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Sacrifice all survivors in the basement

kate_main Member Posts: 178
edited December 2019 in General Discussions


What about DCs?

This is the second time I would have got this challange but I got ruined by DCs.


Can we... Idk,do something about DC on console?



  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Funny cause on PC earlier, I think a trapper was working on this one..he REFUSED to hang the survivor on an actual hook outside of basement..the killer held the game hostage for 20 mins before I left...20 FREAKING MINS..yet survivors are the problem

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Because the only thing that the survivor could do is DC

    because the killer was REFUSING to hook him..I watched for 20 mins and he walked passed every hook just to try to get to the basement..then they just stood there and stared at eachother..Its not the survivors fault..The killer needs to be punished for ######### like this..who's the bullies now?

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited December 2019

    I didn't say left left...

    I died on hook he was camping in basement with Ins. someone came down to save me and they got caught then i killed myself went to watch the game, to see him killing a 3rd person in the basement, after that he found the Dwight..But he was no where near the basement..I went and smoked, made food, woke up my son gave him breakfast, used the this time its been about 20 mins i finally then completely backed out of the game and closed the app..

    EDIT- the guy kept trying to open the door and find the hatch but the killer kept downing him, and everytime he would pick him up he wasn't able to make it to the basement, the survivor had already checked the side the basement was on and it wasn't there, so he was ways away.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited December 2019



    The killer refused to open the door, and the killer refused to hook him on ACTUAL hooks on the map. The killer was trying to go strictly for the basement thats all that he wanted that was it...and there for it resulted in the killer taking the game hostage because he refused to hook the survivor on a different at the end (as i was leaving the "spectate") they were just standing there looking at each other, and I watched it for a good solid 2 mins of jus crows and them not moving.

    PLEASE stop saying that its impossible for the killer to take the game hostage because it would be like the hatch not opening and a survivor not doing the gens..

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    If he's able to try and open the door, what's preventing him from returning after each wiggle out to make further progress?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627


    such a fan of caps... if the survivor is wiggling free and then staring at the killer, it is not the killer taking the game hostage, it's both. Or noone

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Its a toxic challenge, we all know that basement insidious Leatherface will be coming very often now. And I will simply refuse to unhook anyone in the basement cuz you can expect insidious every game. Gg, very well designed challenge

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    the survivor was trying to open the door and find hatch.

    Im just saying..there comes a point even if you're trying to do the challenge that you just kill the person and move on.

    I know last time with the spine chill one..I didn't insta kill myself or dc when I got hit or hooked..Because it would have been stupid to. I played the game and moved on

    which should have happened in this case as well but it didn't because the killer was too hard headed to hook the survivor.

    The killer and survivor shouldn't have to give in to the others wants ..they didn't NEED it they just didn't want to have to do it again which i get sucks, Im not that far yet, but im not going to hold someone in the game just because hes to far from the basement, if I cant get them all..I will hook them on a hook and move tf on.

    But lets not see it that way, lets see it as it is what it is and the survivor shoulda gave in...right?

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    he was returning each time he got off

    he was able to try to open it for maybe a split second before the killer downed him again.

    Im just saying..In light of watching that, these tomes are stupid af and they are making killers/survivors even more salty towards one another for no reason what so ever.

    i think the devs like the he said she said

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    How do you hold 4 players hostage by limmiting yourself to only basement hooks? It seems to me like you would have had 20 "freaking" minutes to get eachother up and do gens or just let the basement hook happen. While I can agree the rift has made many matches very frustrating you cannot blame the player for trying to do a rift challenge that can so easily be negated by a single DC. The player in question did not design this challenge and just like many other people they are trying to get it done. I'm sure they had 0% enjoyment from that match too, and probably all other subsequent attempts.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338

    Survivor could stop wiggling. 🤔 There are times when a survivor goes to a corner without any nearby hooks to force the killer into leaving them bleed out. Same thing really.

    Eventually the survivor will bleed out so the game isn't held hostage.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Can you please read ALL of the comments before you say anything.

    I had stated that he was the last survivor alive..I was hooked in basement (someone came to get me) killer was camping with ins. I gave up on hook other player killed themselves on hook, the the time i actually died died and went to spectate a 3rd survivor was being hooked in the basement. which left only the dwight because the 3rd person also killed themselves on hook.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    No the killer was walking passed ALL THE HOOKS

    he wanted just the basement and I dont think its fair to EITHER SIDE to have to give someone what they want

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Yeah sorry, I don't read every comment before posting (this is a general sorry not sarcastic). To be fair I often skim many threads that have 6+ pages so the idea is often not appealing.

    It doesn't seem the game was taken hostage then (going by you above post) as people were hooked and dying. If the game is being taken hostage it would mean there is no chance to end the match without DCing.

    Example- getting forcefully body blocked in the basement without any means of escape (death or release) without the killer taking any action. Or a survivor (prior to EGC) refusing to get off a glitch spot where the killer cannot hit them and not leaving the match.

    This seems more like extending the game length because the killer was after a specific goal. Again I do not argue that I'm sure the match was annoying but that is the fault of the rift not the players. As I said in my last comment I'm sure they had no fun hunting that challenge either, I know I have experienced plenty of matches going for challenges (both sides) that caused me more frustration than fun.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338

    Then its the consent of two parties to what happens from there. Either party can end the cycle. Neither is at fault.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    i understand that I fully do and I have said that its mostly the rifts, but to be honest..killers have gotten bad since the DC thing is happening..I mean just yesterday I was slugged for half a match I'd get pick up slugged picked up slugged because they refused to hook me..for what I have no idea I don't run DS or Adrenaline anymore..Its basically just stupid perks that kinda help me in the game, Ive been trying to level my people so I dont run with actual helpful perks lol I run with have I have unlocked but because of the DC crap being out killers are a lot worse..and its saddening because before I would think nothing of it..But now I honestly feel like people are trying to make other people DC, I haven't played much killer since rank reset let alone the DC thingy but I plan on it, Once I get my killers leveled up again, as I said I'm trying to p3 them all.

    The rifts are making killers/survivors salty towards each other, and its not just killers vs survivors..survivors are actually getting worse towards their teammates as well..I find it stupid. And the only reason that people are WANTING to do the rift is because without them it takes FOREVER to unlock tiers.

    This isn't me being sided with survivors or with killers, Ive been posting for days that its both sides. Im just stating what has been happening to me in games. And how the killers/survivors act..playing with red ranks anymore feels like Im playing with people that just started the game :(

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I think this challenge is already impossible to beginn with, ignoring DCs. How bad must survivors be to get all sacrificied in the basement? Its much to easy to deny this challenge and as a killer you cant do anything.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Actually a lot of the killers throw on ins and camp the basement.

    Because of the "arm waving" people have 2 different thoughts of it.

    Me myself...If im doing jumpin jacks don't come you'll die. Now If it looks like Im trying to 4% yeah to me thats safe, but because of people saying different things no one really knows.

    But I myself keep going with the fast jumping jacks hes here, if I "try" to 4% hes not.

    thats really the only thing that survivors can do that aren't on comms. I play 95% of my survivor games solo, its hard and teammates are potatoes but my normal friends that play with me don't play much anymore. So its hard lol

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I haven't even done the challenge as a killer, Im saying that, that's what Ive seen many other killers do....

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556
  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    But one side shouldn't have to give up just because the other side wants to win lol..

    as I said before its not fun for either side. The rift is a joke lmfao

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    You give that trapper his basement hook like a good little boy, or you D/C and rack up que time penalties.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Its not fair lol

    and it shouldn't have to come down to that

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Every video game in the world has aspects in their multiplayer play that are not fair. The survivor knew what he wanted, intentionally running away from the basement. You want to refuse me and deny me what i want? Then you shall suffer with me (:

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Not buying it because I experienced it yesterday multiple times. Survivors that know they're going to lose but just want to block the killer from getting the trophy. They just run to the opposite side of the map, get downed, carried, and wiggle out. It's obnoxious and that's on the survivors who at that point have no chance at winning.

    Is the killer entitled to getting them in the basement? No. But also, they're not taking the game hostage at all. The survivors have a real easy way to end the game without DC'ing. Just don't wiggle.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    But why should the survivors stop fighting the win just because someone is refusing to hook them on an actual hook? Its not fair..Everyone just wants the survivors to give up and die but there comes a point where the killer could have taken his loss (NOT EVEN A LOSS) and just hung him on an actual hook.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited December 2019

    i hope some of yall are on pc and have to do the survivor ones, cause im gonan be the biggest dick killer ever lmfao.

    so entitled i swear

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Because testing his will against the survivors is fun. Its a win/win, if he D/C's, you get that rush, like a bump of coke lol.

    If he does not D/C, his punishment for denying you continues.

    Give it up, go next game (:

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    yup the same can be said about the killers..But yet its not a big deal cause its the killers doing it,

    but heaven forbid if it was a survivor and they didn't have insta hatch openin yall would be on this thread PISSED at the world for them holding the game hostage.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Because if you're slugged, don't have unbreakable, and the hatch is closed- the killer has already won.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    yup so that killer should hook someone WHERE EVER he can..Not just one place. that's the point that im trying to get across to you big headed killer mains.


    If the hatch wasn't insta opening and the gens still needed to be done but the survivor wasn't doing it yall would be pissed at the world cause they are holding the game hostage.


  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    How is opening the hatch holding the game hostage... what? lol

    You act like its all the killers fault, the survivor knows he wants basement hooks, so the survivor, giggling like a child, runs away as far as possible from the basement.

    Oh no no, you shall be the plaything, and i shall have the last laughs. Or you could minimize my delight, and simply go next (:

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736're making this totally one sided. and of course the damn survivor is gonna run away he doesn't want to freaking die are you kidding me?

    Survivors don't have to give in to what the killer wants just like the killer doesn't have to give in to what the survivor wants.

    But if the update for the hatch never happened and you still had to have so many gens done before the hatch opened and they weren't but the survivor wasn't doing the gens then you guys would be on here bitching about the survivors holding the game hostage.

    Why tf do you think there is an EGC now? Why do you think you can't body block the basement as killer anymore?

    because these were things that were actual issues..Just like this damn rift challenges.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    I play survivor and killer about equally. If you have no chance to escape you've lost. At that point you're just being stubborn about not giving the achievement, which is your choice, but it's not the killer holding the game hostage. That's just a ridiculous take.

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  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33

    You can't really say the Killer was holding the game hostage. It seems that it was either both parties doing that or none. Both tried to win the game, the Killer just had an extra objective. The survivor also could have tried to get away and look for the hatch. The survivor might even be able to lose the Killer but that won't be possible if they always run back to the same spot or the same exit gate.

    When I'm the last Survivor and get downed I normally don't even struggle because I know at that point I've lost the game.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You could say exactly the same thing to the killer: "You should not have to give up just because the survivor wants to win."

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Daddy Meyers, Daddy Trapper and Mommy Huntress could sacrifice me in their basement all they want. I won’t even struggle, as long as I could touch them.

    Hillbilly and Leatherface can eat my dust. I’m going to stay as far from the basement as I can. Unless they do a little dance. I’m a sucker for killers that try and dance or spin erratically.

    Yes, I’m lonely.


  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    lmfao when i get farmed off the hook with no bt yeah i can't make it outta the shack


    my good with these get good messages, yall must be GODS at survivor then

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    But the survivor wouldn't have won, the survivor would have been hooked and killed.

    The survivor just didn't let him get the basement hook like he wanted to.

    The killer had 3 kills he had the 4th but he was refusing to hook him on a normal hook.

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  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I had no idea where the basement was.

    It was on the swamp map, my teammates were being chased I got hit once and lost him went to big boat to do the final gen teammate stepped in his trap. Me being the nice person I am went and got him outta the trap and that's when I went down. LOL

    I mean i probably coulda actually not got camped and got out, but I was helping a teammate who in return farmed me off the hook while I had my arms flying a mile a min but it didn't matter. LOL

    Im not mad that I or my teammates died from him camping basement. I just don't understand why some things are okay for killer but they are not for survivor. I play both sides and I don't need to play like this scummy dude, If Im doin the challenge for the basement and I can't get it but I can get the kill guess what...there are other games and Ill keep trying.

    Im not wasting 20+ mins in one game just to try to get ONE challenge done for the rift..LOL some people hard core about that crap. not me