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Six Feet Under

people, how would you do it, add the survs as friends and as them to kill themselves in the basement or what


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

    I did it using Trapper with Ruin/Whispers/Agitation/Iron Grasp and Yellow Bag/Yellow Wrenches.

    I had a R5, R7 and two R20s in my lobby.

    Ultimately, it's luck as to whether someone will DC to deny you - They could fix this in future tomes by having a DC count towards ANY kill based objective.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I played basement Trapper for this one. Basement Leatherface or Basement Hag could also work well, if you prefer. I used Agitation and Iron Grasp, obviously, and also NOED to stop people escaping at the last minute. Once I had one person in the basement and my traps at each exit, no one made it out of there alive, even though they'd finished all 5 generators by that point. I was blessed with a particularly altruistic group of survivors, though.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Agitation + iron grasp.

    You're getting there eventually

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You mean if they're leading you away? Well, you can just hook them closer to the basement even if you can't actually hook them in it just to move the game in general closer to the basement, or you can try to force them to run back towards the basement by physically cutting them off.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Well, then I guess I would play iri Huntress to get this challenge done XD

    @Weck @TheNormalizer the stun isn't too bad, with the two perks you should be able to get closer to the basement after a free wiggle. Worst case it takes 3 attempts until you get there. Best thing would be, when the basement is in the middle building, then you should almost always be able to get there. Yamaoka family residence of course would be pretty bad, it has no middle basement. But try until you get a middle building. Yes it is one of the hardest achievements this tome, but you have 3 weeks. I would not call it a challenge if all of these are done within 2 attempts

  • TheHauntedOne
    TheHauntedOne Member Posts: 1

    All I'm getting are dcs i've tried about 12 times and usually when at least 1 of them sees I'm going to basement they'll leave

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Well I just completed it I use hag with agitat, mad grit, iron grasp and monstrous shrine.

    Didn't take as long as I was expecting to (because of how many DC's I was EXPECTING to deal with) your biggest hindrances isn't going to be the challenge itself it's going to be survivors DCing the challenge itself so long as you're running a basement build is very doable.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Try this setup

    I used Freddy since he can counter Borrowed time

    Bring Agitation, Iron Grasp, Sloppy Butcher and Nurses calling. Use the snares to trap around the basement and use the Strode Map offering since it's a small map and the basement is always in the same location. Pray nobody DCs and have fun 🙏😊

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yeah, except when they know they're dead and go "lol I lost but I can make you fail your challenge" and run to the opposite side of the map and just stop there teabagging.

    Which has happened to me 4 matches in a row attempting it.

  • Æthercosm
    Æthercosm Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2019

    Took me four tries and the last try I did it with good boy Demo. Brought a Lery's offering with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Ruin and Save the Best for Last. First two help you get them to the basement, Ruin stalls and StBFL is an amazing basement and anti-hook bombing tool.

    I just used Agi/IG to get the first guy to the basement, dropped a portal outside the office (where the basement was) and went on hunting until I heard them get saved. Portal back to basement and use StBFL to get anyone there healing/etc. This also counters BT because you aren't around when they save. If you time it right, you can portal just before the save (if you can trust your instincts) and the undetectable status will also block BT. Pray for no DS and smack anyone there until you get them all.

    Because you have StBFL and you can portal back to basement when needed, most survivors after the first will end up going down within range of Agi/IG combo to get to basement. Lery's is also a good map to hide Ruin in and any other small map will help tremendously, but because you are Demo and can portal back to basement, larger maps shouldn't prove too tough.

    P.S. If you have Territorial Imperative on him, give it a go. It will help you portal right there as they save. I use Deer Lung and Rat Liver as add-ons on him most games and it works well enough here as well.

    Post edited by Æthercosm on
  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Ok... Am I crazy or the basement in haddonfield always in the same place?

    Cause I'm pretty sure it isn't always at the myers house.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Haddonfield doesn't have a killer's shack, and basement always in the killer's shack or in the second map based location. So Haddonfield has only one basement location, as well as The Game. Lerry's has a room resembling a shack, so there's two places. The Lab is unique in this regard, both of basement places look nothing like a shack.

    PGDRS Member Posts: 1

    For me, I got this challenge completed at around 2 AM, I went up against two r15s, a r13, and a rank 14. I was on Lery's and the basement had spawned in the library. I was running Iron grasp, Ruin, Territorial Imperitave, and Make Your Choice on Demogorgon. My add ons were the deer lung and the soda can, so I could use my portals more, and be faster with them. I used Ruin bc if you don't, then you will get genrushed to hell. Anyway, I got my first hook, and then I kept teleporting away between two portals- one at the top of the stairs for the basement, and another one that was just the right range for MYC. I rinsed and repeated until I got all four dead. I also placed a portal close by, behind a wall so when I go through it, and the survivor goes to immediately save, I can apply pressure. It's basically up to the survivors to play over-altruisticly. Hopefully, the description of how I did it helps.