlust usually guarantees a hook or two , and I’ve already explained my thoughts on SWFs . They will leave you to die , even if you save them countless times . They can save each other if they are across the map . If I stop my generator progress to run across the map and not get the save , then who’s doing gens ? 😞
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Blending ? You sound like I was saying to hide in a bush , or a locker . It’s how to fix your first generator without getting caught . Idc what you do after your first generator , go get slugged for all I care . But if I’m in your game , and I see you getting slapped all game , I’m probably not coming into the basement for you , sorry buddy . 😅
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So basically, you're the kind of teammate who makes people suicide on hook. OOF.
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Who is Jenny
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The reason for the post is because I see too many games with survivors taking downs without any generators done . If there is 3 downs before one generator is done , you and your survive with friends group are probably not all getting out alive . But I am , because I am “ blending “ . 😏👌
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My main . New DLC , check her out sometime . I’m sure you’ll find at least one in each of your games 👌
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Usseles post / my opinion
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it me
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I liked your post. Thanks.
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A virgin ???? ######### man that serious issues
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I only play this way when I have deliverance equipped, gotta get my sweet unhook =)
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What did I just read?
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If you can’t hang , drink tang boi . 😂
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What red rank runs noed? I don't see how they can without depipping. Also, whispers is a must have for me and I see it often on stealth/control killers.
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well obviously I can’t show you stats because I don’t screenshot every after game lobby . But why would they depip ? It’s a free tier three Michael on any killer ensuring no one escapes death , hence the name ... why would you depip for killing everyone ? Whispers is for killers with no eyes . 🙈
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A generator that hasn’t been touched ? A virgin jenny . I thought it was clever , but obviously I have a dark sense of humor . I guess I got issues . 🤷🏻♂️
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What are your killer builds BTW if you guys don’t run noed , ruin , bbq , or iron grasp ? Pretty sure that’s like 90% of killer perks .
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Survivors have to mess up pretty bad to have three people down before the first gen pops.
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You ain’t heard of Jenny from the block?
Nobody here said they always get chased by the killer for 5 gens. I’m a survivor main because killer bores me but getting chased is the most effective strategy and people should try to get better at it.
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When I do play killer (which isn’t common nowadays but I still hit red ranks) then it is, Ruin, Bamboozle, Whispers and PGTW.
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Thanks for letting killers know lmao
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That is the point of the post . There are so many games where people can’t outloop the killer then their SWFs buddy goes down saving them , and even that is just bad before the first gen pops . But I guess sometimes , the killer is good at mind games .
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See ? How do you expect me as a solo survivor , to fix a generator when the hex may delay me 3 times , but the PGTW , and you kick my generator 3 times , I’m probably gonna wanna die .
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I find ruin easy to counter, PGTW can be a problem but if my teammates are also good then I can still likely finish the gen.
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A killer running noed isn't guaranteed a 4k. If they do manage a 4k because of noed they'll get their devout emblem, but it will hurt all other emblems. If noed is active the killer has already failed gatekeeper because all the "Jenny's" are done. They won't get malicious because they haven't applied enough pressure and likely didn't get enough hits due to the insta downs. They may get chaser, but probably not if their relying on noed. Basically if the match gets to the point where noed is active the killer has already lost
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You're probably better off dying on the hook anyway if you can't finish a generator, hexed or not, in the time it takes the killer to down and hook a survivor 3 times then kick your generator after each hook