Fan Made Perks: Revelation, Tireless, In the claws of the evil, Engineering bases

MegaTyranitars Member Posts: 12
edited December 2019 in Creations

Hello people of the fog, here are a couple perk ideas i came up with.

Survivor perks:

-Revelation: You create a special link with the people you meet. The auras shown to you are revealed to your teammates in a 16/20/24 metre too.

-Tireless: You never feel the urge to stop running. You recover from your exhaustion even while running at 30/35/40 % the normal recovery speed.

-In the claws of the evil: When your fear reaches its peak, your will to escape is stronger than ever. If you are the obsession while in a chase the killer's red stain gets 25% bigger. When you are in the killer's red stain, your movement speed is increased by 5/6/7 % for 15 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 60/55/50 seconds.

-Engineering bases: You can teach some quick engineering and learn at the same time too. When working on a gen, every time you hit a great skill check you get a token, up to a maximum of 4 tokens. For each token, great skill checks area is increased by 16/18/20% for you and every survivor repairing with you. Every succesful great skill check rewards you with 1/2/3% extra repairing progress. Hitting a normal skill check will make you lose 1 token. Interrupting the repairing action will make you lose all tokens.

If you want to suggest any tweaks, feel free to do it. I'd appreciate to hear what you think! :)

Post edited by MegaTyranitars on


  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Tireless would lead to some serious problems at high level play. I can easily loop a killer for the 66 seconds it would take to get my exhaustion perk back. At some locations, I could potentially have a killer locked down for 5 gens if they stay on me. So their options become leave me or lose. I would say it should only work when running while not in a chase.

    For Engineering Bases, you wouldn't need the extra 1/2/3% repair progress, and the size increase can be toned down. With 2 people on a gen, you have a 44 second repair speed. I think a great skill check success is already worth 1.6 seconds (Roughly 2% repair progress solo, or 3.5% duo) If you are increasing the size by 20% for two people, AND a great success grants more than double progress at rank 3, you can easily hammer out the gens consistently in 30 seconds. That can become uncounterable quickly, especially when combined with other perks like Stake Out. 4 Tokens of Stake Out + This perk, you can charge your entire group just by hitting goods without losing a single token. I know it loses all tokens when you get off the gen, but this is countered easily by just being in coms with SWF. Have your bait keep the killer away, and bam. 30 second Gen. By the time Tireless above works, you and a second could finish two gens while a single person finishes one. All by the time the second exhaustion gets used.

  • MegaTyranitars
    MegaTyranitars Member Posts: 12

    Yeah, I see the problem with tireless... .

    I dont see engineering bases being too OP. Prove thyself increases repairing speed by 10% for you and your teammates too. The bonus great skill checks is only apllied to you, so let's say you hit 4 skill checks during a gen repair (remember you cant get interrupted so a higher number is unlikely) that would be 12% bonus repair,if you hit all greats. And your teammate only gets the increased area, which could maybe make him hit 2/3 more greats. Thats 9% bonus... Thats almost like prove thyself, and it isnt an OP perk.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2019

    As a fellow DBD player who enjoys making perks, I’ll suggest a few tweaks, since these perks are alright but a bit too strong in their current form.

    Let’s put them through my refinery:


    An auric link is formed between you and your allies.

    Any Survivors standing within 8 meters of you will reveal any auras they see to you. While within this range, any auras you see will be revealed to all Survivors within an 8 meter range.

    This effect persists for 5/10/15 seconds when out of range.


    You recover from demanding tasks at a steady rate.

    Recovery speed from Exhaustion is reduced by 40%-35%-30% at all times. You recover from Exhaustion while running.

    The Clutches of Evil

    When your fear reaches its peak, your will to survive swells.

    If you are the obsession, while within 16 meters of the Killer, their red stain is 25% longer.

    When you stun the Killer with a pallet, your movement speed is increased by 5%/6%/7% for 15 seconds and you become the Killer’s obsession if you are not already.

    • Increases your chances of becoming the Killer’s obsession.
    • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    Engineering Bases

    You learn some quick repair techniques and share them with others.

    While you are repairing a generator, for each Great Skill Check you perform, gain a token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token increases the Great Skill Check success zones by 10% for both you and all Survivors repairing the same generator as you. Hitting a Good Skill Check spends a token.

    You lose all tokens when you end the repair action.

    So yeah, there’s that. I think the point I’m trying to make is that the perks have potential. They’re very creative and I would support bringing these perks into the game.

    Post edited by Trwth on
  • MegaTyranitars
    MegaTyranitars Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I like the idea of revelation being more similar to other proximity perks. Maybe just a bit more range? Keep in mind you need other aura perks to make it useful (like open handed) and you dont know if your teammaets will use them if you play solo.

    Tireless sounds a bit risky... But i could see it working especially at high ranks.

    The clutches of evil sounds good. Tho pallet stuns require you to have resources around you and it might not always be possible, for example in the end game. If it was based on the red stain you could get the bonus with a 360 or a risky window vault too.

    How would engineering bases work? You get a token and spend one at the same time when hitting greats?

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I made Revelations like it’s supposed to be like Vigil, Streetwise, and Leader. Survivors will be notified when under the effects of Revelations. I personally really like this idea, but I’m not expecting everyone to run the perk either. It’s one of those perks that you can’t guarantee to activate in a match, which isn’t a problem.

    Tireless will be hard to balance since you gotta play with the numbers a bit, but yeah, it’s a risk-reward perk that’ll pay off in long chases.

    The original perk you made... doesn’t really seem very useful besides the red stain part. If 360s is what the perk is for, then you’ve got it wrong. 360ing isn’t an official mechanic in the game, therefore no perks will affect it. At least pallet stuns let you gain distance with the Haste effect, since you’ll always wind up getting hit otherwise. Plus, there’s no cooldown. (Also, just run Hope. It’s handy!)

    I made a mistake in Engineering Bases because I misread it. I’ll fix it now. Besides, I didn’t mean to change anything besides the numbers since 80% is way too easy to hit.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Tireless is more a vigil change than an an entire new perk

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 135

    I love tireless. I feel the exhausted depletion speed should stay the same rate though. Maybe leveling up the perks allows for less exhausted time than usual and in addition to using this perk you don't deplete the exhausted effect when working on a gen or healing?

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 135

    Vigil? You mean:

    You and your Allies within 8 metres of range recover from ExhaustionHaemorrhage , Mangled , Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster?

    Cause tireless depletes the timer faster in addition to allowing recovery while running. That's not really the same... :/

  • MegaTyranitars
    MegaTyranitars Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2019

    I appreciate you like it. Actually tireless doesen't let you recover faster from exhaustion. All it does is it allows you to recover while running too, but a bit slower than normal. Recovery while walking/standing still stays the same.

    I think that any buffs to it might make it op. Imagine having dead hard or sprint burst every 40 seconds in chases... With level 3 tireless it would be 100 seconds. It sounds like a lot but most of the time you already have a bit of exhaustion recovered so most of the times it will be less than that.

  • MegaTyranitars
    MegaTyranitars Member Posts: 12

    I appreciate you like it. Actually tireless doesen't let you recover faster from exhaustion. It only allows you to recover while running, but at a lower rate. While walking or standing still the recovery is normal.

    I think k that any buffs would make it too op. Imagine having dead hard or sprint burst every 40 seconds in a chase... Right now level 3 tireless would take 100 seconds to recover while running and most of the times it'll be even less because you have already recovered some exhaustion in the meantime.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 135

    It's a good combo with vigil. This would make games a little more fun to play.