So I decided to play killer for a week straight....

After being a rank 5 survivor main who usually plays with two buddies, but also solo. I decided to play killer since everyone says how difficult it is. My group and I don’t play toxic, so I was surprised firstly at how many tea bagging, ruthless survivors I’ve run into.

If it’s not running at me so I miss my hits, which drives me insane, they all wait at exit to tea bag and point, running out as I go into exit area.

Hex totems seem worthless and are always found. I never find them as survivor but as killer they spawn in the open every time.

Gens without ruin go so fast. Something I never realized playing survivor and it instills panic watching the 5 turn to 2

Im only rank 16 killer with limited perks. I’ve been rocking hag and gotten a few 4K matches. However, I get matched with rank 9–10 survivors who think they’re gaming gods.

Is this how it always is? I encourage anyone who only plays one side to venture into the other, to get a real idea of what it’s like. It takes the anger out of losing and improves skill overall.

do you play both? What has been your experience.


  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I have enjoyed my killer run and plan on keeping at it. It’s a nice change from gens and sneaking around.

    How do I get better at attacks? They run and then turn right at me and I miss. I manage to get them eventually but I’m pissed off by that point. Am I missing something?

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133

    I play both at red ranks, killer is too easy in my opinion. At least compared to survivor. The hitboxes are very insane with how the servers are right now. So many hits that shouldnt hit...

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I found as clown and spirit I got a ton of hits that surprised me. With hag, not so much.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I usually take a step back and then swing as they’re in front of me or if your sensitivity is at 100 then you can actually spin with them and still hit. The first thing I said works better. :)

    Btw, what killer are you playing? I might be able to give you some advice. :)

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    It's only been a week that you played killer. Do you expect to be amazing as killer in a week? Cuz I sure didn't become amazing in a week. Same goes for survivor. It takes time to develop your own flow as killer. You've played survivor this whole entire time, which helps you as killer since you will know the tricks of the trade that survivors do. You'll even discover more survivor tricks playing killer that you might not have known!

    At the moment, matchmaking is pretty messed up so you will get matches that have high disparities in ranks, which are very unfair. However, take the losses as learning experience and see how you can do better in the next trial. I've faced very toxic groups of survivors, but I have found that 90% of them are overly altruistic, so use that to your advantage. Is ruin necessary? I don't think it is if you can keep constant pressure towards the survivors. Yeah, they might finish 2 or even 3 right away, but the match it isn't over yet. Usually a 3 gen scenario happens which works in your favor.

    Experiment with different perks and builds for different killers. Hag is a very strong killer that can have complete map control if you play her right. I'm actually glad she's underrated because she can be a complete nightmare to survivor.

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133

    I get it on every killer, and I know how it looks from the other side and still get frustrated when playing killer, lol.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Hag for now. I wanted to unlock ruin as a teachable. I play on ps4 if that matters.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Yeah I’m enjoying it but frustrated as well, like when I started survivor. I also get a lot of dcs as hag but then will meme with who didn’t dc so everyone gets points.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Eyyyy PS4 gang : D

    For Hag tips, place traps where you think survivors will go, don’t put them by gens since people expect that and always put traps slight away from windows/pallets so you can guarantee hits.

    Also, don’t lunge immediately. :)

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I'm rank 1 survivor (solo survivor btw, I don't play SWF), rank 5 killer and I find survivor much more easier and relaxing than killer; much more easier to pip, lots of second chances; decisive strike, dead hard, unbreakable and I always know I might get the hatch or the exit gates.

    Playing survivor is more fun and relaxing, but I I think playing killer is more interesting. I would probably be a killer main if the game had better map design.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    Watching a streamer playing earlier and wiffing alot, first thing that comes to mind is dont rush your swings if theyre out in the open anyway. You dont have to clip them with the very edge of your weapon EVERY HIT, lol. Get closer instead of lunging at maximum range all the time.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Yeah I’ve already started noticing certain maps are much easier. Damn cornfields are a nightmare and the asylum loops, which I love as survivor....not so much as killer.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I'm rank 4 solo queue only survivor and rank 1 or 2 killer. I've found as killer that survivors and maps go a long way towards dictating how the game will go. There are a lot of loops that are safe when the survivor loops them correctly, and you're going to get games where all 4 survivors know how to loop. Depending on which killer you're using, there may or may not be much you can do about it. BUT, and this is a big but, as solo survivor has taught me, many red rank survivors make baffling decisions in their looping and general game awareness. My general view of the game is this: optimal survivors>optimal killer, but you're only going to run into truly optimal survivors on comms about 30% to 40% of the time.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Playing both makes me see how bad solo queue is. I can't imagine playing a weak killer on a bad map.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    It’s def stressful as killer but now I want to keep at it and get good. I was bored as survivor, and so over the wait times for lobbies. Killer is a different animal and I’m reinvested in learning to “git gud”

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    I play both. But yes, I've encountered those types of survivors. Not sure what tea bagging is, but they wait at the gates for no reason. Also lots of bad sportsmanship. It makes the game pretty sour. I chalk it up to spoiled millennials and move on.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    It's hard for me to enjoy killer due to matchmaking

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, it has recently reached the point in which I don't touch killer unless I have map offerings, daily rituals or moris.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Been playing more survivor because it is relaxing and easy. I just wish the bp gain was the same as killer as that is literally the only reason i will ever play killer.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    T-bagging is when you repeatedly crouch and un-crouch it has weird origins.

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    I thought that was just a cool dance. That's dumb. So that's supposed to be offensive? I don't get it.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320
    edited January 2020

    I play both, depends on my mood.

    I started as a survivor main, then a few hundred hours in I got bored, and the whole reason I had got the game was Huntress. Got to rank 1 killer, got bored again, quit the game for a year. Came back and probably play a 60-40 survivor killer split.

    In my experience people take things too personally. I t-bag, point, click my flashlight at killers, but also spin stupidly fast while carrying a survivor, t-bag as ghost face, smack people on hook to shut them up. That’s the thing, I don’t take this game seriously, it’s just for fun. Too many times I think people read into gestures as some way of bm. T-bag at the exit gates? Thanks for the extra blood points from a hit.

    Most reasonable people play both sides, it’s like college, experimentation is natural.

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    Get close and then don’t lunge and just tap attack and track with your camera. You’re much more likely to miss if you lunge.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    T-bagging refers to putting your testicles on someones face. People would crouch over recently downed opponents in games like COD to simulate that, and while survivors cant down killers... you'll still see them doing the crouching as a taunt.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    I've been playing killer for a longggggg time (came from ps4 originally swapped to pc 2 months ago) and since archive forces us to use the other side to complete. I will say I understand survivors a bit better when they say it's frustrating when killers camp, tunnel etc. At the same time, I still to this day absolutely hate the toxic teabaggers who do it just to be buttholes. Especially when you kill 3/4 of them, one manages to get to the exit and teabags then proceeds fo talk crap like they bested you. Absolutely stunning how many dumb survivors there are that have a rude mentality. At the same time there are a fair amount of killers whom are the exact same way. So I feel I can say this.

    For survivor side:

    I can understand why DS will never be nerfed like killers want it to be. It's the only real way to stop tunneling that I can even see. More often than not I see a lot of tunneling campers who do it specifically if they get looped for anything more than 30 seconds to a minute or pallet stunned for a while.


    I completely see why we all want gen speed worked with. If I dont have hex ruin I get rushed down hard. Sadly hex for me usually spawns in the middle of the open and is down within 30 seconds. So alternatively I've had to start relying on doubling up with a backup pop and overcharge for some killers. Nothing feels worse as well than survivors teabagging at gate. Completely stupid and unneeded.

  • BirdmanOwO
    BirdmanOwO Member Posts: 43

    Firstly, welcome fellow Hag main. She's challenging to master, but is very rewarding when played right. Also, as for hits, Hag, Freddy, and clown will often seem to get BS hits since their weapons are small visually but have the same range than other killers.

    I play both sides, but haven't played for a while since my internet DC's me everytime, but that's besides the point. I think the reason you don't notice gens go as fast as survivor is because it's boring. Hold a better and press another every so often. Killer on the other hand has so much to do that the time seems to fly by fast. Not fast enough to avoid that DS, but pretty fast still.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594

    I honestly can’t comprehend how someone could solely main Survivor or Killer. There’s a whole other half of the game that you’re not experiencing.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Tbagging or that up and down crouch is to symbolize them placing their scrotum/balls on your face, like how you dip a teabag into a mug. That’s it’s origin in the most pg way I can put it lol.

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    LOL I know what real teabagging is, but not in the sense of the video game world. That's pretty gay. Not really offensive either. I don't know why they think it would bug a killer. It's also pretty homoerotic to pretend to dunk your balls on some guy's face. I hope those survivors know that! lol

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I play both roles, and I think Killer is the more difficult of the two. I always start off trying to be nice, but some groups are infuriating to face. Good luck trying to find a group of Kagebushettes who equip Spinechill and urban evade away from gens the second they get the alert your near. Good luck chasing Swol Boy David whose t-bagging and flashlight clicking at you in order to bait you into a long chase. Good luck hooking someone while two of their teammates blind you from different angels. Good luck trying to hook them at a hook that has been 99% sabotaged, with their teammate ready to finish that 1% to deny you the hook.

    The second I see they they have good coordination and more than 2 gens are done, I stop caring about being nice and I will tunnel the crap out of their weakest link just to remove the pressure off of my shoulders. Are they bringing in 2 tool boxes or more? I will assume they have a spare part and bring in a mori. They want to finish gens faster, I want to kill them faster.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    This is why it's good to play both sides. If not regularly, then check in with the other side's experience from time to time, especially after new DLC or balance changes. It helps stop you from becoming overly biased, even if you prefer one side to the other

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I play both ends at both in my group of friends, killer is rough depending on the items and maps you get..killer perks on the most part are weak and so a small percentage if them are considered viable meaning similar builds almost every game..survivor suffers from not a lack of good perks..theres just a few so strong that it overshadows others..I however have my own preferences for builds..the adition of nemesis has made for some good synergy in m1 killers , so it's a refreshing new take on that..the devs tend to make questionable decisions when it comes to killer perks (look at demogorgan ) and "balances" tend to be tragic at times (see oni and nurse) but things are improving..killer is definitely a much harder transition than survivor but both have little tricks to learn

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I play both, although i play surivor more and like it more. I started playing killer to learn about their weaknesses, but i liked it and i like playing killer.

    The problem is the matchmaking. The games i enjoy as killer are the ones that are on equal grounds, where i am not highly outmatched or i outmatch my opponents. (but i dont even play red rank killer)

    As survivor, i am red rank, and i like the challenge. but i suspect that i survive the majority of my trails.

    Toxic survivors are my problem with the game, not only as killer, but also as survivors. Survivors that intentionally lead the killer to you when you are in bad shape so he switches his target to you, farm you in front of the killer, bodyblocking you after luring the killer in and such.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I play both sides, but mostly survivor and I agree that playing only one side is missing out on the other. For example, when a new killer comes out, I usually play survivor until the hype goes down in the first few days and then try the new killer. I always see that I missed something just seeing that killer from the survivor's eyes and after trying it out, my experience as survivor also gets better.

    Both sides can be frustrating, but killer seems to be far worse, because a lot of survivors are toxic. Like, you found someone, they drop a pallet and are already t-bagging. Why? They dropped a pallet in the first 10 seconds of being found and think they are good or something? Also waiting at the gates, when everyone is already there or dead is just annoying for the killer. Just leave and end the match.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I’ve tried to start just avoiding the open door if I know they’re all standing by exit. Then they get mad and start quick vaulting the closest window or pallet to get my attention.

    I will say there was a meg doing this and she got cocky. She bit my trap and I knocked her down a foot from escaping. All her friends left so I hooked her and she died. Was very enjoyable for me.