Survivors, you are not being funny by DC'ing

I saw a few clips from people who were about to complete the six feet under challenge but surprise one survivor DC's just because. In the post game chat they say things like "No challenge for you lol"
Credit to u/CaptainRikkai on reddit for screenshot after one guy Dc on last basement hook
How in the hell is this funny? One thing is poking at someone and irritate them a little to have a laugh (like bodyblocking someone in a corner for a little while) but this is just being a ######### thinking its fun.
It is not fun for anyone to have a player DC, either as a survivor or as the killer (although the second case would work on their favour) and specially when trying to complete a master challenge like this.
And dont come at me with a "oh why should I stay in a match that is not fun for me?" Because 90% of the time you Dc because you got caught in due to your lack of skill. If you can tell me to git gud as a killer when you escape by hatch after I destroy your team then Im in all the right to say that you should be the one to get better and stop ruinning other's fun
Oops this turned into a rant much faster that I expected, my bad. Just dont DC please many people are really struggling for that challenge and its already hard enough without people DC'ing to screw up the killer for no reason
This is their way to feel they “win,” even though they actually lost. even before challenges survivors would DC while you carried them to third hook and claim you “didn’t kill me.”
It’s the reason I will never even try that challenge, maybe once it’s the only challenge left I’ll keep it selected “just in case,” but I won’t ever expect to get it.
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I once had a survivor die in the collapse and complain that I "didnt kill him the entity did" which of course makes no sense
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Guess he was faster at pulling the plug than me hooking him. He outplayed me
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I don't think they are trying to be funny. They are trying to be [BAD WORD] and they are achieving it
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If they ever do a challenge similar to this, they better have those dc punishments enabled lmao. It’s happened to me twice yesterday that the survivors simply refuse to play the game and run to the corner of the map just so I couldn’t get my challenge done. Once I finally got in range of the basement because the smartass ran into my trap, they simply pull the plug. I didn’t even play unfair either, some people are just that toxic lmao.
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Running to the corner is different to me than DC, at least then you have a chance if you an catch them a little closer each time
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If I'm the last Survivor caught I usually won't even struggle. I just let them take me wherever. At that point, we lost the match anyhow. A lot of times when I don't struggle they will actually give me the hatch.
I play to have fun, for both sides. If I have a fun killer (or a really skilled killer who steamrolls us) I'll give them some kudos after the game. Makes the game fun (which is what it's supposed to be).
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Same, I try to win but I don’t usually go super sweaty as killer or survivor. If the game goes approx 10 minutes with no camping it’s probably a good game, if survive great, if not that’s cool too kudos to the killer and I hope I helped my team escape.
As killer if I stack BBQ to 4 and get 50-60k blood I am a happy guy even if all 4 escape
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This was on Hawkins and this guy just kept running to the top floor even though nothing was there. He wasn’t playing the game and just sitting there. The only time I caught him and got in range was when I outplayed him and then he dc’d. In my eyes if your sole purpose during a match is to ruin someone else’s fun or prevent someone from getting a challenge done for the sake of it, you’re just as toxic to me as someone else dc’ing.
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That challenge had no thought put into it, I wouldn't blame the survivors, blame the devs.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out this was going to happen, they either are blissfully ignorant of the community, or lack any actual foresight.
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With how sweaty the community seems to be (both roles), I try to be nice. I never insult the killer or survivors in the chat, I don’t t-bag or point or flashlight clicking unless the killer was a douche for the whole match (I do like to twerk with Ghostface, it’s fun).
When it comes to killers doing challenges, if I notice they’re taking people to the dungeon, and my team is full of idiot potatoes who keep getting caught, And we have 1 or no gens done, I’ll just head to the dungeon to let them get their challenge.
it’s only a game. It’s not going to change anyone’s life if they win or lose every match.
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If he’s last yeah I agree, if I knew that’s whey you were doing and you already had the 3 kills in basement I wouldn’t even struggle once you downed me. Cheers to getting that stupid challenge done!
Now if it’s early in the game I will run to that floor and waste your time to help my team and I don’t consider that toxic
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Can’t tell you how many Trappers I’ve given the challenge right at the start of the match. They usually end up letting the entire team escape
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Same. I actually like most Trappers, I haven’t seen a sweaty one yet. I do hate how they make grass scary. I do love seeing a Trapper nod gleefully at a survivor when they get trapped. I just think it’s funny.
Trappers also seem to be the ones who showed the most mercy to me when I first started, letting me live after I crouch and shake my head. So now, if I sense a baby trapper, I’ll let them get me a few times. Especially with how bad the matchmaking is.
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In all honesty I'd rather they dc than get death hooked as much as it screws challenges over I don't do them much at all. I'd rather get the satisfaction that they hate me enough to rob me of 700 points by losing everything they've done in that game.
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Happened to me lol it was very frustrating cause they were a swf group got 3 and right before i hooked the last one he dc'd but what can you do about it sadly :/
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I report every DC, with a quick line about the circumstances.
I had a guy who ran to the back corner repeatedly to prevent me from getting it, and DC'd rather than give me the hook. He then stayed behind to mock me in the post game chat.
I really hope that the review team see this and punish these guys appropriately...
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I mean, I laugh anytime someone dcs
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I was trying to get adept Legion the other day in red ranks and I was soooo close to getting it. One survivor decided to start "memeing" or whatever that means. Basically just messing around, not doing anything. I would usually farm if I see something like that or if my survivors are losing pretty badly, but this is adept we're talking about. Well that survivor decided to DC bc of his memeing and didn't understand why I wasn't playing along. I ended up getting all my emblems EXCEPT for my sacrifices. I literally needed one more hook to get enough to two pip. Oh well, lol.
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you are talking about dc....Lets talk about the easiest mechanic of taking kills that BHVR let it exist in this game....Camp and tunnel....Cause i see many wannabe killer mains bitching about DC's
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Bing bong
The message you got from my post is wrong
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nah trust me.. its not about your post ..its that i found a push to write this...when you are talking about dc i will talk about camp..thats how it goes
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Ok...No problem...Have a good day :)
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u2 mate...merry christmas :D
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Ok, so that for me is more about denying the satisfaction of the killer getting me, rather than showing them up. It's one of the few ways I can try to feel better about a completely screwed match with 2 early DC's then a Trapper who trapped both exit gates.
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Really, a DC needs to count as a Sacrifice and a Kill for the purpose of challenges and achievements. Too many times when I was trying to get the "4 kills in 1 match" achievement, people would ragequit and I couldn't get it.
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While you are correct. I'm still gonna blame those who purposely do it. They aren't making a [Not so kind word] situation any better.
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But I don’t want to hate you. I want to love you! Why won’t you let me love you!
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The only thing that DCing does when someone is trying to finish these challenges is make it take longer, thereby making the matches where they encounter killers with the challenge continue to happen. If they just accepted their defeat or allowed the game to finish properly, they wouldn't encounter so many of them.
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Dc'ing is the games biggest problem, especially while doing challenges. I remember trying to get iridescent emblems for the tome 3 challenge. This is horrible because of the bug and the fact that every killer dc meant I didn't get my emblems.
Also the survive 10 trials challenge was extremely annoying because of killer dcs. They should program challenges to incorporate potential killer/survivor dcs.
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I'm sorry, but I already love someone... myself lol
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Only survivors are able to dc?
I have seen a lot of bs killer use franklin's, hit me and instantly dc so I lost my item or tunnel me the whole game when I have the 4 gens challenge..
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There is always room for more love!
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DCing is not an intended mechanic of the game. Outside unnatural causes outside the confines of player control (Poweroutage due to storms, ect.) is robbing everyone involved. The killer gets punished for playing the game, other survivors have to accommodate a gaping hole in their team comp, and the player who performs dcing robs themselves of any chance of improvement. Same with a killer dcing. What is the point of buying a game you quit playing soon as it doesn't stay in your absolute favor?
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While I get what you are saying, this case is much worse for killers as it is intentional
Killers tunnel regardless of what challenge you are doing, they cant know that you are trying to do 4 gens so its not personal, its just how they play (not really optimally by the way)
But a survivor is able to easily see the killer hooking a lot in the basement. And when he is about to get their last hook on the basement or they see that the killer is trying to hook on the basement they DC just to specifically screw up that person in particular. They know that the killer will have to try again and they laugh at you while a tunneling killer is just trying to play the game in his on way
The franklin's one seems oddly specific
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This is ######### gold
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Tbh yes, they are douchebags for acting like this. However I do not blame any survivors for dc ing when they have to deal with basement builds and stuff. It is really not fun. I personally do not Dc but I fight to the very end. There was a hillbilly who got mad and salty because I was the last survivor and i wanted to escape so I actually ran away from and looped him till the entity killed me in egc after he killed 3 people in the basement. It is like I have to give him the win. Even tho i had 0 fun and my teammates blamed me for not rescuing all of them from the basement even though hillbilly was camping with his chainsaw ready and i didn t have borrowed time. So challenges like this are the problem, not people who DC.
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Funny both camping and tunneling have actual counterplay, please show me how you counterplay a DC?
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I don't think he wanted to be funny, but were you camping? He really had no reason to be upset if you were just doing your challenge normally. (I'm only asking because when I were doing my survivor challenges I got matched against 7 people basement camping for the mission)
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A survivor dc'ing doesn't cancel the game.
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whats the counterplay versus a good killer? tell me senpai
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Let's see how mad survivors get when they have to hook the killer in the basement 3 times. Good luck picking our big [Explitive Deleted] up! WE MADE OF THAT THICC ENTITY MEAT!
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The real problem here is the challenges. BHVR clearly either wasn't thinking when they made them, or has no idea what kind of their community their game created.
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Actually it is very funny since you probably waited by basement or played some killer that can get back there instantly.
I'd say it's karma they DC on you lmao
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Lmao that is exactly the mentality of this kinds of survivors
1. That was not my game in mine I played as demo and ON MY FIRST DOWN I sent someone to basement and they immediately dc'd (karma for me I shouldnt have even tried to hook him there ez bb killer smh)
2. By dcing you are making the killer play the way you didnt like them to with other players, screwing them up
3. And obviously most players will play around beasement in that challenge unless they are very skilled. One thing would be to avoid the area and do gens but be a good sport when caught and the other is to dc because "He DiDnT pLaY hOw I lIKeD"
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How do you define "good", because the counterplay to a good killer is to be a good survivor.
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It cancels the challenge
Thats the point of this post
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I dont know, maybe you could use that popular phrase that skilled survivors bully bad killers with
GiT gUd
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i am talking about being camped by a good killer.. nothing else
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xD i guessed so..nothing to state