Favorite Meme Builds

Killer or Survivor. Those goofy-just-for-fun builds. A lot of times I like to make self imposed rules to go with them. Here are a few of my favorites.
Potato Sack Race
Perks used: Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit, Play With Your Food
Objective: See how many survivors you can put in a dying state while carrying a survivor.
Obsessively Obsessed
Perks used: Nemesis, Furtive Chase, Make Your Choice, Remember Me
Objective: Only put your obsession in the dying state and hook.
AFK Killer
Perks used: No One Escapes Death, Blood Warden, Rancor, Deerstalker
Objective: AFK until there is only 1 gen left to complete then see how many survivors you can kill. Deerstalker is there so you can slug a survivor and then open a gate so you can trigger Blood Warden in case the survivors 99 the exit gates.
Unstoppable Killer
Perks used: Save The Best For Last, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, Fire Up
Objective: Pick a killer with normal move speed and an ability that can damage survivors w/o removing tokens. The goal is to only use special attacks on the obsession and only regular attacks on everyone else.
Perks used: Knockout, Deerstalker, Hex: The Third Seal, A Nurse's Calling
Objective: All survivors must be in the dying state before you can hook.
Forever Injured
Perks used: Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Coulrophobia, Bloodhound or A Nurse's Calling
Objective: Keep all 4 survivors injured for as long as possible.
What games-within-games do you you like to play?
Inviso-Bill Overbeck
Quick and quiet, iron will, balanced landing and lightweight/spine chill.
Basically a Blendette build but actually respectable.
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Santas helper Dwight. (Elf skin mandatory)
Plunderers and ace in hole - find all sorts of goodies to give to your team
Leader to help your team do things quicker
Bond - find your team to gift them your items.
Burn the purple coin offering if possible.
Objective is to see how many people will accept your gifts. And if you see the killer give them some love too.
If you die, dont forget to messege the killer that Santa is upset and to expect coal.
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no mither object of obession mettle of man and head on
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I'm still working it out but one meme-y build I've been thinking of is Dark Devotion w/ the Doctor. Hit the Obsession, switch to Treatment Mode, and let them spread the madness for you
I've only tried it a couple times, last time being before the Oni was released to add Nemesis to the mix.
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A nice one is what I call: just hit everybody.
Left the best for last, remember me, haunted ground/sloppy butcher and noed.
Objective: hit the survivors
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No Mither
Self Care
Inner Strength
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god save you
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Locker Dweller:
Head On + Inner Strength + Quick and Quiet + Ds
Never gets old :)
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My favorite one was 10 second stun.
DS, Head On, Adrenaline, and Iron Will.
You got a DS, jumped into a locker, stunned the killer, Head On him, and used a insta heal to escape.
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Pretty creative. Welcome to the forums.
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I made this build for legion: It's pretty unorthodox, but I've found success with it. I don't have a name for it, but it sows chaos...
Favorite Killer: Legion
Favored Build (at the moment):
Corrupt intervention (Early game slowdown)
Dying Light (For later game slowdown)
Dark Devotion (For extra opportunities and chaos)
BBQ (Points + Auras)
Both Rulers (You'll understand why when you read below)
Why this build works:
This build is the result of asking myself: How could I make a legion that hides their TR when frenzied? Or in essence, how could I recreate the Darkness Among Us Trailer?
My first attempt was with Furtive Chase and Ruin instead of Dying Light and Dark Devotion, but that didn't exactly work the way it was intended... but I did sort of get the effect. People didn't realize they were running to me, but the effect was barely noticeable.
So I tried Dark Devotion, and that worked very well. People didn't expect it to occur. And it's even better on indoor maps (no shock there). Dark Devotion triggers only with a normal hit, so you can hit the obsession with frenzy, down them, and get the undetectable status and be on your way. You'll probably get frenzy back (because of the rulers) by the time you find them, so you can hit them all with frenzy for extra pressure, then down someone and apply Dying light stacks.
This playstyle will cause chaos, as they will not be able to rely on the TR to be reliable, and the game will be getting harder and harder for the survivors. You'll also be able to frenzy without a TR.
And you'll get lots of points.
But you have to slug the obsession a lot, or just hit them.
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Thanks. I've had a tiny bit of success in test runs, hitting the Obsession then nearly getting a generator pull. I flubbed the grab, but the Dwight did say later I gave them a scare.
Does Killer Instinct still work for finding Survivors in the Obsession's Terror Radius, then?
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It doesn't work like that from what I've seen. It appears that KI works within a radius from you, the Legion, and that it happens to overlap with the TR most of the time. So no, KI doesn't break with Dark Devotion. I haven't tested this for certain though...
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But it's still usable by the sound of it?
Thanks. I had a bit of success when I tried it before, getting an early hit on the Obsession then nearly making a generator grab. I flubbed it, but the Survivor did say afterwards I gave them a scare.
(Sorry if this double posts, my initial reply vanished for some reason)
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Oh yeah, Legion still works as normal, you just don't have a TR (for 30 seconds), which is great!
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A meme build I like to run on Leatherface sometimes is the “You no Touch my Items Build”
Perks needed: Franklin’s Demise, Insidious, and any other perks of your choice.
Basically you go in the basement and wait for a survivor to steal an item from your precious chest, then you smack them with a basic M1 and force them to drop the item and shake your head as they leave. It’s really really funny. Basically a counter to your build lol.
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Babysitter on Laurie
That's it.
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Bloody Murder
Freddy with the purple block add on (Z block or burned block or something) and any second add on.
For perks, take Sloppy Butcher and Bloodhound. If you want to be anti healing, take Nurse's Calling and Thanatophobia or Moniter and Abuse. If you want to slug, Deerstalker and Knockout or Hex: The Third Seal.
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Spirits totems :
Hex : Ruin
Hex : Haunted Grounds
Hex : Thrill Of The Hunt
Hex : Devour Hope
Bets meme build ever
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Amazing, easy win
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Toxic Hostage Doctor(variant 1)/Plague: Thana, Ruin, Dying Light, Pop
Doc (v2): Ruin, Thana/Dying Light, Coulrophobia, Distressing
Doc (v3): Same as 1 just swap Pop for Distressing
Basement Superhero Bubba (protecting the basement's BDSM kit): Insidious, Ruin, NOED, Franklin's.
Low IQ Wraith: any build+Insidious
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I tried this once at low ranks. After 2 minutes got bored. Ended up 4king. Baby survivors
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Honing Stone = DC
no mither, tenacity, unbreakable, slippery meat
Also change steam username to Hone Stone = DC to trick trappers into using it. Then find the nearest set trap, step in it, and then slug yourself. GGEZ
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Well, to mess with survivor perception on top of base spirits ability, I like to play her with both distressing and insidious. The kick is insidious starts working while you're phasing, so it throws off peoples sense of range, or often makes them think that spirit've left (since sometimes you still can see her husk with no TR). Or as ex. when survivor is on a high ground, you fake spirit noises (with no TR) to make them think that you're going around to force them jump down right to you.
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My favorite is the "Broken Build"
No Mither
Second Wind
And Inner Strength or Self Care to round it off
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I like to play poor mans deliverance with ace
Up the ante
Slippery meat
And whatever perk for the last two. Theres just something satisfying about getting hook jumps with no broken status.