All sounds are super #########
Seriously, killers still have so many bugs that need fixing that are being ignored until the new year. Wraith and Spirit's lack of lunge make them really difficult to play, the new map is still dark as hell, and the audio bugs are in full force with survivors having Iron Will even if they didn't equip it, and now all sounds are #########, they are either flipped or omnidirectional. Makes it impossible to track a survivor or know where anything is by sound alone. Pretty good job so far.
Agree. Sounds are a mess. I downed two people pretty close to each other. I swear I couldnt find the first one because I couldnt hear her.
Had also a game on coldwind where a injured nea chilled in the corner behind an obstacle. I could only hear her when I stood right behind her. No iron will
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I've encountered a couple of sound bugs that have occurred basically every match, besides just the footsteps:
- Popped Gens sometimes don't make any sound to notify you it was completed. Weird.
- Opening chests doesn't make a noise until you start looking through it? Again, weird.
I'm not even sure what happened but sounds are really bugged lately and its extremely noticeable.
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Mine is worse. Sounds are getting flipped. I could be facing away from a gen and hear it more clearly than if I was facing it. Applies to all sounds survivors make too 🙃 I ######### love this game. /s
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Really annoying when the sound glitches. I was guarding the basement at end game collapse, I heard something, but I couldn't figure out what. Someone unhooked in the basement, but it didn't make the right sound and I couldn't hear the injured survivors. Scared the crap out of me when I turned and had both in my face.
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Gotta love how it only effects killers, you know, the role that relies on sound the most.
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I'm starting to think that BHVR wants to mess up sounds.
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Slugged Survivor moans, gen sounds, and the Hatch noise are all super wack.
I can hear slugs from halfway across the map (I'm not kidding) but have them be completely silent when I actually get near/on top of them.
Same for gens; I turned my camera away from a 90-ish gen and it became totally silent. I was also using Surveillance. :|
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Yeah, I really hope they focus on sounds first. Us killers rely on it more than any perk or add-ons. Not being able to hear correctly is breaking killer for me.
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Demo has some sound bugs as well. It gets to be very distracting
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Sound quality gets worse and worse since 2016. Personally I kinda just accepted that devs don't care, or its intentional. Wasted breath really at this point.
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Are your headphones backwards? I do that sometimes
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I was hoping this would get fixed before they left for christmas break. And even when they do get back I don't think that much progress will get done until after easter.
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I've had it switch mid-session. One match it's normal, the next match sounds are flipped.
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Yeah the devs ######### up the sounds after every patch, it's nothing new. Killer gameplay is highly affected each time but they don't seem to care that much.
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On console through my TV, so definitely not.
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I played as survivor a little bit today, and the whole time I was repairing a gen I could barely hear it. No matter what progress it was at, it sounded muffled like it was far away from me.
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I think this might the worst the sounds have been so far. They're ######### terrible right now and make playing Killer unnecessarily harder.