How's Everyone Adjusting?

This thing where they took off matchmaking is so stupid. Like if you're reading this and you came up with that please keep your stupid ideas to yourself. There was barely any wait time in lobby. One person leaving was not such a catastrophe you had to take matchmaking off. I'm 13 and just got paired with 19s and 20s, the killer was 16. They couldn't even do simple skill checks. So ofc he got all them in the first five minutes. I died which I don't mind but literally every time he got them it was because they couldn't do a skill check. And we all miss skill checks maybe once or twice in a match but the gen kept blowing. The guy wouldn't let me heal him so when he got hit he went straight down. Then I got paired in another match where I had to save all survivors also 19s and 20s and the one time i took a hit for the guy they left me on the hook and another girl. 3rd guy blew a gen gets hit and the girl took her sweet time getting over to us and we both died first time on hook. I played a match that ended literally in four minutes. He slugged everybody. I was the last to be slugged but I felt like I should of tried to save someone. Nobody got more than 8k points. Why? Why? Why? I have literally not had a good match in so long. There will always be issues with any game but Jesus please fix it. This game has spiraled completely with one update. Is 'anyone having better luck? I'm going to screenshot but seriously I keep getting paired with 18 19 and 20 consistently. Is no one else playing? This is my first time playing in days.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    16 and 19 Isn’t anything huge

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    When I'm 13. Yes it is. Its not even about the number its the experience. There's no reason to be missing that many skill checks. If you're an inexperienced 19 20 and you go up against a 16 killer yes its a problem. I didn't have people around my level consistently blowing gens every 2 seconds.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    A rank 16 killer doesn’t have much experience either though.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    They have more though. And they're the killer. They don't do anything but swing lmao. So when you got 19s and 20s blowing gens then it's easy to get them. Plus them just running out into the open trying to save people. I don't know if you have trouble comprehending but let's not pretend Rank doesn't mean anything cause it does.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I didn’t say rank doesn’t matter, it doesn’t take much to reach 16 so it is doubtful that they had much more experience than the survivors. I fully comprehend your post but 16 and 19 aren’t a huge difference, same with 13 and 16.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Again it is about experience which is the part you're not comprehending. Get off he numbers so much. For all you know those 19 and 20s just started. That 16 is 16 for a reason. Hes at 16 for a reason. If it doesnt take much then that should say something about them at 19 and 20 lol.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I already said that their experience shouldn’t differ to much so it isn’t I not comprehending. That 16 could’ve started that same day so he still wouldn’t know much on how to play.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    It doesnt matter what YOU say though. Lol. Its about their experience which I and not you saw. Theres a reason the game only lasted a few minutes. Theres a reason I could stand out in the open and watch them make mistakes continuously. The killer not one time focused on me. I sat there and looked at him and he at me and then he turned around and left. He didnt once chase me or even swing at me or anything till the end when the hatch opened. He didnt need to.

  • Scorp721
    Scorp721 Member Posts: 47

    Killers don't do anything but swing lol someone has never played killer. Matchmaking is pretty broken though (the devs acknowledged it in their last stream but said a fix was unlikely until after the holidays) its just pulling numbers out of a hat at this point..

    I can play killer (rank16) and get one game of all rank 20's with 1 perk then the next a group of rank 4's and at rank 5 surv i've had rank 2 killers and rank 20's.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    People tend to overvalue rank. It isn't hard to rank up with either killer or survivor. It also isn't hard to manipulate your rank either. I used to regularly get to rank 1 as a killer. These days I usually sit around 10-8 rank. Not because I'm not skilled and can't rank up. But because I actively manipulate my ranking so I can chill and focus on getting bloodpoints. There are plenty of high skill players in lower ranks and plenty of derps in higher ranks. It really isn't worth getting worked up over.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Well you're lucky. I just played a dope match though. Everyone was around my rank except killer but he had experience. He killed two then toyed with me lol and used the other one to finish his mission. Thats literally the first good match ive played since the update without the matchmaking. And they arent really good devs if they put a system in place and then claimed it never actually worked which is bull cause when it was on I never got paired with anyone more than 3 levels away and they would usually be higher than me so. And lets have a discussion here but if youre not good at making assumptions then maybe just dont. Cool? I play killer but essentially to hook a person you have to swing and hit them Is that not true? Okay moving on.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2019

    I wouldn't fancy myself a gamer but anything i spend money on im interested in. Would I say im getting worked up over it? Naw. But just like you (who wouldn't manipulate the game to sit at a certain level if they didnt care) I care about the game. Its called having an opinion. Also if you were getting games like i am you're not getting any points. And yes i totally agree about bad players being a high rank and vice versa. However which you two seem to not understand if you consistently on the same gen miss skill checks then I think we can agree you might be new to the game or lack experience in it. Which is fine. I guarantee all of you here probably have more experience than I. The end goal is to escape. If you were constantly paired with low level inexperienced players who kept you from that goal and getting blood points as you stated you liked to do youd be a little irritated. We can chit chat all day theres a difference without match making. I could have fun all day playing. Now its like pulling teeth.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    You are right that I wouldn't bother manipulating my rank if it didn't matter at all. I like sitting in the middle of the ranks because I get virtually any kind of match from red to brown survivors. I'm good with that. The good thing about being a killer in red ranks is you get matches virtually instantly. Mid ranks its around a min or two. But one thing red rank survivors have pretty much universally figured out is how to work a gen. To slow the game down I have to do things I don't particularly like such a tunnel someone dead. Since I'm mostly interested in bloodpoints and having fun I like to sit in the mid ranks. Do I get angry when I have a red rank SWF team though even if I'm in purple or green ranks? Nope. Do I play all 'tryhard' when going against a crew of solo yellow or brown? Nope.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Right. Which is my point. I want to have fun. I wish i could show yall the matches ive been getting. I had a couple good matches today luckily. Got a challenge or two done. I've played over 10 matches today though to only have two good ones. I personally dont care about being paired with 19s 20s but the ones ive been paired with cant even do a gen without blowing it at least four times. A gen that wasn't even finished. But i point out rank because at least if i have someone around my rank i know they at least have some experience or a strategy of how they play whether it be bad or good.i dont have to run from everyone the entire match afraid theyll get me caught or blow a gen im working on. Listening to you guys talk yall see to have no problems which lucky you but me personally its been hell. i used to wake up and immediately want to play . now its just awful for me at least.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    That was my reply to you. Sorry i keep forgetting to quote. 🙄

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    thing is ranking before their change was average of group +/- 6 ranks. so a rank 13, 19, 20, 20 is 18 now +/- 6 means it can be a killer as low as 12 or as high as 24 (not possible so hard capped at 20 your match is perfectly in line with that thinking. sure rank 19's and 20's are going to have problems, it's natural. now I am a rank 16 killer, and i've been paired with a group that is a rank 2, 5, 8 and 10 before that is a rank 6.25 average and +/- 6 means I'm out of range for the initial look for an opponent. well I don't like long queues as well as i don't like it when killers know i'm in a swf or i love it when i'm a killer and i know to dodge or not, and i've complained as have others. thus they tried to fix it so that survivors are paired first for a full group and killers don't know if that's a swf or if it's randos that won't work together.

    I get it, you're upset that people got paired with a rank 16 when they were rank 20. how else will they get good? should all rank 17-20 survivors be paired with only rank 20 killers? what about the issue when a rank 2, 5, 8 and 10 are together and they get a rank 20 killer? that killer's gonna have a hard time because the survivors are going to be more skilled. now how about rank reset? how does that factor into your thoughts? well my rank 16 butt got dumped to rank 17 because i got owned and de-pipped, then reset to rank 20. now i'm facing those same 19-20's yet i was a rank 16 killer should I play as i know or should i pretend i'm brand new?

    I used the previous matching system becuase I do not think the current one is working properly so i went with one that did work for the most part. anyways i don't see a major issue with your match other than you got paired with newbies. It happens.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    To be fair, a rank 16 player could potentially have a lot more experience than a rank 19, because a rank 19 is definitely a new player, or at least new to that role, but since 16/17 is the reset threshold, the rank 16 could be highly experienced and just not have played in a long time.

    That said, it's also not really something that the matchmaking system can detect and do much about, without majorly affecting queue times.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    The red ranks paired with yellows and browns afe way worse.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    a rank 20 player could be someone that has also deranked because of the rank reset system. I saw it with my own eyes when i logged in after rank reset. I was rank 20 again on killer because i didn't do so well. so those rank 20's could easily be people that aren't doing extremely well or moderately well at that point, not playing much. I'm not saying everyone that is rank 20 is like that because there are always newbies but all I said is that the match up experienced is level appropriate for the previous matchmaking schemes. Is it the best thing? not really but it is something that is possible.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Low rank games (10-20) are very much killer sided because it's where the survivors and killers of least experience are because they simply haven't played the game enough. You get matched with survivors and killers who are within 6 ranks so match-making is doing its job right. Your matches start to get better in green ranks though...mostly. I'm rank 5 currently and I barely get anyone over rank 12, usually between 6 and 9 which I don't mind. Or maybe you just need a break from this game, or find a group who'll play with you

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    Honestly there is no way to tell experience by rank. If there was a way to implement the system based on play time in each role and then a rank afterwards it would be more fair. In the old system I would constantly be reset to around 14-15 as killer (usually settle around 6-8) and if I didn't play for a few days after reset the people around my skill level would have moved up and I would be overpowering people actually in those ranks. It isn't perfect and probably never will be as it overall is something very challenging to implement. As a small aside, when I get you guys in the rank 12-16 area I sometimes lose you as I'm so used to every high rank pathing their escape the same and half of you run away from loops lol

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Although could be that the killer deranked, I deranked as killer from red to yellow when the rift challenges were brought in, as I can only play a handful of killers at red ranks.

    On the other side of is that the best survivor I've played with is now only rank 17, because she doesn't play much DBD anymore.

    I agree though, a rank 19 playing against a rank 16 killer isn't much of an issue. What's is more of an issue is when people bring grey ranks into rank 1 games. Especially now they're removed the ability to see the randoms ranks, you can't prepare yourself to help an inexperienced survivor to survive against a rank 2 killer.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Yeah like I’m in red ranks but I don’t think I’m that good, even though I escape most matches as survivor and get 3-4 kills as killer it’s mainly the others that hep me and the survs that mess up that let me get kills but hey that might be me being wayyyy to humble lmao

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Survivor is a very miserable experience right now, even at rank 1.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'm doing like usual.