Am I a coward for running away after the gens are powered? If there are people on hooks but far away

Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
edited August 2018 in General Discussions
I can be bold at situations that are very risky but whenever gens are done and I get to the exit, I can't make up my mind. Some people think I'm going for a save and they have no trouble running to the hooked survivor. I just stay there, walk slowly, go back and forth all the time until someone else make a save or the chance for a save is gone. Then I just run away. :(

When they are close and the risk is minimal I don't contemplate too much and most of the time I go for it. During the game I do it when no one else would (when the killer is not too close so survivor can make an escape).

I see some people go for save every time but it can be harmful to the hooked person. Yesterday I think I was "farmed" by three swfs. I just gave up eventually since killer was always going for me and I became tired being on hook and running away all the time. They kept saving me when the killer was near me.

So I know that not every situation is ideal for altruism and sometimes can even be selfish, but what if you are feeling sorry for someone and can't decide? I always feel bad if i don't help. If they are nice ofc...


  • jus_Ignant
    jus_Ignant Member Posts: 124

    It really does depend on the situation and how those survivors played all match.
    Did they help me if i needed it? Were they sandbagging myself or others?
    Did I screw them by accident during the match and feel like I need to make it up to them?

    For me, the 5K from surviving isn't a big deal so I normally go for the save and sacrifice myself if needed.
    Meaning I throw myself at the killer to try to get them to avoid the unhooked person.

    BUT the last thing I (you) want to do is turn a possible 1K into a 3 or 4K by trying to get that final save.

    I will say if I am on a hook at the end, I'd rather see you leave than just stand at the exit walking in circles.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Thanks for the suggestion. Well I guess I should just leave If I'm unsure rather than think it over since I'm scaredy-cat. :blush:
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    There is a simple chart in my head for these situations:

    Do i have WGLF?
    If yes, i'll go for it no matter what.

    If no, did he help me during the round? 

    If yes, i'll go for it.
    If not, let him die.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    I usually try to save them no matter what, doesnt matter if i die, i enjoy more the chase and the challenge. Though if the killer is facecamping the hooked survivor then i wait at the exit door, t-bag the killer as much as i can and escape before i get hit.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    Eveline said:
    Thanks for the suggestion. Well I guess I should just leave If I'm unsure rather than think it over since I'm scaredy-cat. :blush:
    Youre not obligated to rescue anyone from the hook. You'll likely get some salt from the hooked survivor, but it's entirely your choice.

    Personally, I'll usually give a "Hail Mary" try for it. Sometimes it works, sometimes we trade places, sometimes both of us end up hooked.

    Two in particular from last night:

    Versus a "facecamping" Huntress (you can't really facecamp anymore, but she was trying) I waited for her to throw an axe at someone else, then unhooked with BT. Everyone escaped.

    Versus a Leatherface who played pretty fair I opened the gate, started to run to the basement, and saw him coming at me. I ducked out and the guy who died on the hook was raging about campers and survivors who don't know how to deal with campers. 1. He wasn't camping (because he chased me out the gate) and 2. If a Leatherface DOES want to camp, there's nothing anyone can do about it.

    If you feel like you won't be able to rescue them yourself, don't try it. You can maybe try to distract the killer so someone else can rescue, but that's almost as dangerous and might end up with you needing a rescue.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    There is a simple chart in my head for these situations:

    Do i have WGLF?
    If yes, i'll go for it no matter what.

    If no, did he help me during the round? 

    If yes, i'll go for it.
    If not, let him die.
    I have a similar mental chart,  with the added entry of "Do I have BT?"
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    There is nothing worse than being on the hook and watching people hang around near the gates...
    Go for the save or leave
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    It depends on the context. If someone is on the hook and I have BT, I’ll try. BUT: if I don’t and I know everyone is hesitant: I’ll just go. 
    IF the person on the hook has DS, T bags the killer for nothing, and spams his flashlight clicking, their ass is dead to me

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @jus_Ignant said:
    It really does depend on the situation and how those survivors played all match.
    Did they help me if i needed it? Were they sandbagging myself or others?
    Did I screw them by accident during the match and feel like I need to make it up to them?

    For me, the 5K from surviving isn't a big deal so I normally go for the save and sacrifice myself if needed.
    Meaning I throw myself at the killer to try to get them to avoid the unhooked person.

    BUT the last thing I (you) want to do is turn a possible 1K into a 3 or 4K by trying to get that final save.

    I will say if I am on a hook at the end, I'd rather see you leave than just stand at the exit walking in circles.

    Hey, if you sacrifice yourself and all that good stuff....Don't be a dick and DC right after the killer downs you, just to deny them the points. That's just rude :( (I've had one person do that to me. Still ticks me off a bit)

    For me, it mostly comes down to "How close am I to them? How close is the killer to them/me? How close are they to a gate?" If it comes down to "too far" or the killer is too close, I'll bail. In short, unless I think I can reasonably get you, and escape, I'll get out myself.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Nah fam, look out for numero uno.

    The only time I trade my life is when I can get an extra WGLF stack. Sometimes, if I've already pipped, I may go for it just for the extra points.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    5k to escape. 1.5k to save the hooked survivor and potentially die in the process.

    You do the math.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Sounds to me like you're just playing the game. After all, the main objective for you is for you to escape. Helping others can be nice, but at the end of the day it's your job to escape. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Mc_Harty said:
    5k to escape. 1.5k to save the hooked survivor and potentially die in the process.

    You do the math.


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897
    I use the same judgment I use for every other hooking. Do I think I can get them off the hook without getting us both killed or simply trading spots? If yes I'll go for it, if not I won't. It all comes down to reading the situation. I will make sure the gates are open before the attempt though.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    The problem is when I open the gates it's too tempting to run away and sometimes I'm too scared to even step outside the exit area. :lol:

    Yeah I know It's selfish but I can't control my emotions.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Mc_Harty said:
    5k to escape. 1.5k to save the hooked survivor and potentially die in the process.

    You do the math.

    Some of us rather save other survivors, it's not all about BP.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    You gotta make a decision. If all three of the other survivors are actively trying to get the other one off the hook and they are close to a gate. Chances are one of you guys has borrowed time and you will all escape. 

    The main question I ask myself is “Does the killer have NOED” because if he does I’ll more than likely not go to save, unless it is Freddy. Pretty easy to pull off a save against a Freddy. 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Nothing wrong with getting out. I once handed a Huntress a 3k when she would've gotten a 1k because we did an A-Team rescue on a hooked Jake. To be fair, Jake did escape though.
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Vietfox said:

    Some of us rather save other survivors, it's not all about BP.

    Eventually, you reach a point in this game where the only thing you care about is bloodpoints.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Some of us rather save other survivors, it's not all about BP.

    Eventually, you reach a point in this game where the only thing you care about is bloodpoints.

    Maybe you, but not me.

  • kiroblaka
    kiroblaka Member Posts: 9

    you're not a coward remember survival of the fittest i do it all the time chances are when you do it and a survivor is hooked the killer is somewhere in between and 1 hooked survivor is better than 2

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    If they're far away, it's always worth a check. The killer may not be camping or hard patrolling the person, so you may be able to get them off the hook and heal them up. It's easier to get gens done with more people and when you have less people, it becomes more dire. It also sucks to go into stage two while not being camped 'cause none of your team bothered to come for you.

    I've let myself get caught to get someone off the hook while they're being camped. Sometimes a trade is a good option, especially if the person has no hooks left and you are on your first. I've gone down for people before. Sometimes it can't be helped, though. I've tried getting people off when they're being camped or were being patrolled. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I prefer when allies "farm" me before I enter stage two. I'll try to run the killer around if they're patrolling. If they're camping harder, bt is needed, though. It's basically to waste time. Then another "farm" if I'm still being camped before the struggling phase ends entirely. It honestly kinda stinks when you enter stage two, though and the person comes over to farm you immediately after. It's like, don't.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Some of us rather save other survivors, it's not all about BP.

    Eventually, you reach a point in this game where the only thing you care about is bloodpoints.

    Actually when you have literally everything unlocked BP stops mattering.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    Actually when you have literally everything unlocked BP stops mattering.

    True. I'm not at that point yet.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    Actually when you have literally everything unlocked BP stops mattering.

    True. I'm not at that point yet.

    Ah ok good enough. Also to me a pip is a win. If its secured and i can safely unhook and not turn a 1 man into a 2 or more mans/womans then yeah il try if possible.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    play the way you want to play. this is not necessarily a team game.
    sometimes you just gotta ignore them and save your own butt.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Nope not at all.

    99% of the time I just leave now.

    I used to stick around and go the saves all the time. Then I realized I just get pissed at myself for dying instead of leaving.

    I think a lot of survivors make this mistake as well, then they claim its hard to pip up or yell at the killers for camping and other things end game. When if they just leave, it really isn't a big deal :chuffed:

    That is what I have learned. Plus when I am killer, I prefer the survivors leave quickly, so I can get onto the next match.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    Nope not at all.

    99% of the time I just leave now.

    I used to stick around and go the saves all the time. Then I realized I just get pissed at myself for dying instead of leaving.

    I think a lot of survivors make this mistake as well, then they claim its hard to pip up or yell at the killers for camping and other things end game. When if they just leave, it really isn't a big deal :chuffed:

    That is what I have learned. Plus when I am killer, I prefer the survivors leave quickly, so I can get onto the next match.

    I had many times where i used to save and kill myself and the unhooked guy in the process too. Not anymore .

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Saved a guy after the gens were done. And you know what I got? They left me to die. :)

    Luckily I got a pip. But I gave a promise to myself. 

    Never again.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Eveline said:
    Saved a guy after the gens were done. And you know what I got? They left me to die. :)

    Luckily I got a pip. But I gave a promise to myself. 

    Never again.

    Just like me with SWF . Once bullied shame on you twice shame on me.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I usually try and save, except in a few situations. 1.) Facecamp-not a patrol but an in-your-face camp, unless there is one person there to distract, by myself I'd just get us both killed. 2.) Leatherface hard patrol 3.) basement leatherface 4.) Noed (I'll try and find it) it if there is enough time. 4.)the person on the hook was a bastid in pre-game chat. Say something rude before the game starts up to anyone in lobby and I'll let you die every time. Unfortunately, I end up playing with teams that 3 man down and get hooked quite often, usually with a leatherface. I've learned to exit those games.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Obviously I don't know how to count. I meant 5 for the last one. Jeebus.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    It really depends on situation ,and how I’m feeling. Kinda like when killer lets survivor get hatch, I’ll let the killer take the kill just Bc.