Bring back rank in lobby

Dear BHVR,

Please bring back survivor rank in lobby. I am really getting tired of playing this game and getting matched with high rank survivors and their "new to the game" friends. Previously, I would see a lobby with ranks 4,3,5,18 and I would leave and go find a new lobby and my gaming experience would be much more enjoyable.

With the removal of the lobby in rank feature I am forced to play with new survivors (who we all were at one point) but also with a high rank killer, and in almost all cases, lose the match due to the new survivors lack of experience and basic game knowledge.

Please please go back to the old way with seeing rank in lobby so I have the option of leaving should I choose.



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It was never intended and the possibility was discussed but your reasoning is why it was removed as there was an increase in lobby dodging.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    The devs have been pretty firm on this particular issue. As long as it's being used to dodge lobbies, they don't want to have it ingame.

    The main reason for that is that lobby dodging increases time spent in queues and lobbies for everyone involved. Because they're currently trying to make changes to the matchmaking system to minimise queue times, they feel that it would be counter-productive to leave a feature in the game which does the opposite.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    The same logic could be applied to Killer’s seeing survivors items, which has been in the game since the beginning, wouldn’t you say? If so, why make survivors play a game when they don’t feel like the, say, rank 15-can be something to prepare for or to dodge?

  • Destructa
    Destructa Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2019

    what about killers dodging the lobby? I'm sure that most of us prefer to wait longer than to play with inexperienced players, I am rank 1 and I lose many of my games because I have to play with players who don't know what to do, that is why sometimes I don't even want to continue playing DBD

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I agree that killer dodging is as much of a problem as survivor dodging is. Perhaps that's something that the devs will also look into changing in the future.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,344

    While it CAN be similar in that a killer seeing 4 flashlights could use that information to dodge, said killer could also use that information to make a change to their loadout and equip lightborn or franklins.

    I agree though that being matched with teammates WAY out of their league is frustrating. I hope that the devs do something about this, even if the solution provided ISNT to reinstate the lobby rankings.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Because seeing the survivors items is needed for the killer to set up.

    I've always said something needs to be done about dodging in general but to do this you don't start by adding something which adds more dodging.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    That’s exactly my point, your giving me double-standard logic.

    My argument remains the same, if I know there’s a rank 17 in my lobby and I’m a rank 1, I should know maybe this game I should use BT or even a Key as apposed to running a meme build I just wanted to have fun with.

  • jcl_z
    jcl_z Member Posts: 35

    Killers dodging lobbies is really outside the scope of my original post. My point is that if matchmaking were working correctly/SWF worked differently this would not be an issue, but since its not (an we know its not) having the ranks visible in lobby gave us the ability to work around the faults in the match making system. The fact that they had it visible for a few weeks and I noticed a massive improvement in not only escapes but overall game play enjoyment is why I made this post in the first place.

    Devs, you have opened pandors box with having ranks visible, until you solve for SWF & have match making work correctly this will always be an issue and a thorn in survivors sides.

    Please do what is right and go back to having ranks visible in lobby, thanks.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Not at all as it not my logic I'm simply repeating what was said.

    But I will add while seeing a toolbox or flashlight helps the killer by allowing them to pick certain perks knowing how low rank someone is doesn't really tell you anything as they could be a 2k hour player with more skill than the others coming back after a break.

    One gives info which by design is to help while the other allows for assumptions on how well the other can play.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    That would make sense if as a killer I can see which type of items and add-ons the survivor has, however, it does not.

    I’ll give you an example: 3 of my friends and I were playing SWF, our builds were No Mither along with Broken Keys (no add-ons) literally just that one perk and broken keys. To this test, we were dodged every single game and the very few that we weren’t, the killer brought a Mori. The killers would then message us and would say something along the lines of, “didn’t know you guys were memeing... I thought I was gonna have to sweat.” etc.

    This is merely the cherry-picking version a killer has had from the games launch period that a survivor is not allowed to do for the devs reason of “dodging” therefore deeming it a double standard.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    The type of addon doesnt matter.

    A toolbox will speed up gen progress

    A flashlight will blind the killer or remove hag traps

    A key will let them leave as lets be honest no one brings a broken key in (unless memeing like yourself)

    A medkit will heal them.

    As I said I think lobby dodging needs looked at but the reasoning for seeing one but not the other is still sound.

    Killers know what the item in the lobby is capable of while survivors do not know what the survivor at any rank is capable of.

    They shouldn't dodge I've stated that and rhe game should be played and acvepted as is but that doesn't mean seeing survivor items should be removed.

    It also doesnt mean adding a feature for survivors which tells us nothing in reality and is all about assumptions which is basically just another way to dodge. That's all most posts are about when it comes to adding them back in as they don't want to play with someone lower ranked.

    Keys being one anomaly as you most can hardly see them anyway.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited December 2019

    I can see them not bring back the abilitys to see ranks if they fix this matchmaking because im tired of getting 17s as a rank 5 (naturally) and swf really needs a rank above or below requirement. So purples can only rank with greens and stuff like that because why allow swf to basically tell the other 1 or 2 survivors that arent a part of it "hey carry this guy who probably shouldnt be here and good luck trying to keep him alive when a red rank killer 3 hooks him like the fastest hillbilly in the west". Its very dumb. You think i ask for a rank 19 in my game against a red rank killer who just dies instantly making us a 3v1 and have to complete the other 5 gens with the 3 red/purple ranks (and this is if its a 2man if its a 3 man with a red or purple bringing 2 ranks 18 19 or 20 that just die right off the bat were #########). Like i Swf and everyone i play with is in my skill level maybe some of them arent good at jukes and just can hit like the perfect skill checks (im more of the juker im bad at some skillchecks ill just be honest) but at least they are good at something.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Here’s where we have to agree to disagree. I don’t believe that a solo player who worked there way into red ranks season after season, year after year should have to put up with a rank 17 who has 3 days played in the game.

    The same way I don’t believe a Killer should be blind to 4 toolboxes/flashlights/insta heals that a Squadette SWF group brings in.

    If the devs are going to implement one set of rules, they should do it across the board the ensure fairness to every player. This type of information was necessary to solo survivors and this double-standard treatment is really a can of worms that the devs have opened up that will continue to bug the player base, no pun intended.

    Now be honest, would you want to queue up as a red rank survivor into a game knowing this could be your team every game? Cheers 🍻

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2019

    So there's a double standard since killers have been dodging lobbies since the dawn of DBD.

    I don't see any reason to keep it hidden - a lot of people will just find it interesting and others, well, guess they can have the option to take on the job that the failed matchmaking does not do.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    See my comment above regarding killers dodging lobbies.