Balance Change Ideas for All Survivor Perks


These are just ideas that I though of. Feel free to offer your thoughts/ideas below. A few perks are balanced as is, but a majority need some sort of fix. Sorry for this long post in advance, there's just a lot of perks.

Ace in the Hole: balanced

Adrenaline: If a survivor is downed, functions as is. If a survivor is injured in chase, gains 1 health state and 3 sec speed boost. If not in chase but injured, gain 1 health state only. No affect on healthy survivors.

Aftercare: No reset factor. See aura of someone you safely unhooked or fully healed by yourself.

Alert: balanced

Any Means Necessary: lower all current cooldown times by 20 seconds.

Autodidact: 5 tokens for each tier of the perk, slightly/moderately/considerably increases odds of triggering a skillcheck added.

Babysitter: rescued survivor also makes no grunts of pain, increase all times of effect by 2 secs.

Balanced Landing: balanced

Better Together: unlimited aura range for others to see the gen you are working on; after another survivor is downed while you are working on a gen see aura of other survivors and this persists until 4/7/10 secs after the killer has hooked the survivor (Deactivates if you stop working on the gen).

Boil Over: change the hook aura obscuring aspect to slows the killer down by 4/6/8% while carrying you. (Percents can vary)

Bond: increase all aura reading values by 4m.

Borrowed Time: change it from terror radius to killer proximity, killer must be within 24m of the hooked survivor for a total of 10 seconds for the perk to activate for other survivors (time doesn't reset if killer leaves 24m range and comes back). [Seconds can vary]

Botany Knowledge: healing item efficiency increased by 20/35/50%, healing speed stays the same.

Breakdown: aura reading times increased to 6/8/10 secs, no scratch marks for 3/4/5 secs after unhook too.

Breakout: balanced

Buckle Up: no range to determine how healed someone is, see the killers aura if they are within 16/20/24m of the downed survivor, no change to seeing killers aura when you heal the downed survivor.

Calm Spirit: do not cause birds to fly and do not scream, can detect when others (includes killer) scare birds within 12/16/20m.

Camaraderie: hooked progress bar is paused for 8/12/16 secs when a survivor is within 16m of the hooked survivor (can apply to both hook states). A psuedo-terror radius is also created as long as the killer is within 16m of the hook (affects killers that are undetectable).

Dance With Me: cooldown times now 60/45/30 secs.

Dark Sense: if you were working on the generator as it was completed, gain a 7% haste that lasts for 5 secs.

Dead Hard: can not dead hard over traps.

Decisive Strike: all active DS's deactivate when another survivor is hooked; does not work on locker grabs when survivor is in chase.

Deja Vu: shows the aura of all gens at the start of the match (3 closest gens after gen completions). Shows auras of any survivors that are on the 3 closest gens after completing a gen.

Deliverance: balanced

Detective's Hunch: include killer belongings and auras of survivors working on gens within range.

Distortion: 4 tokens

Diversion: reduce time in TR to 30 secs, throwing near window/pallet centers the noise notification on that object.

Empathy: balanced

Fixated: balanced

Flip-Flop: increases the wiggle bar speed by 4/6/8% as well.

Head On: balanced

Hope: lasts the rest of the game.

Inner Strength: balanced

Iron Will: doesn't affect downed survivors

Kindred: balanced

Leader: 16m range from 8m

Left Behind: reduces noise made by hatch to 4m.

Lightweight: your scratch marks last for 8/6/4 secs. (10 is normal duration)

Lithe: balanced

Lucky Break: no time limit, does not work on downed survivors. (Still produces blood orbs against Oni).

Mettle of Man: can only be activated once, must make 2 safe unhooks or protection hits; causes the perk holder to be slowed by 10% for 40/30/20 seconds once extra hit is taken.

No Mither: no grunts of pain (except when downed), gain a 3/4/5% haste status effect when on death hook.

No One Left Behind: for each safe save you make that results in an escape during EGC before you can escape, gain a 25% stackable bonus (up to 100%) to bloodpoints in all categories (awarded post trial). Altruistic actions performed 20/25/30% faster during EGC.

Object of Obsession: balanced

Open Handed: increases aura reading ranges by 8/12/16m for everyone; you also see the auras of what your teammates see when they are using items/addons (Does not apply to their perks).

Pharmacy: make no noise when searching chests, the rest functions as is

Plunderer's Instinct: balanced

Poised: include the effect of no footstep sounds when running, when the last gen is completed you also leave no pools of blood for the perk's duration.

Premonition: 20/15/10 sec cooldown

Prove Thyself: reduce percent per person to 8%

Quick & Quiet: balanced

Resilience: 4/7/10% increase

Saboteur: grants the ability to sabotage the basement hooks for a short duration, make no noise when sabotaging hooks, and sabotage speed increases to 75% when the killer is carrying a survivor within 16m of the hook.

Second Wind: time durations of 28/24/20 seconds to be healed.

Self Care: balanced

Slippery Meat: as is, but chances of unhooking yourself/freeing yourself from a bear trap increase by 15/20/25%.

Small Game: balanced

Sole Survivor: aura cannot be read within 8m of the killer, increases by 8/12/16m for each survivor killed/sacrificed.

Solidarity: medkit healing applies, reduces the range their auras can be detected while healing by 10/12/14m.

Spine Chill: balanced

Sprint Burst: balanced

Stake Out: reduced time in TR to 8 secs per token, tokens max out at 4/5/6.

Streetwise: increase range to 16m, percents increased to 30/35/40%.

This is Not Happening: 30/40/50% bigger great skill check zones while injured.

Technician: make no noise when working on gens

Tenacity: balanced

Up the Ante: gives all survivors +2% chance of unhooking themselves; for each survivor dead, remaining survivors gain an additional 3/4/5% increased chance of unhooking themselves.

Unbreakable: balanced

Urban Evasion: balanced

Vigil: allies within 8m recover from status effects 40/50/60% faster (does not stack).

Wake Up: can detect exit gates at any range, open exit gates 15/20/25% faster, and exit gates make no siren sound as long as you open it fully. (Siren will commence once someone without the perk begins opening the exit)

We'll Make It: balanced

We're Gonna Live Forever: balanced

Windows of Opportunity: 24/32/40m range, vault 10% faster
