Survivors, you are not being funny by DC'ing

I saw a few clips from people who were about to complete the six feet under challenge but surprise one survivor DC's just because. In the post game chat they say things like "No challenge for you lol"

Credit to u/CaptainRikkai on reddit for screenshot after one guy Dc on last basement hook

How in the hell is this funny? One thing is poking at someone and irritate them a little to have a laugh (like bodyblocking someone in a corner for a little while) but this is just being a ######### thinking its fun.

It is not fun for anyone to have a player DC, either as a survivor or as the killer (although the second case would work on their favour) and specially when trying to complete a master challenge like this.

And dont come at me with a "oh why should I stay in a match that is not fun for me?" Because 90% of the time you Dc because you got caught in due to your lack of skill. If you can tell me to git gud as a killer when you escape by hatch after I destroy your team then Im in all the right to say that you should be the one to get better and stop ruinning other's fun

Oops this turned into a rant much faster that I expected, my bad. Just dont DC please many people are really struggling for that challenge and its already hard enough without people DC'ing to screw up the killer for no reason

