Looking for advanced Nurse tips
After mastering her abilities, I'm starting to get bored with her. In terms of capability I feel as if I've plateaued. I'm looking for something that can change the way I play her, or that can help me get past this plateau. Something to make her interesting again.
(please keep in mind that I'm PS4, so her capablities are limited in comparison to PC)
I'm not sure I'll be able to offer much since I don't play on console anymore.
But in all honesty, I don't recommend playing Nurse on console. She's awful.You're gimping yourself big time by playing Nurse on console. That's just my advice.
If you want to learn some new mind games, you can check out my YouTube: Mister Holdout. I've just started uploading highlights from my twitch. I play a pretty mean Nurse and I think you'll pick up some tips from watching me play. I play on PC of course but hopefully you can still learn some new mind games.
If you have any specific questions, just ask. I'll try and answer them if I can.
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That's why she's fun for me. All the other killers are operating at 100% proficiency. She is handicapped on ps4. It makes the game challenging.0
If you ever play Nurse on PC, you'll know what I'm talking about.
I actually learned the basics of Nurse on console and then switched to PC. I couldn't believe the difference.
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I've seen the difference. It makes me sad to think the devs can't do anything about the difference.
But yeah and advanced tips or tricks would be appreciated : )0 -
I've got a good nurse build for you, brutal strength, enduring, bamboozle, and fire up and you're not allowed to blink. That's the meta nurse build ; )0
Oh @SovererignKing should be able to help with this! And @davidps4DBD hope to see your nurse in the fog! I love going against nurses and they are so rare to run into in high ranks especially on PS4!0
I been told when playing Nurse and when you blink, look around before you look down and gasp.
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Learning a new augmented Blink is always nice. I use the Ataxic Respiration and Catatonic Boys Keepsake add ons for maximum range. So dubbed “Omega Blinks”. It cuts out having to play “catch up” to Survivors.
Ive also had success with with Pocket Watch and Matchbox add ons. Making your Chain Blink window as long as possible is a great way to suprise those pesky Survivors who like to run toward you on your second Blink Charge.0 -
Increasing sensitivity might help you with a controller
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Don't touch any addons until you're comfortable with her 2-base blink.
Judging by the fact you're asking for advanced tips, I'd assume you're fairly comfortable.
I'd suggest throughout the game, learn each survivor and how their behavior is gonna be. For example, if a Meg keeps doubling back, mindgame it. If a Kate tries to bait you into shack, fake it out. Once you've done that, you're pretty much sorted in chases.
As for pressure, don't be afraid to slug, especially someone with DS. It still applies pressure and takes someone off a gen to go heal, which gives you more time.
Slowly start experimenting with perks like D.Hope or Make Your Choice, and you could have a really powerful Nurse.If you want to really train yourself, go from rank 20 to 1 perkless with only 2 blinks. You'll come out much more experienced.
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Play "Plaid Flannel" add-on If you have, but no more add-ons, to learn her base.
If you want to master her, I think you need to just play a lot and get muscle memory on her.
Also, very good is to adapt on how each Survivor is trying to juke/mind game you. See how that Survivor play againts you and If he got some jukes, then try to counter-play them. Adapt. Key for good Survivors would be againts Nurse: be unpredictable.0