Why do some killers lie about this...



  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok but it's not impossible for him to have a reason to think you are nearby.

    BBQ, Crows, Grass, Sounds, Prediction ect.

  • CrummyCookie
    CrummyCookie Member Posts: 77

    Even at rank 15 they do it. The killers are potatoes for the most part as well so they won't notice Crows and hear bushes. But nobody is near for the most part so there's no reason for them to think that

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Well if they are rank 15 then it makes sense that they would be bad at reading the signs and would get false positives by thinking they saw something they didn't. Something like hearing a crow go off and thinking a Survivor set it off when it was actually the Killer itself.

    And the ranking system means that the Killers that straight up camp on purpose would be in lower ranks too.

  • JackaloMoss
    JackaloMoss Member Posts: 27

    If I think camping is the best move to do, then I camp, I don't care that I might make some childish survivor cry on the forums. (And if they are crying on the forums, it's pretty obvious it was the best move to do, they wouldn't be crying if they did a bunch of gens while I camped).

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    They probably use the excuse because they are tired of getting verbally assaulted by survivors.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428
    edited December 2019

    Almost like we do see the scratch marks you can't see, and we can see if someone stopped running last minute because those marks tend to sprawl out on tree's and buildings higher than you'd think (reasons why predator sucks). Not to mention there's a good chance he saw nobody with BBQ/gens worked on with thrilling tremors which is a very solid tell that someone is getting ready to save as soon as you leave. Another reason people will camp hook expecting someone to be there is if people autosaved people off the hook in the past as soon as the killer looked away and walked for a second (which people are still dumb enough to do).

  • CrummyCookie
    CrummyCookie Member Posts: 77

    I understand in them situations but I'm talking about nobody anywhere near the hook. Like really far away so it would be impossible for scratch marks to be anywhere. I know through bond and walking and crouching a safe distance away. I feel like everybody is skipping over this part of what I'm saying

  • Killernewb86
    Killernewb86 Member Posts: 31

    DBD should be like Friday the 13th... 1 shot and you’re done.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    I get what you mean but the thing is maybe they saw someone else's, that does happen quite often, sure you might've been vigilant but maybe there was some other clown who wasn't

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    So is running around in circles, yet survivors do it a lot. It you have to decide between boring gameplay a and equally boring gameplay b which rewards you a kill, you might be temped to take b over a.

  • CrummyCookie
    CrummyCookie Member Posts: 77

    I was waiting for someone to say something like this. Does looping cause a game to come to a complete standstill? Nothing happening, nobody moving? There's more to looping than there is camping. As a killer you can mind game to get the survivor and the same as survivor. There is an element of skill. With camping there is no mind game, no skill, nobody doing anything. Its pointless and even more boring

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    No, looping doesnt lead to a standstill, and neither does camping. With camping, you just have to coordinate survivors to unhook. One surivor blocking the killer, one unhooking and tanking for the unhooked, maybe even one with a flashlight to blind the killer?

    And there is not much mind gaming on an open loop, its just running in circles until you catch up and he drops the pallet. Very skill intensive, sure.

    From the boring/skill perspective, they are not very different. Why did you wait for someone to say that and havent had you answer thought through? Seems like a waste of time.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    I actually stopped playing survivor because of this.

    I had many games in which the killer hooked me and just stayed 2m in front of me, sometimes even mocking me...

    Because I always took kindred most of the time other survivors rushed gens while he camped me until sacrifice...

    In the end all they did with that was ruining my game and their own while 3 survivors made the escape...

    I liked DbD in the beginning but I hate the community. And I mean HATE.

    It is the worst and most unsportsmanlike I've experienced so far.

    And then people also just take it too serious in terms of playing it...

    It is kind of a casual game. It does not fill stadiums and esports events with people. There are no professional players earning money with it. Yet many people develop this crazy need to talk big loads of ######### about micro balance (most are salty because the game is balanced for the more inexperienced players, makes sense because they are the source of money) , while the game still has flaws in it's basic mechanics...

    That's why I mostly stopped playing DbD except the one or other killer game...

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Usually I can see their head poking out from behind a rock

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I don't think people lie about it. It's more like many are reluctant to admit to others and themselves that soft proxying and tunnelling are essential to keep pressure on survivors who play optimally i.e. they prioritize gens.

    It isn't a secret how to play DbD. Survivors have to do gens and fast i.e. 'genrush', because there's a limited amount of resources they can use to defend themselves and they don't respawn. Genrush isn't toxic, it's meta and a necessary evil. Messing around doesn't cut it against good killers. On the same token, for killers 'proxying' and 'juggling' are necessary to keep pressure. Same for taking out a survivor quickly i.e. 'tunnelling', or you will lose gens. It's all meta against good survivors. And, finally, that's why BT and DS are meta perks.

    Either side isn't doing anything wrong or have a responsibility for starting this, it's chicken and egg. It's simply a matter of game design that creates a vicious circle.

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    How likely is it that every other survivor is hiding correctly? It's not always a matter of game mechanics being used perfectly, and considering I've reliably found people near the hook with bbq not showing auras it absolutely is indicative depending on who you're playing against. "It doesn't work on me so it isn't a thing, you don't understand game mechanics." Petty and pretty pointless, considering you didn't address anything else when that was pretty much a side note of the post to begin with. Stop being condescending while you look at things strictly from your point of view, other survivors play differently/worse and make certain things work.

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    If you see a killer camping just do gens man, when a killer camps someone you can just gen rush him/her easily

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    Can you explain to me what part of camping is fun? I just don't get it like why would you even play if you're going to just stand still for 3 minutes waiting for the person on the hook to die lol makes absolutely no sense to me and I play more killer than survivor. Honestly, camping just sucks period, there are certain situations in which yeah you must camp but camping the whole game? Come on dude lmao