Simple counter to hook suicides!
Just... just dont hook them! Or at least slug them, if they aren’t on the hook then they’ll have time to think about it. Or they might just DC and get the penalty. I’ve done this twice to people wanting to kill themselves and they ended up dcing because I didn’t let them die easily.
To clear something up I was playing legion with his new pin add on that brought survivors into the broken state and some people didn’t want to go against it and they wanted to leave their team, THATS why I didn’t kill them. I put myself in the perspective of the other survivors and thought “man that’d really suck if my teammates wanted to purposely die”. So either they’d decide to play normally, or dc with the new ban. Thanks for understanding.
Wow ok, I’m just saying that if someone wants to be unhelpful for their team you shouldn’t allow it. How would you feel if two members of your team were trying to quit on you because a killer is running something they wanna try out? They could at least try instead of abandoning their team right on the spot. That’s why I give them a taste of their own medicine. So I’m not being scummy nor am I purposely bringing unfun stuff, I just wanted to try on legions reworked add ons. Think about it before commenting please and thank you.
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No, I’d rather them give up on hook than DC or killer slugging them. It slows down the team FAR too much.
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For the extra bp perhaps?...
jokes aside, if a teammate isn’t participating in the game I shouldn’t let them get what they want. They are being a dick to their team so I either let their team farm them on the ground or just let them run around the map wanting to die :/
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tbh if they want to ruin other people games, they can do it either way, the problem for me, is that when someone dc i dont get points for emblem, as if i camped that person so they couldnt be got off hook, they should change that, also surv should also get some points to emblems for that, since if they think, that its ok to just give 600 points to altruism for a dc, well, they are wrong
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Yeah, no. I’d rather have them dead than be a drag on the team.
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Exactly how do you know the person you are leaving slugged intends to hook suicide?
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Because when I applied the broken status to them they ran up to a hook and pointed at it. So I just audibly sighed and went off to another survivor but he kept following me so I didn’t want it to seem like I was working with him so I slugged him so he wouldn’t get in my way so then after a bit he dced :/
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@Freddy_chan personally I’ve stopped caring for emblems and rank a bit ago since I reached red ranks, I just wanna have fun. So if they dc both sides get extra bp. (Survivors get the abandoned and killer gets disconnect points)
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@Miss_Britannia i mean either way they are being a drag to their team, some people might change their minds and begin to play normally but others just don’t. But hey we all have a seperate opinions so have fun :/
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Think about the BBQ stacks!
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Ah, okay. I was thinking you were slugging them and just assuming that they would DC or something.
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Aren't they more of a drain on their team by being left a slug? If teammates keep reviving them and you keep knocking them down, they would be better off if you just hooked them and let them die.
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how would this help? people will still DC.
if survs aren’t in a game they like, they have complete right to leave, and that’s by suiciding. you slugging until they bleed out is called taking the game hostage.
so please respect that if a game isn’t desired, we have the right to leave it.
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Yeah slugging people to the point where they are crawling on the ground more than playing the game will go over well with keeping the player population healthy.
If they want to suicide on hook so be it - with all the other BS that goes on, the alternative is not to bother even playing this game.
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I'd rather this.
The killer could let you pick them up as a way to show he doesn't care to get them to play.
Basically a warning down
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I just let them kill themselves because they don't deserve the bloodpoints that follow their death.
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Then face the consequences. There's crap in this game I don't like but I don't give up and keep playing. Boohoo they have a certain addon or killer. Play and adapt. I hated going against nurse but I did it. I never gave up and tried my best. Maps I hate? Oh well. Dealt with them.
Also a dc at least takes away a gen for your team where insta death 100% hurts your team. If you dc eat the timer.
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Just run no mither and change your name DyingOnFirstHook
Killers be like, what do?
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thats not what i’m talking about. an addon or killer. no.
usually it’s my crap teammates who crouch the entire game. do i want to be in that game? No!
so allow me to suicide when i please. and if you slug me till i bleed out, well you know what happens next.
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As much as it sucks it's probably better to just let them die.
If they really don't want to play they'll just go afk on the ground, and other survivors might go to pick them up just to see they never recovered. Or they get picked up and stand there.
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They get a abandonment score. I saw it a few weeks ago when random DC. I dont know much about it tho.
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Why do you do this to me?
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It's why I think the hook stages need a little look at.
Stage 1 you have a chance to get off but the timer only halves.
Stage 2 auto struggle is in place and after 30s you can give up if 2 or more survivors other than yourself is alive. If only 1 other is left you can give up instantly.
The whole point of not leaving early is to give the others a fair chance at escaping and personally I feel 60s isn't a lot of time to wait too sacrifice yourself. It's all about finding some middle ground while still allowing some strats like dying to give the hatch.
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Its not 60 seconds. After 3 tries to get yourself off, you immediately go to struggle. So hooked, 10 seconds later you can be out of the game
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I don't think it's a matter of hooking or not, if someone wants to be a dickhead and ruin the match for everybody, they'll do it one way or another.
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Maybe take the time to properly read what I wrote before responding?
It's a proposal about a change not about how it is right now 🙄.
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So, how do you even know they actually wanted to dc right away?
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*devs changes it so that if someone DC's they get timed out*
as if people didn't insta kill themselves to start with LMFAO
yall need to just STOP.
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@Fibijean my point exactly from my post :) it’s already started.
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My bad... English is hard! 😝
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I will state my thoughts on this and be done.
There is this mindset among the people playing this game that they are going to take it upon themselves to punish people that do things they don't like. It doesn't matter if the particular thing they don't like is against the rules or not. If you want to make the argument it should be against the rules I would probably agree with you. That being said.... at this moment it isn't. However, by your own words you are actively trying to get them to break another rule because you don't like something they did.
Having said that.... even if suicide on hook were against the rules you actually hurt the rest of the team by doing this. I mean I get you saying it isn't fair to the rest of the team. Believe me. I am a survivor main. I don't like it. But here's the thing. That survivor you slugged isn't of any more benefit to me and the rest of the team laying on the ground than they would have been had you just let them suicide on the hook.
Not only that but if you really wanted to be fair to the team you would just go ahead and hang that person and let them die. We likely don't know the survivor you slugged was attempting to suicide on hook. By leaving them laying there on the ground you have created a situation where the rest of the team feels the need to waste their time going to heal a person that is just going to DC or suicide the next time they get hung. In other words your attempt to punish the survivor that wanted to die really just takes away time the team could have been doing something other than trying to heal someone that doesn't want to be there.
I truly understand not liking it when someone does this. I get annoyed when my team gets weaker because someone did that. At the same time you aren't doing me or the team any favors by slugging the person and leaving them laying there.
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No worries 😁
Apologies for being blunt as its been one of those days!
English is hard I agree and I dont speak any other language apart from it lol, I respect anyone who speaks or writes in any other language other than their native tongue.
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I'm a native english speaker lol. I just didn't read properly.
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Wel you waited into a game and now you want to get out, so either participate in normal gameplay or dc and suffer the ban
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No, this is a game and everyone can quit. If it's not by DC they will do on death hooks. Why a person should be forced to play a match they don't enjoy?
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Because that’s life, you shouldn’t be selfish. Just help your teammates and get out of the game?? And if you can’t then you die, another way you are out of the game so I mean...
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This is not life, this is a game we are talking about. If you don't like let's say Skirim Are you forced to play it until the very end? No, games are supposed to be enjoyable so if you don't enjoy, let's say the killer camps/tunnels even if they are legit strategies. Why you should stay? You DON'T enjoy. Every competition allows you to withdraw.
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Alright buddy well hope you don’t encounter me in any games if you plan on dcing, have fun! :)
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i dont care if they kill on hook first try better for me but give all the points and the 3 hooks. if they want to leave there is nothing you can do and you shouldnt do nothing aswell if they dont want to play they wont play and they dont have any kind of obligation to stay there neither u have the right to make them stay there.
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Maybe I'm missing something but... Why should a killer care about hook suicide? It's beneficial for the killer to get hook suicides, it's making the match way easier and chill. The only players who suffers from hook suicides are the remaining survivors in that match
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Well, that's obvious. I personally never encounter these obvious signs of hook suicides. They just do it after I downed them
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First I don't DC, just saying that I don't care if people die on hooks because it's their life.
Second, I don't know in wich region you are located but due that I am argentinian I would say the chance to encounter you is almost zero (if it's not zero).
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Recently i've learned that if you go against a huntress with iredescent heads and belt, people will always insta leave. And purposely make you waste your addons. Same with mori. people would rather take a Depip than play in a game that will probably only last like 5 minutes tops. Think about it like the genrush argument. No one wants to wait in que only for the game to end in 3 minutes for them