Entitled Survivors...
Just played a game on Hawkins as the Demogorgon, played relatively fair & normal for the entire match - downing a survivor, not respecting pallets and breaking them with shred or try to M1 and get stunned (so more points for them), hook a survivor and use BBQ/PGT to go to another area of the map, allowing for an easy rescue.
I haven't sacrificed anybody yet and the game is in the survivors hands as the doors are powered, but I am able to down one of them and put them in the basement as the last generator is done. So, I use my portal and head towards one of the gates where I can see a survivor opening, down them, return to the basement as I get a notification that someone is there, down them and get 2 in the basement.
Proceed to do this for the majority of the endgame, finishing the last survivor and securing a 3k in the basement (downed all 3 in the basement with Save the best for last, clutch perk).
Proceed to post-game chat: ''lmao'' ''pfff'' ''play fair next time pls''
confronted them on it, blamed them for their altruism since they could've escaped as a 3, but decided to come back and give me 2 more kills, but they proceed to complain that I ''proxy camped'' the basement and that it wasn't fair.
So basically, I'm supposed to let my leverage go for free and ensure you guys get out? The doors are powered, its the best move to keep relatively close to the basement and ensure a kill. Or should I teleport to the other side of the map, let you 3 go and get to a post-game chat of ''gg ez baby killer''?
Playing as killer, you really do see the entitlement and hypocrisy that a lot of survivors have. They expect free saves, or to escape every game and if you do, god forbid, the best play possible in a certain situation, its not fair?
Are survivors entitled?
Proxy camping itself is a dumb phrase if i know other survivors will come to save you or are nearby why wouldnt i stick around?
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It looks like somebody didn't read the survivors rulebook...but on a serious note, they are just salty in that moment trying to make you feel bad for killing them in a situation where they should have escaped.
The majority of survivors that I come across know that camping is really the only thing you can do when all the gens are done. Move on to the next game, and don't let this one affect your play style.
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Yeah that was stupid play by survivors if completely accurate description. 3 escape is a win.
I hate when all survivors go down in a pile instead of leaving. Even when I'm saying get out they have noed.
But entitled may not be the word just silly and petty..they probably feel they made dumb plays and got salty.
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I think people from either side can be entitled. I’ve seen it go both ways. My best advice is not to let it get to you and move on to the next match. People are going to complain regardless, it is a PvP game after all.
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You probably didn't read the Survivor Rulebook (newest edition), that's on you..
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They're just mad you didn't play by their rules. They threw the game and then blamed anything but themselves.
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I hate survivors like this. They make the rest of us look bad. From what you described, you're exactly the kind of killer I like to play against. You play in a fair and fun fashion. Anybody who complains about camping at end game can get over themselves. It's exactly what the killer should be doing.
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I wouldn't hang around end game chat long if they start mouthing off. pretty rare that they listen to what you have to say at that point. just move on to the next
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Butthurt players that make excuses are everywhere on either side. Take it in stride like hackusations
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Lol these survivors don't realize how mow much they should be thankful of killers being a good sport. They don't realize how much they get away with not getting an awful experience because the killer is playing with the point system and not being an Ass in mind then they'll pay you back in return by giving some T bags at the exit gates.
Survivors can be really petty, Here's one Disconnecting just not to give the killer a hook and this killer never tunneled until EGC which was perfectly understandable.
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Don't get it wrong. Not all survivors complain like this. Not all of us complain when we did. I guess it's just those toxic people that think they can win becayse you might not have done good guarding gen or ate tors, then think you won't be able to kill them in endgame.
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Of course other survivors will come to save - what choice do they have, let everyone die on first hook I suppose.
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no they're cute :)
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if it's the beginning of the game and u just kinda hover around the hooked survivor it's proximity camping but if it's the end of the match and they expect you to do anything but camp, they are complete idiot's and to answer your question, "yes" SWF and survivors in general are very toxic if they make bad decisions and end up getting destroyed because they were ultra altruistic and didn't want to give up the one sacrifice, lol.
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It's very clearly stated in the Killer's handbook for survivors that the killer can camp the last survivor if all the gens are done, and doors are 99 or open. If 3 people decided to rush basenent, then they deserve what they got.
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Spawning onto the map = Camping
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But have you tried camping GENS yet?
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Im stealing this...
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Yo my favorite call is the SWF or overly altruistic teammates. Once I've read that off your team, I'll catch someone probably 3 times in the match by walking away from the hook for 4 seconds, then just immediately pull a 180 and walk back. Endgane is when real altruism comes out and gets very predictable. Game was okay from your point, you turned the tables on a survivor sided game. Good for you
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Are killers making posts like this obnoxious?
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Yes but when you play killer of course you do not encounter other stupid killers because you play alone.
And to encounter them as survivor, the chance is also smaller because 3 other survivors in the game but only one killer.
I experienced idiots on both sides.
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OMG I swear too many people here take this game way too serious and it's getting old. Who cares what they think. You got your kills and if they weren't smart enough to cleanse the portal first its their own dumb fault. Moving on.
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There are no rules except for no cheating. This is Thunderdome. Do what you want. Why care what they think.
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Had this game last night at Father Campbell's. Everyone was alive when the Gates were powered, a mixture of SWF altruism, them wanting their goodies back (Franklin's), and a STBFL fully charged up killed them but all they say is CAMP!
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What’s funny is Survivors here think the Killer players suck because of camping/proxy camping. Go play Identity V, where that’s essentially meta, and very few killers don’t. It’s the reason why they reveal the killers aura within (I think) 16 meters of the Rocket Chair. Hell Ember is worse than Demogorgon at camping the basement, because his Puppet Teleport is over 2 seconds, and he gets a speed boost afterwards. So yeah, Survivors here (specifically the ones in your match) should be happy that you actually TELEGRAPH your teleport super loudly, that they could’ve reacted if they were smart.
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This. Camping and tunneling is only a nonsense move when it can cost you the game. I'm not saying "don't camp or tunnel reee" I'm just saying you don't gain skill from it
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Your mistake was not facecamping them all from the get-go. I consistently slaughter sweaty swf groups with Dr. treatment grabbing the hook. It's beautiful. Once the first two are dead I always chase the last two and slug them pick them up, slug the more, chase them, just basically torture them until I maximize points, making sure to nod at them on the hook, hit them as much as possible, and if somebody's particularly annoying walking around behind them as they bleed out instead of hooking them and ending the match. A killer can be just as toxic as survivors, and I highly recommend being maximum toxic every game just for the sake of it. They deserve it.
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you shouldn't feel forced to follow the survivor's rulebook,just saying.I personally play by the way the match is going.If there is 2 gens left and 4 people alive i will try to ensure i kill someone so i can atleast attempt to juggle 3 people at 1 gen instead of 4.Camping in endgame is just normal,a killer wanting to secure a kill,if you go away all 4 escape and you get nothing.If they played both sides they'd know that
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People get mad when they make mistakes.
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I've been running Wraith + 2x Speed Add-ons with:
Ruin/Devour Hope/Haunted Grounds/Thrill of the Hunt
I've been getting complaints at Purple/Red ranks about CAMPING MY TOTEMS @_@
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No. You're completely missing the point. It's about survival. ######### have three peeps go down to rescue player four from the basement during EGC? It's bloody stupid and the survivors deserve to die for it. When the gates come online the gloves come off. Sorry princess but Camping is no longer bad form at that point. In EGC is the logical and most understandable move.
I see two of my team heading into the shack to rescue player four? I shake my head, leave, and spectate as they die as I predicted.
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I'm a survivor main but I do play a bit of killer too and I get where you're coming from. I only get salty when the killer is genuinely camping or tunnelling but you played 100% fairly, if I play against a killer that done what you did then GG to that killer because at the end of the day you played fairly, they put themselves in that position. If it comes to end game and a survivor has been caught and hooked, especially in the basement I always take a minute to think is it worth it to try and save the survivor and if I make the wrong call and end up getting caught myself that the blame falls entirely on me, not the killer because it was my own decision to attempt to rescue my teammate. Dont let them get to you, most survivors do think thay they are entitled but at the end of the day if they make the decision and end up getting caught ots their fault, not yours, you played your role the way you were meant to so GG dude
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they just think they are good and lost cause of “fairplay” I got accused of being toxic -as a survivor by another surv- cause we were last 2 renaining and killer had noed and hooked him and he expected me to save him even if the hook was in the opposite side of the map from the exit gates. Guess suiciding was better lmao
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All im saying is by calling them hypocrits you acknowledge that killers make the same type of remarks and thusly makes this whole post hypocritical. Survivors and killers constantly loop the pallet trying to drop it on eachother saying the other is playing unfair. Stop bitching about bullshit. Everyones like "REEEEE THE OTHER SIDE IS SUPER OP AND HAS ZERO COUNTERPLAY!!!11!!1!1!1!1!" And its like. If you guys picked out legitament proboems and discussed things in a realistic manner we'd be able to focus on actual problems. Cause tight now we have killer mains like the OC making the dev team see if theres anyway to realistically nerf keys cause killer cant stop bitching about them realistically and survivors doing the same with iridescent head. You guys need to stop worrying about how the other person is playing and figure out realistically solve legitament issues in the game.