Saving in the endgame


Every time i try to save in the endgame i end up dying eventhough i have bt because the killer camps i understand the killer has to camp in the endgame but how do i counter it


  • bubbasbasementchest
    bubbasbasementchest Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2019

    Don’t save in the endgame if the killer is camping.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Deliverance + decisive strike can save you after the save if you haven't been hooked during the match.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Basically it - if killer is camping you either need to have lucky timing, some hook tech, or just not save unless you don't mind just trading hooks. I would also recommend running DS - it is almost mandatory with these current killers.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I've only noticed a killer will camp in EGC when there are still 4 survivors alive. So if they do camp a survivor while EGC is active, I'd honestly just take the loss and leave. You can't save everyone unfortunately :(

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It can be done but you need to play smart.

    Taking a hit is almost guaranteed against a good killer as they know the strats but you can go to one side and when the killer comes duck under the survivor and unhook from the other side. This should make the killer hit the survivor similar to the old hook tech.

    The other way is to have two of you going in. Even if solo a point to the hook when next to another can mean they come and hopefully they or you can take a hit and run so that leaves the other free to unhook them and then take a hit before all running for the door.

    If its a good killer just leave there is no point granting them more kills.