Imagine what it must feel like to be so bad and upset over a game to DC

Cant imagine what its like to quit games constantly, if you do bad learn from it dont rage quit and call it bull. im all for the DC ban penalties and honestly id support them being more harsh for when you quit. oh whats that? "If I GeT bAnNeD IlL sToP pLaYiNg" good! means less games ruined for the rest of us.
Once the bugs and load screen crashes are fixed to not count as DC I agree.
People who threaten, “if you ban players they’ll find another game,” to them I say GREAT.
Id rather the game have 100K players that stick it out and not 300K players where half of them DC first time they get hit or if they hear the Nurse sound.
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There are multiple reasons why people DC not because they are just bad at the game. STOP being an entitled player. If someone doesn’t want to be in the game then they shouldn’t be forced to stay.
Example: Imagine if you had a love one you really care about and I forced them to play a game of life or death. They really wanna leave, but if they do they’re gonna get punish for it.
Not cool right?
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Yeah true, i do wonder how many people quit and lie about the game crashing or something else tbh, people use to do that often with other games so if they can get it so actual Quits get punished hell to the yes! id say about 90% of my games have a DC in, i know people wanna do challenges but damn dont rage quit and ruin everyones game. i did dark senses even though i spawned near the killer and was hooked first, even the first gen popped but i didnt DC and i actually got it. the games meant to be fun, for all people and it shouldnt be ruined by people who quit tbh
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See, this is the reason DC penalties will exist. If you don’t want to play DBD then don’t play DBD, simple.
If you choose to play DBD but decide that playin against spirit isn’t fun, or seeing ruin is unfun, or being the first one found and hooked is a reason to DC you are affecting four other people just for yourself.
Sorry, that kind of attitude belongs in a PVE, single player game.
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Dude... this is a video game. Not a saw movie.
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Second that, if you dont wanna play dont play, you cant expect to only play against a few killers with a few perks and only on certain maps. the more you play on them the better you will get
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Fun is very subjective. Everyone has their differences in fun. When someone isn’t have fun or is unhappy it’s not their job to cater to your every enjoyment.
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You seem a little worked up. Maybe you should take a break? Play some Civ 5, perhaps?
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nah just bored tbh, whats the point in playing the game half the time if people always DC, i dont really care if they arent having a great game or something, stick it out things can change but having 3v1 or even 2v1 or a killer quitting early on to then have to wait in a lobby again for more DCs to happen. im only playing the game to finish my rift which drags if i spent more time on lobby times and loading screens than i do in game
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I love it when people use the excuse "IF THEY ARENT HAVING FUN THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO DC"
It is as if they don't realize that they are ######### over other people in the name of their own "enjoyment", which, if you didn't know, is called selfishness. While it is a "casual" game, that doesn't mean you arent wasting and screwing over other people when you DC. I'm going to enjoy watching more penalties being laid out.
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Same goes for people who write sh** comments on a steam profile. If I get mad I would already have calmed down by the time I even enter the players profile.
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No it’s not their job, but the fact that they willingly screw over three teammates for their own idea of fun shows the type of person they are.
This is like being one of those WR being paid to play football but whining they don’t get the ball 30 times a game
Again if you aren’t concerned about other people having fun, only yourself, then go play Fallout, resident evil or some other single playe game
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The opposite of bde, is what I imagine.
But I can't imagine caring enough
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lol, someone needs to go check his basement, like stat!
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I agree 100%. Even when i'm tilted af, i never dced.
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I don’t either, I’m at least taking my bloodpoints and telling the other side/teammates GGs
Ad a killer even against teabaggjng SWF I give them a GG because they deserve it if they owned me, and I won’t whine and give them that pleasure.
As a survivor even when I get killed I give a GG to the killer, unless it’s something sick like IRI hatchet in which case if I’m first to die I don’t stick around to watch
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Players that DC are the equivalence of killers that lobby dodge, but funny how you see that rarely talked about.
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theres sooo many reasons people DC. internet connection, game crash,
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The problem is this game has extreme helplessness. Unlike f13 or last year or Resident Evil or Evil Within, survivors are helpless. No weapons to fight back at all.
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I haven’t been scared of the first Nurse sound ever since her nerf. :) I’ve heard that good Nurses still do very well even after her nerf, but I have yet to encounter one of them.
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There are hatchets in every locker dude ;)
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I DC'ed last night, after my bleed out bar was more than halfway gone from being repeatedly slugged by a huntress. Not so much tilted as just done with that game. That was my third DC this year, so I don't do it often.
I'm perfectly willing to play against Iri hatchets as long as the killer is actually playing the game, but spending more than 2 minutes slugged? Every time someone picked me up I was immediately smacked back down, same with the other slug in the group. All four of us DCed.
Edit to Clarify: I'm in favour of DC penalties, as long as they fix any game crash issues.
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It's not that they don't want to play DBD. It's that they don't want to play THAT match. So, what you're really saying is "if you don't want to play that "match" then don't play it" and they aren't. That's why they DC. The bugs are insane. I'm not going to stay in a match stuck to a tree until the killer finds me and then decides he doesn't want to hook me and instead leaves me there so he can get the other survivors while using me as bait.
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If you quit for any other reason than an actual bug or glitch then you deserve the ban, simple as that. youre ruining the game for so many others, you can say you payed for it and deserve to do what you like but so did those other 4 people who now dont even have a choice, play the game for the game regardless of map, killer, offerings, how well your start was etc. that goes for both killer and survivor. Admittedly its worse hen new challenges come out but its kind pathetic if you quit due to going down or being outplayed...
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Better still have a player retire option. The player leaves the match, but they are banned from queing until the match finishes. Its as if they are benched within the match and have to wait it out. Maybe this might stop players from quitting due to rage as they wont be able to get a new trial till the one they qued for, and accepted by not leaving the lobby, is completed.
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I can imagine that, it is called old legion. Seing Noob3 dcing because a killer was too op surprised me