Does anyone else feel like Wraith needs some serious balancing?

Yes, I understand he's an M1 killer, dead that conversation, and before anyone asks, I'm a console player, and have been on a break from this game for about 3 weeks, until today.

My issue with Wraith, as I'm sure a lot of people are expecting, is the fact that his ability encourages players to play recklessly. By having no cooldown, a faster movement speed in cloak, and a speed boost when coming out of cloaking, a survivor cannot punish any mistakes the Wraith makes, especially when addons like Windstorm and Swift Hunt reduce the timers on the windows that we have, especially with the update back when Stranger Things came out, that gave his cloak undetectable.

Yes, I understand that killer needs to be overpowered to make the 1v4 fair, but I feel that there needs to be some give and take. Lowering his movespeed in cloak would be a good start, but if not that, it would be great if there was a cooldown associated with the wailing bell, to prevent killers from immediately cloaking after catching someone off guard so they can get another speed boost to hit them even faster. I dont want Wraith to be unfun, but I dont like that everyone is abusing the same techniques that arent possible to avoid on the console port of the game.



  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Woooooooow I've seen a lot of bad takes here but [burning dumpster emoji]

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    It seems too thought-out (not well-thought-out) and extensive to be a troll post. Imagine coming up with reasoning to nerf one of the weakest killers in the game.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Considering the oppressive amount of videos on youtube about Wraith being strong, by killers, I would say your belief that he's weak is definitely not well-grounded.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    That seems like it's more of your teammates sucking than the wraith needs a nerf.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Im not saying make him less fun. I'm saying his power needs to be balanced. He gains a boost out of cloak, moves faster in cloak, has undetectable status, and no cooldown so if he whiffs the attack, and the survivor makes distance, he can just cloak and uncloak again.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    This has to be bait. Wraith is fairly weak.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    My issue with wraith is they all camp and play toxic. At least 9/10 do and it makes them annoying.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    I mean, just between the two of us, when we are alone here... You are joking, right? I mean, you can tell me, nobody will ever know.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    Idk I saw someone win like 30 games in a row with him and thats apparently all thats needed nowadays to determine if something is top tier or not.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    He is good with certain add-ons. If you don't have said add-ons he is low-tier. Killers should be judged on their base-kit. I do not believe killers should be dependent on add-ons, unfortunately, the devs are completely going in the other direction.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    My comment asking if this was a bait post got deleted. How nice :)

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2020

    I mean he is op... didn't you get like 30, 4ks with speedlimiter? Lol... Definitely doesn't have anything to do with killer skill or some survivors being potatoes... LF is op and must be nerfed to where his chainsaw gives everyone DW.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    His power is balanced, you slow coming out of cloak, then speed up. You want to make him an M1 killer.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    He’s slowed while uncloaking and you can see his shimmer.

    As for the videos, remember that Tru3Talent (I’m listing him because he’s the one who popularized this) is using a full build and his skill to win. That’s how he did his Day of Wraith thing a couple weeks ago. Pretty sure every Killer can get good use out of an anti-heal perk build.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325


  • Glipngr
    Glipngr Member Posts: 19

    LOL. Alright, bud. Whatever you survivors say.

  • If anything, kill rates need to go up. 1v4 means the kill rates need to be 80%. The current 75% is still too low

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Wraith is not a very strong killer lol. If anything, he needs a few buffs because he's such an addon reliant killer.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited January 2020

    75% too low? How is a 3K/ game average too low lol? A 3k is honestly the perfect standard in my eyes.

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22

    Do yourself a favor and uninstall the game. Low tier players are the real problem with this game.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    So you have nothing of value to say and yet you disregard his post as a joke because you don't like what he says? You should honestly grow up guy.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    No need to be rude to new players. Do you not want more players in the game?

    If the devs cater towards new players then that's the problem. I actually used to think that haddonfield was a massively killer sided map when I was new to the game lmao. It's all different when you don't know how to play.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    3k doesn't mean a damn thing past rank 5 that's scrapping a black pip at best

    Hell. Getting a 4k most of the time gives a you a black pip if you are too efficient

    They are balancing around emblems that are busted.

  • JetpackRobin
    JetpackRobin Member Posts: 15

    He is actually imo in a good spot right now. I have played some wraith after truetalent popularized it and he is pretty fun. I use no add ons, that's my preferred way to play. He is an m1 killer which makes him weaker but his cloak is the only thing that really makes him viable. You can close distance to get the second hit faster since after that unlock all you can do is m1. To me, he is balanced. I would say he is better at body blocking pallets than other killers but better survivors wont fall for that trick. Bad survivors freak out because of his cloak and they arent used to all the killers. It takes time to get used to. But after you learn more, he is one of the easiest to counter.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Nope. If you think you can't punish a Wraith's mistake you're wrong, and I get the feeling you never bothered playing him. His biggest strenght is the ability to take survivors by surprise, if you don't let him you countered half of his power.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Oh my.

    Welp, best thing I can say is that the devs said they're not currently looking to nerf the Wraith at all.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,508
    edited January 2020

    What changed peoples minds apparently was tru3 and otz saying hes pretty good tru3 saying wraith is probably the 3rd best killer in dbd. And apparently a streamers word is law even though tru3 admitted his way wont work for everyone its exclusive to him.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,358

    Any killer can excel in the right hands. Just find it odd how nothing has changed about the character at all except ppls perceptions.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Wrayth don' nedd a Nurf. Surv Viv vor nedd nurf.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited January 2020

    Why is it whenever a streamer uses a killer and goes "ooo this killer might be top tier" (even if the killer is regarded as low tier) then that killer automatically becomes OP? It happened with Ghostface (I know he wasn't bottom tier but he's shot up in popularity recently) and now it's happened with Wraith. I bet you if a streamer said "Burger King Myers is top tier" people would probably agree and say he's OP.

    Just because a streamer said a low tier killer is good if used properly does not make that killer OP or unbalanced at all.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,358

    That boost was added back in 2018. The only change hes gotten since then is he cant have his aura read while stealthed. Thats why I think its odd how people went from saying he's garbage and the weakest killer... to saying hes top tier.

  • Tisfine
    Tisfine Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2020

    Wraith is amazing. He's on Add on reliant but his strongest build is okay with BBQ anyway so it pays for itself for the most part.

    Only thing needs fixing is people being able to Infinite light burn Wraith because the game still think he's in spirit form.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I’ve played more Wraith than any other killer since Nurse got nerfed, and I can say this with confidence: the vast majority of games I feel like I dominated were games where the survivors got cocky because “oh, it’s just a Wraith!” I have strong killer fundamentals, and I refuse to loop “properly” since I don’t find running in circles fun, meaning my mindgames are pretty solid. I can shut down overly confident survivors pretty easily as a result as Wraith. If the map is super strong for Wraith I’ll perform well as well, obviously (indoor maps, lots of blind corners, etc). If the team plays well without being cocky and learn to watch for me coming and/or the map isn’t favorable, it becomes more of a struggle. Combine them (good survivors on Asylum being my top example here) and I’m likely going to lose. Feels amazing when I manage to win in those last cases, but that doesn’t mean it’s consistent. I don’t use add ons on pretty much any killer, and that holds true here as well, so I’m running just on base power and perks.

    Fun? Yes. Capable of winning? Yes. OP? Not even close.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Wraith is pretty good and definitely underrated but in no way does he need a nerf.

    When you're being chased by him when he's invisible force him to uncloak almost completely at pallets before throwing them down. He'll waste a lot of time that way and he loses his speed boost unless he cloaks again.

  • BanYamano
    BanYamano Member Posts: 2

    This whole thread sounds like a new survivor or killer not knowing the game lol. Before you keyboard warriors go around and stuff, yes I’m a killer main, however it does sound like one of those ‘I lost badly even though I think I’m good against this killer so they need to be nerfed’ pleas. I main stealth killers so I have my time with wraith, however I prefer miers and ghost face more. Wraith dosent have a cooldowns because unlike other killers, he dosent get slowed, can’t Attack and needs to essentially give a warning before he can Attack. Others make up for this by lowered speed in stealth(pig in crouch or tier one miers) or a Long cooldown and the stealth can be broken(ghostface) however for wraith, he needs to channel to cloak, giving a map notification sound and same for uncloaking, including 2 bells as a warning when he cloaks and uncloaks. None of the other stealth killers have such an issue. All of them do share audio cues like walking and yes in dedicated servers sounds can be broken but the same goes for killers so that’s not an excuse.

    Along with that, many complain that stealth killer being given undetectable is a buff, however I feel it was a given(having played survivor myself) and a stealth killer shouldn’t be seen by any survivor deciding to run OOO or alert especially while they’re in their hidden forms. Nerfing a already(in my eyes even as a stealth killer main) bottom 3 killer(above legion and leather face) would just encourage that everyone play the same killers that are top tier(nurse spirit hillbilly) which just encourages players to either not play or derank(hence the currently broken ranking system) which I think has been talked about for a while now. It’s just not fun to not only be facing the same killers, but also the same players and play style all the time for both sides.

    Does the game need balancing? Yes. Are some killers and survivors perks or powers ill conceived and hence somewhat broken? Yes(legion and my boy gf, which I may post a thread on how to balance him. Same for full SWF teams with OOO, botany knowledge etc and majority of the useless or niche survivor perks that need a huff for some different new play styles and to encourage more creativity in builds, but I digressed) however many of these are due to maps and the way they are.

    Now some reading will think ‘O, that killer argument that maps are poorly made and broken’. However that’s not what I’m saying exactly. Yes it’s broken but also doesn’t warrant a full change to maintain the identity of the maps the Developers want. Yes there are killer maps and survivor maps, however do notice that many survivor maps are huge or dark, while killer maps are small and (at least to me) tends to have the 2-floor diagram(Hawkins, lerys, the game) while survivor maps can also just be the fact that huge fences can spawn or god windows and pallets as well. Now the point I’m getting at is the way the maps are generated is wrong, as rng is one factor, but as someone studying game development and design, the way their doing it is weird. Yes they don’t want prefabricated maps, however their current map generation allows essentially the whole map be safe as all loops are connected, or the whole map be nothing as there’s no possible connected loops. They need to find the middle ground and either change the values by having some new prefabricated tiles that consist of fair combinations of old/current tiles and assigning them different values by maybe asking some of our community’s best killers and survivors, whether a steamer, youtuber or layman, to test them out and hence help them agree on a value. This may not be so easily achieved by increasing the distance between tiles or having fully prefabricated maps because then survivors will complain that it’s unfair or killers will complain it’s unfair respectively.

    I went on a rant but the point I’m trying to make is that, unless there’s an actual glitch or problem with a killer or survivor(because of broken code or concept) instead of thinking about merging them, we should think about the permanent issue of map and level design and also fixing dedicated servers.

    P.S. Scott Jund, Otzdarva and No0b3 notice me senpais ;)

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's about time someone had the guts to say it. While we're on the topic, clown has been problematic for a while. How are you supposed to not get slowed when he throws a bottle right at you? There's literally no counterplay to it. Legion could also do with having their oppressive power looked at, a 20 second fatigue and a missed frenzy hit causing the exit gates to be powered would make them much more fun to play as and against.