How to not get caught fixing your first Jenny 🤯

1 . When you load into the game find your generator , but don’t touch it .

2 . When the killer patrol passes by your urban immersion , start it .

  • you will have a huge amount of time to complete if you do not mess up .
  • At least half way with your Jenny , and if your other survivors are found . All the way .

3 . When done , hide behind a nearby tree or wall , Don’t run . Test your nerves of wood .

4 . Find another Jenny and tap that sh*t .

This is the most effective way I found to AT LEAST do one generator at the beginning .

If all 4 survivors did this , then there would be 1 gen to do , with no hooks yet within the first 160 seconds . 🤯

Disclaimer : some killers are way better at finding you no matter what , but most killers will not go near a gen that hasn’t been touched . Or a virgin jenny . 🤓

