Should the last survivor should have a chance at unhooking themselves?

You played a great game so far. You helped multiple people off of hooks and even healed a few. You completed a generator by yourself and co-oped a few others. You even opened an exit gate. Then BAM! killer catches you. NOED is active, of course. Next thing you know, you're on a hook. But wait, this is your first time being on the hook all game, the gate is open, you have Deliverance! Redemption is one button away....

Nope, sorry, straight to "struggle" and you don't even get points for that, straight to the entity you go.. Because no one else is alive.

Does this make sense? End game collapse already shortened the heck out of the games, so it can't be for time savings. Why not give the last survivor a full chance like everyone else got?


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    with deliverance maybe but that would probably make it super obvious

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited December 2019

    "But wait, this is your first time being on the hook all game, the gate is open, you have Deliverance! Redemption is one button away...."

    And then you use Deliverance! But the Killer was right there anyways. EXCEPT YOU HAVE DEAD HARD. Except the Killer was not a potato and saw it coming. DECISIVE STRIKE, BOIIIII. Then the Killer just waits out the timer. BUT THE HATCH IS RIGHT THERE. Which gets closed. ADRENALINE, MUDDAF-and the Killer just downs you again because they already know you have Dead Hard and just plays around it. So all you did was waste time.

    I'm okay with giving the last Survivor full struggle points, but that's about it.

  • JeonKookie97
    JeonKookie97 Member Posts: 42

    It used to be that way. They took it away. I agree with u 100%

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The last survivor has no chance of escaping from hook so no. Unless I have Dead Hard frames wrong? Maybe you should be able to if you have an Adrenaline health state ready but I agree with Sairek here.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Id agree the survivor should have a chance to get off the hook if they are the last one, of course the problem being the killer has nowhere to go so there really isnt a point to it other than taking more time 🤷‍♂️

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Yes you should, there are so many instances where it would have let me escape.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Survivors get a million second chances, what's one more? ;)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Back in old times survivors on the hook were meant to be "already out the game" unless saved by another.

    The last survivor gets hooked, the game is over. Actually they need to add a check to speed up the sacrifice speed when every remaining sirvivor is hooked or dead.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    exactly this. All this would be is a waste of time or even an unneeded buff to DS.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354
  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    You realize that isn't how percentages work, right? It would still be 4% chance, because previous attempts don't factor into the percent.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, but that was before EGC became DBD's greatest killer. I agree with both of you.

  • JeonKookie97
    JeonKookie97 Member Posts: 42

    Didnt they get rid of it like when Huntress came out 😳😳 it was soooo long ago. I always thought it was u fair and to rob points for struggling

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    no. but maybe give the last survivor survival points for being the last one alive

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Maybe, I don't remember - I just know it was probably leftover for when they wanted to speed up end game, but now there's EGC, so it's kind of just robbing the last survivor of a chance, albeit a very small chance.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Killers cried hard about the last survivor having any chance such as ds, hatch etc. If you give anyone a chance off the hook survivor at egc should also still have such a chance otherwise it's just bogus. Yes it should still be a thing to get a chance and it is harder because the killer is right there, the timer is going on egc etc so only a bad killer would cry at another chance or the only chance just like everyone else had but this game punishes good players by saying, you did your stealth and now we're killing one of your perks, good job wasting that perk pick because we're not allowing you to use it. Also you've wasted burning luck and if ace you've wasted a 2nd perk now increasing chances of escaping. Every perk in the game works until a totem is broken etc but ds says nothing about one time use and deliverance says nothing about being disabled if the last survivor so that should tell you that enough cry babies made fast patches ruin the game 👍

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I kinda think so. I mean given what's been nerfed (ie crawling to hatch with a key and not being able to open it WITH THE KEY is ridiculous)

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172
  • OldManGloom
    OldManGloom Member Posts: 51

    Just gimme full struggle points before the Entity takes me.

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    If the last survivor didn't get the hatch then i would say sure. Also it would make it to where i just leave the last survivor on the ground.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I wouldnt mind it, i was kind of surprised back when i realized they coudnt do that.

    Though i doubt anything would change, if your the last survivor left the killer would just face camp you until you go into struggle phase, and if you get lucky they would just down you immediately.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    I won't lie, just a waste of time at that point I just wanna get the game over with and move on. If you wanna give the last guy something give him 1k survival if they had the most score (meaning they didn't just sit in the back and do nothing to try and get a free escape)

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    How many chances do you need? Survivors already get a trapdoor pity escape which shouldn't be in the game to begin with, how is it fair to a killer who plays the perfect game to be robbed because someone has a rng key or someone hid in a locker or corner of the map until their teammate dies. If you got caught by the killer noed or not it's on you, the only killers who use noed are the ones who still have 4 people alive after all gens done in my experience.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The fact that in a 4k, the final survivor gets LESS survival points than the other 3 is ridiculous.

    There should just be a score event when they die like "last one standing: 1000 survival points."

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I can agree with this. The final Survivor should get extra points for being the last one, especially if they weren't hooked until that point.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    They do if the hatch is closed by the killer giving the pressure score event :P

    Joking aside if the final survivor didn't get hooked at all during the match that means they did such a great job of avoiding any chases at all with the killer (ie not doing anything) or used a map's strong point every chase they got in so the killer just ignored them for the most part...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Maybe the Killer just couldn't catch them and eventually decided to save them for last. I've done it before.

  • picigu9
    picigu9 Member Posts: 50

    When this used to be in the game, I actually escaped with it, so I agree.

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133

    I end up in a lot situations where I havent been hooked but the killer avoids me until the end or if im the last person alive since I ran him around so hard. I should have a chance to jump off or at least struggle. It isnt fair that killers can draw out the game for no reason and we cant get our 15 seconds of struggle. Its ridiculous.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited December 2019

    I think it should be possible. It would actually make running luck/escape the hook perks more viable. DS being an issue isn't a valid excuse when it can be waited out if you really want to kill everyone that badly. There's no possible way the downed survivor is going to get to the hatch before you after you've knocked them unless you're both blind & deaf. It's not like they got borrowed time which would actually stop the killer from catching up in time. To those that moan about this being a possibility you can already see this play out as is if two of the last survivors get hooked at the same time basically with one dying in struggle phase. You're only getting "robbed" if you get greedy and wander off to break pallets/close hatch etc.

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    The point of the attempt escape option is as a last resort. So why is it not an option when you are the last one?

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    What would be the point? Why allow someone to kobe just to be downed immediately, then lay there on the ground until DS runs out so you can be hooked again and struggle for another minute. Doesn't seem fun.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    No. Your entire team got outplayed. Your already getting a free chance to escape by the hatch, or opening the doors, when you FAILED to complete your objective. You also can have DH, and DS, which gives you even more of a chance. what I don't understand is how the gates can be opened, when all the gens weren't powered on, but it's a game.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Why does everyone agree a survivor should have one FINAL attempt? You were outplayed.

    If that’s the case, survivors shouldn’t be able to crawl out of the exit gates or hatch.

    Everyone has such a one-sided perspective. Yeah, you played a great game but in the end you didn’t escape. Your team left you, now you’re alone with the killer, hooked and deserve to die. Your team has the option to destroy NoED and come rescue you.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    When you're the last one left, you should definitely be allowed your escape attempts as long as you aren't on stage 2 already. It really sucks when you do most of the work. Unhooking, healing, and doing generators, only for your team to abandon you and not even make an attempt to save you. Especially when there's no NoED! I've had teammates come back for me when NoED is active! Not my fault I have crappy selfish teammates.