This DC penalty idea was poorly implemented

I am all for DC penalties against the crybabies who DC on first down, but do you realize that they will just let themselves die on first hook instead? The only people who are going to be getting bans are people DCing for a legitimate reason.

The other day a Nurse got stuck in a rock and she couldn't teleport out. So I guess someone like that gets a ban. Oh, by the way, if your game decides to crash on the loading screen, guess what? DC ban. What if my teammate decides to body block me against a corner I just completed a totem against? Whelp, guess I either sit here or face a temporary ban.

Please disable this feature until it can be properly implemented without punishing innocent players.



  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    What are they planning on doing about the people who are planning on sidestepping the DC penalty by throwing themselves at the killer and dying on hooks intentionally?

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2019

    the idea was terrible and shouldnt exist if they dont want to play they will dc or kill on hook nothing can be done and nothing should be don if they want to kill themselves on hook is gonna happen the penalty is utterly stupid in this game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't think they're planning on doing anything about it. It's a complicated thing to punish. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear any suggestion you have as to how it could be done, though.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    Well, that's what I am saying. People will just wanna die on first hook instead. Like, that is such an obvious flaw. I understand it's a testing phasing, but imagine a new pizza shop just opened up downtown and they give out samples of just raw dough covered in cold cheese. Everyone now hates your pizza and you also delivered something not even remotely close to a testing point.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    They can't really do anything about that. I mean, they could, but they can't at the same time.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Getting stuck in a rock Is not that much common, just dc and get 1m timeout.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I like the changes. For every innocent dc there are 10 intentional dcs. I've seen a reduction in disconnects and it makes the game overall better. If you get an innocent dc take the timeout on the chin.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    My point is, there are many other bugs occurring, not just that one. Earlier today a Ghostface said his stalk was just not working. It's not one single problem, it's a compounding list of issues that are borderline broken. Also, they need to look at WHAT is provoking people to DC. Is it a ######### map? Is it a killer someone is tired of facing for the 6th time out of 10 games? Are their action buttons not working? Is their power not activating like it should? Analyze what is wrong with the game first to make people unhappy enough to quit out of a game.

    1) Matches are on servers now. They should be able to detect the difference between a loading screen crash and someone DCing on first down 40 seconds into the game.

    2) Consider implementing something that can review the length of the game before the DC. If the game has been going on for 5 or more minutes the leaver should not be penalized. Good chance there was a decent reason it occurred.

    3) It's really important to ask the community why the reasoning for the DCs are occurring in the first place. Clearly there's a lot of unhappy people right now. Ask us what are reasons we justify for leaving.

    4) I also don't think a DC should immediately result in a ban. Give people that freebie for the night. Overwatch, and many other games, have parameters that have to be met first before the ban rolls out. Like, if someone has DCd 2 or more times in the passed hour, then it's time to put on the temp ban.

    I can keep going, but I think we all get the gist by now.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I'm guessing we'll see hundreds of butt hurt DC posts for the next month? Thanks for self identifying.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, but my comment there was replying specifically to SpaceCoconut's comment about punishing people who kill themselves on first hook instead of disconnecting.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    why should they get punished for killing themselves on hook? they can if they want as the killer can choose bubba and face camp anyone. the game is not the tipical competitive game u cant do nothing in this game agaisnt that kind of stuff. if they want to leave they are allowed because the mechanics of the game allows it.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86
    edited December 2019

    Thanks for your useless contribution.

    Imagine waiting 5 minutes for a lobby just to have your game crash and then you get a DC ban on top of it. It's all sorts of fucky.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I hadn't heard about the salt mines. That sounds like an interesting alternative. It really depends on the kind of people who play the game, whether they would be better disciplined through punishment or through having their actual game experience worsened.

    The more I think about it, though, the more I think that (a) from what I know of the DBD devs, punishing someone outside of the match itself would appeal much more to them as a solution, and (b) from a psychological perspective, I feel like the salt mine idea would tend to push players away from the game overall because they're not having fun playing it, as opposed to a system which incentivises them to DC less when they do get games because otherwise they don't get to play at all. For all we know, the salt mine system might have been part of what contributed to the game's death playerbase-wise.

    I'm personally more in favour of the queue lock-out system, for the above psychological reasons and also because I've seen it work really well in games like League of Legends, which as we all know is hugely successful worldwide and has been for years now.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Why are you saying that to me? I'm not the one who said that people should be punished for killing themselves on hook, I just asked the person who did say that to offer some suggestions as to how they thought it should work.

  • proner59
    proner59 Member Posts: 3

    I don’t think we need a DC ban since, when you DC you: lose your item, gain no bloodpoints, and lose two pips

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Max Payne 3, tvc, and a few other fighting games all do this and I love it.

    If you try to escape 3 times and don't struggle bad boy points. If you dc bad boy points.

    You earn good boy points by playing x matches in a row where you didn't earn bad points.

  • BushetteLyfe
    BushetteLyfe Member Posts: 27

    To be honest I have been though this in town of Salem and that didn't work then putting in a "did they die this fast" sorta DC ban until they figured that everyone will report a bad player that isn't good. You could ultimately make the play that they were just terrible or not doing well that game.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    First of all, disconnecting intentionally is against the rules, struggling to get off the hook is actually suggested. letting go early, nothing says you have to hit the spacebar or what ever. good lord if you don't like it you gotta try and make it all messed up. it's simple. if there is a rule set (there is) and it says that X is not allowed (it does for disconnecting) then it is punishable.

    HOWEVER! I do not like what i heard (that in 6 games the time out went from 5 minutes to 25 minutes including game crashes, etc. this is the hard part of this an automatic system can not account for errors though but it is needed otherwise it won't be effective. ALSO loosing your items, offering (already lost at start of game) and loose two pips is NOT an effective deterant. why? because now they are at a lower rank or on their way to the lower ranks, and most of the time do not even bring items in, so there is no penalty for that plus they get in another match right away and they get blood points again to buy more items.

    Personally I think that they should not be allowed to do anything other than exit the game during their time out. no spending blood points, no switching characters, looking at anything. all that is available is the exit button. I also believe there should be a way for you to contact them and tell them about your network outage to remove the point that was not an intentional DC. this is a test though i do not agree on telling people the time frame of this kind of test as well as no way to give feedback on the test (i was loading in and the game crashed, then next time the network dropped me (power outage) etc)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Apologies if I misunderstood your post, but if you're looking for a way to give feedback that the devs are guaranteed to read on the DC Penalty test, you can do so here:

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    most of my comments were my thoughts on this, if devs see them here great if not it explains my position to others as they read my post. though thank you for the link to that discussion I might just go there and suggest a few of these :)

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    There's a lot of people upset someone may die on first hook or choose not to play. There shouldn't be a penalty for that. If you don't want to play against someone because certain things are happening why punish for it? How about view the games it happens in or just allow bots. If you want to force people to play you end the game. I can't punish my kids for not wanting to play with the weird kid, why would BVHR punish me for the same? They made doll's etc for those kids and they make bots for these ones 💯

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    So you're wanting to force people to struggle and not use any perks to pull themselves off the hook? Oops did a bad save deliverance didn't kick in, instead I'm struggling and my team won't save me or I couldn't tap A right, caught a ban on it. You guys are insanely entitled to think forcing someone to play with you is a great idea. It's a great way to kill an entire game. Most games make you play out of your ban, 2 to 5 matches with other who also have quit and then you're golden. That's the only viable situation to keep the game floating and that's only for DC

    If I die on the 1st hook you got your kill. Everyone has a % chance to escape the hook and trying to penalize for it is the most moronic thing I've ever heard.

    What next, they wouldn't let you face camp so you're going to beg for an extra weapon? Go make your own game and stop trying to get this one ruined. No one has to play your way you get your kill, if that's not good enough ask for bots or quit.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    How about this. Go see how many times someone quits playing with this certain survivor or killer. Chances are they're the ones making the game play awful and they deserve the ban to raise the mood for everyone else 👍

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Yet another thing I found out is a friend of mine DC'd in a match she was doing (purposely) and DIDN'T get the temp matchmaking ban. Then when her next match is canceled before it even starts she gets a 3 minute ban.

    Then you get people who get the 25 minute ban as well when it's BHVR's fault. I think we, uh, did a pretty good job so far. Naw, who needs 60 seconds worth of not playing when you can just leave for half n hour.

    As for the first hook thing, I'm sure they can code it to make it if you die first hook within the first minute, it counts as DC. But they won't, you know they won't.

    Like, bugs are everywhere in this game. I understand coding is hard but it CANNOT like actually CANNOT be THIS hard. Otherwise many games wouldn't even exist and games that are more complex than this don't really have noticeable bugs or very few bugs and all those bugs are easily fixed.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    No clue, I'm not any closer to the dev team than you.

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    yeah but swf will normally kill themselves on hook to give their friends the hatch so that wouldn't be a smart thing for the hook system. There's been at least 25 times I've purposefully killed myself for my friends and it'd be unfair for those playing that strat

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    DCing once do to a bug that makes it impossible to play gives you a 1 minute time out. Oh no call the presses.

    If someone starts getting 15 minute, it higher, time outs then they are either really unlucky it DCing in other matches for noon legit trains and should stop.

    Sorry, but buffs may be an issue but ones that force you to have to DC are less common than people like you try to present them as.

    Also, not being able to move from a rock and stalk not working on GF aren't actually hugs that you need to DC for. If you don't want a super short time out over these things then just wait until the game ends. No Stalk GF is playable. Sitting in a rock as a Nurse is boring, the game will still eventually end.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Killers just shouldn’t kill them, or they should slug them. That’ll give them time to think :)

  • ThatsTerror
    ThatsTerror Member Posts: 2

    I had someone Dc because they jumped out a window on haddonfield straight into my face and they were first found. I see alot of survivors dc if they run deliverance and get found first also if say devour hope triggers when all gens are done. Everyone's different.

    Regarding the ban. I mostly play killer and i dont sweat for the 4k, i couldn't care less about ranks and when someone dc's straight off the bat its not fun for both sides but its their choice, if someone doesn't want to play there not going to. First hook death, dc or just making alot of noise.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    As a killer, if someone does that intentionally, I'll slug them. They're screwing their team over, so why should I worry about their fun?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    People were complaining on this every day for the last 2 weeks wanting the chances implemented immediately. It only lasts two days so I think people need to just leave their feedback and stop creating loads of forums on here complaining about it.

    When it comes to the killer getting stuck I think there should be a system where if a killer/survivor is forced to leave a game for a certain reason they can have their ban temporarily suspended. They would need to leave through the leave match button and a pop up will ask why they left. Someone will contact them and if their isn't evidence provided within a hour of the incident then the player will get their ban.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    That's a lot of work for something that shouldn't even be in a game like this.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's just a suggestion. It's only there for 2 days, they've had a lot worse in the game for longer. Anyone who has bad internet or maybe gets unlucky with bugs should just take a 2 day break.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's a pity that one of those days is the day the final set of challenges release, though. Lots of people who might otherwise be happy to take a break will be wanting to play during that time.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    This game needs a stronger DC ban and I am happy they are testing it out.

    Yes there are bug that ruin matches, but they are far and few between. If you get stuck in a rock, for example, and don't want to wait it out. DC and take the 60 sec penalty. No big deal. It doesn't effect you at all.

    This new ban system is suppose to effect the serial DC offenders, not the unintentional DC or Bug DC. 'Innocent players' have been dealing with poor sport DCers for far too long. I hope this new system works and those jerks learn their lesson.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Easiest solution I can think of is making struggle phase 2 automatic instead of mashing Space... makes them wait another minute and someone can save them also helps people who are complaining about carpal tunnel from it lol

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Perhaps. I do think something needs to be done about the struggle mechanic, but I also think hook suicides is a separate, albeit related, issue and they should be focusing on getting the DC penalties right first. One problem at a time.

  • Mountichan
    Mountichan Member Posts: 18

    I'm not really sure why everyone is so obsessed with making people play matches they want them to play.

    Personally, if you dc while loading, even if intentionally, I lose nothing. The match never loads, I keep my offerings, you keep yours, nobody gets hurt. Yet people cry about it like they lost 300000 bloodpoints just from that. Can we like, just be adults and let everyone live and play how they want? If you don't want to play serious against a mori, fine, I get it, it's really not fun. Don't want to play against a survivor group that switches last second to whatever you dislike and put on a map offering you don't want to play? Feel free to leave, I couldn't blame you less.

    The problem with this game is, that it's not a real competetive game or even a game you can take serious. It's in probably its WORST state in terms of a working game. Countless bugs, crashes, lags with dedicated servers, delay issues and so many things to still fix until you could maybe CONSIDER implementing a dc penalty. And then again, there's SO SO many variables that makes people dc you can't just go on and punish people for the game bugging out etc.

    All these people even wanting a penalty for suiciding on hook are out of their mind. You should never be forced to play something you don't want to, especially not in a buggy mess like DbD.

  • Waldorf_2R3
    Waldorf_2R3 Member Posts: 20

    Its not like they are going to just ban people, they do look into it, and when it comes to people who kill themselves on first hook just report them and they'll look into that too.

  • Mountichan
    Mountichan Member Posts: 18

    It's a legit way to get out of a match as fast as possible. Again, why would I waste my time with some combination I'm not enjoying? Why would I stay in a game where I get instantly farmed off hook and get hooked again instantly? Is it okay to punish people for getting farmed and literally kicked out of the game by the other players? There's too many situations where people think they know better but in reality everyone wants to have fun and if a match is no fun at all why would you stay?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    They won't look into it if you report someone for killing themselves on first hook. That's not a reportable offence, so it will just be ignored.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If people don't want to play DBD, they shouldn't play DBD. They know what they're signing up for when they click that Ready button. Once they've committed to a game, they need to do the grown-up thing and follow it through even if it doesn't go their way, or accept the consequences if they don't.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That's a fair point but it's only for one day. If they said it would last a week then I'd understand people complaining. I just find it annoying seeing 5 threads about the dc penalties, when they have a section dedicated to feedback.