Which killer/survivor could you live WITHOUT?
I got to thinking the other day... if you had to flip a switch and BAM! - any one killer and one survivor of your choice are gone from the game, which would you pick? But wait, there's a catch:
Not only is that character gone, as in never existed, but all their PERKS and MAP (if applicable) also never existed. They were never a thing, never thought of, not included in future chapters... nothing. Simply gone from the game. What/who could you live without?
Now that you know the rules, which killer and survivor would you flip the switch on? They don't necessarily have to be from the same chapter.
I could live without Huntress and Jeff, nothing personal.
Easy. Without Ace and Spirit.
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Meg and Clown. I despise Meg heads and Clown is a boring killer to play as and against.
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Ace's perks suck and I dislike Doctor gameplay, I'd choose them.
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Legio- oh wait.
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Only because spirit kills you everytime your against her lol
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Ace + Clown
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I could live without Kate and Ace. I could also live without Trapper, Spirit and Clown. But especially clown because of how much people spam their bottles on one Survivor. Gives me a headache.
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Ace and Spirit
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clown cause he genuinely is just gross to play against, and ig ace since does anyone even use his perks?
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Jeff,and Nurse.Not cause im bad against the nurse or think she is a good killer to play(i myself just torture myself with playing her)but just to get rid of her dumbass map.Its got that ######### middle building at which you just have to leave survivors
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Legion. I really think they should take him back to the drawing board and rework completely. He doesn't work, he just doesn't ...
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And you drew that conclusion from where? Spirit because she is boring, most of the players tunnel off hook, and half her success has nothing to do with skillful plays, two of her perks allow for one-shots and her map is sh*tty.
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hmmm...map and perks also gone?...ok...
Survivor: Ace.
Killer: Hillbilly.
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The Survivor that i wouldn't miss is whoever is the loudest when getting hooked.
As for Killers, probably Nurse, Plague a close 2nd.
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Survivor, I guess all but Kate, Dwight, Meg, Laurie, Jake and David
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Kinda the only think we can do lol, the bottles are terrible
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Mhm, don't know if I should take Meg or David, so let me take them both out.
Meg because of her perks and David because how he looks :).
Killer, Leatherface.
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Quentin and Leatherface
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Meg and Spirit. Spirits just boring and Megs ######### ugly. That's really my only argument for Meg.
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Quentin (useless perks, dont like character, delete badham) and tbh you can take killer as well
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Wow never saw a more true post on this forum.
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I was going to say legion but they're the perfect example of what not to do with a killer, so im gonna go with Plague because shes really uninteresting
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Could live without Hag, power makes for the most boring playstyle.
And I could live without Claudette, 'cause ######### Blendettes.
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Jeff and pig.
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Nea and Nurse.
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Easily the entire Nightmare chapter. The only things I would miss would be the maps and Fire Up, but never having to play against Freddy again would be worth it.
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Legion and Laurie. Both of them have caused ripple effect issues and are extremely hard to balance. Also Legions map is bad.
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spirit and ace
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Laurie and Hillbilly so two of the most broken maps in the game are gone.
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Spirit definitely, games are always not fun to play. Spirits perks can all go as well. Every single of one of them. I could go without Claudette, just specifically Blendettes, I don’t have a beef with her specific character 😂
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Jake and Spirit
Unless the player playing Spirit is new or a potato, the match almost always goes in her favor.
I just hate Jake and his smug face.
Freddy is a close second because I hate facing him.
Hillbilly only because the way he looks violates me. It hurts to look at his stretched skin and fills me with anxiety.
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I'd live without Huntress, shes meh to me
For survivor Ace, he's also meh
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Killer there are two that are just tedious to go against - and since I dislike both equally I will list both:
Spirit - Majority of the mind game potential is on her side, unless you run a build specifically to counter her - it's mostly just pure luck against her in a chase. Boring.
Plague - Well no heals, no altruism from healing, playing a no mither round with the added annoyance of having to look at an ugly green splattered screen that obstructs your view the entire game.
Survivor - I could really live without most of them, there's not really a survivor that annoys me since they are just skins, but if I had to choose one it would be Jane's. They tend to be pretentious thinking they are all that and a cherry on top.
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Probably GF and Steve
Both seem to garner the more toxic players
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Legion and Jeff. As a matter of fact, just get rid of that entire DLC. Ormond is terrible.
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Doctor and Nea, cuz Doctor is boring and weak, perks are ok but still, and Nea cuz no one likes Urban immersion and No0b3 wannabes
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I could live without Hag. Most boring killer imo.
As for survivor, I would delete Feng Min 😈
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Laurie and Huntress.
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Plague and Steve.
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Only because clown kills you every time you're against him lol
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Huntress and her hitboxes can go to hell.
Delete Huntress or bring back old hitboxes. (OG players understand) But after that, no one will play huntress (like nurse now) because you know...hitboxes was fine back then.
Huntress mains: toxic gameplay/hitbox abusers.
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Killer: Spirit
Survivor: Ace
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Huntress, ######### that annoying ######### lol
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Well I never go against clown so how can that happen?
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I could live without Plague. Sorry fellow plague mains.
I think my least favourite survivor is ace. I just don't like his style and his attitude.
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Tbh, I’d say no clown and no ace :/
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Killer: Trapper, Meg (Meg mains are for some reason more dangerouse then most killers)
Survivor: Nea
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Quentin. He looks so horrible that I'd rather him be obliterated from the game at this point since his rework is never coming.
For killers either Clown or Spirit. Clown because he's just a boring piece of ######### and slowdown abilities are just so fun, Spirit because her mind games of skillfully holding the right mouse button to down me gets tiring after the first time she does it. Her visual design is still cool though