Devs, is it possible to remove Self-care?



  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Ranking up is a punishment, at red ranks to find a lobby is like 10 hours, so I don't know why you think its a victory. When I play killer I love who uses SC and when survs not heal is not even close to be a Ez 4K if they know how to loop, they don't last 5 gens but if they are not SC'ing and doing gens that is a Ez escape. What you do not understand is that after 32 seconds you heal yourself, but being healed is not even that great and you still lost 32 seconds of gens, what you need to do is stop being selfish and look at survs game as a 4 v 1, not an 1 v 1. Another 2018 Self-care god tier perk, metq even at red ranks comments

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited December 2019

    @Brucecastro81 I wonder where in my post i said ranking up is a "victory". Just where. If you don't like the actual scoring system, no problem. #playsomethingelse. What i meant is "the longer the match the more blood points you get and chance to pip", because the scoring system is entirely based on "actions". All games where me and my teammates were able to genrush in 5 minutes (or even less), we got a misery in blood points that didn't even worth the time spent in lobby, and we even depiped. Wow! That's a victory! If you run self-care with resilience and botany, you heal very fast not only yourself but also the others, that are very happy to come back to you. What you seems don't understand is that all games are different because of different conditions, unless you're in a SWF, so you can really count on your friends support, self-care stil a good solution.

    Not all players are loop gods. Just realize it and accept it. Period. No more "but" or "whatever". Accept it. End of argument.

    "what you need to do is stop being selfish and look at survs game as a 4 v 1"

    Why selfish? If there are 3 on the ground, and i can heal myself to have a better chance to heal the others, i'm selfish? You kidding me? There is no chance for the team to organize strategically 4 v 1 if you're playing solo. Not that hard to understand. Playing solo is totally condition based, unless you're a loop god. Oh well, that's another story, but read again above.

    Btw you don't need to be salty dude. Self-care will still in our perk slot no matter what.

  • ViolentSh4de
    ViolentSh4de Member Posts: 71

    the devs already removed Self care, it went for being in 60% of the total player bases kit to maybe 1 person every few games

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Calm down bud, this thread is to just see the opinions of people, not to kill each other

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    SC is fine. I want BT gone or at least an indicator a survivor is invincible after being unhooked.. make them shiny before I hit them, not after.

    Because of BT (and hook tech, that should not be a thing) you can get a 0K match even if you facecamp a hook unless you're leatherface. Not saying facemping a hook is a proper strategy, just saying it's a bit silly survivors can all escape when you're 2 meters away from the hook the survivor is on. It's a big middlefinger into the face of the "killer".

  • camgaming_dbd
    camgaming_dbd Member Posts: 191

    u will need self-care For solo If using MoM 8\9 a survivor might not heal u

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Dude, express opinions and behing somewhat salty, there is a bit of a difference.

    Your quote "What you do not understand is that after 32 seconds you heal yourself [...] what you need to do is stop being selfish and look at survs game as a 4 v 1". That's not an opinion dude but a free accusation of behing so ######### we don't understand that "time" is precious in DbD. After 1700+ hours, i know that. If you run Self-Care with Resilience (9% speed up) and Botany (33% speed up), you can heal yourself (and most important the others) almost the half of that time.

    Every game is different, every team is different, every killer is different and every map is also different. Conditions makes the game different every time, and you cannot predict how the game will end up just thinking about "genrushing" as the only objective possibile to complete the trial. DbD simply don't work like that. You can be in game with loop-mind gamers demigods, so you can take care about genrushing, or with poorly skilled potatoes. You can't decide anything. If you can't talk to each other or even try to organize a working strategy against the killer, is all condition based. Just "luck", if you wanna call it in another way. There are games, for example, that all the job isn't even done by the killer, but just by Ruin, when you and your teammates aren't able to find the totem. I do gens with Ruin on without any problem, but most don't! Isn't the search for Ruin totem a waste of time? Yes it is, but with Ruin on, the killer has all the time he need to wipe your team out. Without Ruin the genrush is way more doable not only for you, but for the rest of the team. So searching for Ruin is a valuable "waste" of time if you can find it in a couple of minutes. If the search takes much longer, then i don't waste more time but i already know that with Ruin on, chances to escape are way way low, because i can only count on my skills, can't say the same for the rest of my teammates. That's why Self-Care, when you play solo, has a value.

    Go on Twitch and take a survivor god player, like "no0b3" for example, or "Monto" or any other one you think is a god, and watch their games. They don't run SC because they wanna play hardcore and 7/8 times out of 10, they all die and never escape, unless they play SWF. Check it by yourself. The vids are there.

    Maybe what Self-Care need is a cool down (exaustion maybe?) to prevent the abuse.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    When they go for the save with you around you already know they have BT. Just ignore the unhooked survivor and go straight for the saver.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    And so the circlejerk of farming begins. Nice point farming though.

  • KigeAno
    KigeAno Member Posts: 18

    It's the Cloak and dagger of DbD. It's got a good niche if you play well but by design encourages passivity. I'd like a rebalance where doing gens or something heals you to 99 instead of having to be useless for the duration of a short film.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    What can we do about it. This game is balanced with feets. Devs throw new perks in regardless the obvious conflicts that these choices will generate. We can just "adjust" ourself to this situation the best as we can.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Now I'll always bring it

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    They most of the time don't die and they don't run SC not because they are "Hardcore mode", because healing yourself is almost wortless. At red ranks most of the games none brings it and they stil manage to survive. I started to think I'm getting jebaited here cuz you said Self-care needs to be nerfed. Plz calm down, I'm not saying that you're salty or trying to fight or something like it, I am just a Self-care hater but that is just my opinion, so plz use Calm spirit (a bad perk btw) :)

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Its a time waster until the guy that healed himself because nobody else would makes a clutch play... Yay! Solo queue!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Which is better? Three people off gens or two people?

    (without sc someone else must heal me and someone else is being chased) (with sc one being chased and one healing)

    Sure, you don’t need to heal but if you’re going to then self-care isn’t bad.

  • Jason_cx
    Jason_cx Member Posts: 21

    That's why there's this perk called Coulrophobia that slows down healing time in the terror radius...

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    But this is the survivor equivalent but alot stronger

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    No. I could only play a week after rank reset and got matched with lots of different ranks.... Purples, greens, yellows and greys. I then i realised something.... The problem is NOT self care, the problem is people are allergic to doing gens!!! The times i got chased for a good time, only to be hooked and seeing my team mates were hiding while not on a chase !!!

    Was watching a stream yesterday, the streamer had inner strength and was looking for a totem.... Guess what? He wasted way more than 32 seconds..... Doing absolutely nothing!

    The other day i was playing a match à got chased for 3 gens, when the gates were powered the hag left me, my med kit only healed me at 85%, I was able to use SC to do the rest of the job, and leave.

    I know what you mean with the whole SC thing, but if your problem is the wasted time, than there are worse problems

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Like i said, if your problem is wasted time there are other problems, make a thread about people not doing gens? Why not make a thread about people taking 1 minute to find a totem to trigger inner strength ? Why not make a thread about people getting rescued and running to the corner of the map before letting you heal? Why not make a thread about people running after the un hook knowing it's a hag? Killing them self's on hook if you don't start going for the save after 5 seconds?

    Again i know what you mean, but i feel there are other issues as well that never get spoken about.

    I will say that I've seen wasted time due to self care, i will grant you that but it saved my ass more than once, i don't trust my team mates and just because i have it doesn't mean i use it all the time. There are times to not use it, but there are times where you can.