When Are People Gonna Be Brave Enough To Unhook...

I'm Currently a purple ranked Survivor was rank 6 now back to rank 8 I'm getting red ranks and purple ranks that are to afraid to unhook someone and at the minute I'm convinced that brown ranks are doing better...
Honestly I haven't seen so many high ranked survivors play so terribly and still can't do hex ruin skill checks jeez...
I recently came out of green ranks thinking right the reckage is over but no it just gets worse, but you know what that's what's making me a more knowledgable player and its teaching others...
It's teaching me how to run the Killer better it's teaching how to cope with people like these if they ever come back in the future and even trollers...
And its teaching the other players to just go for it, but once they finally realise that, matchmaking issues will be continuing but it's making us more Resilent players so when it's fixed we've got better knowledge of what to look out for...
There are potato teammates all the way up to rank 1, there is no escape.
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I personally encounter more people that unhook in front of the killer than people not unhooking at all. And I encounter more troops that gather around the hook to be the first one catching the ez BP than everyone sitting on objectives while I go to struggle.
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Thank that damn rank reset change, which brought potatoes all the way up to Rank 1. and yeah you obviously cannot distinguish if a survivor is legit Red rank or just Brown rank.
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Rank means nothing nowadays. You can get carried to purple ranks by swf who are better than you.
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I’m currently rank 2. Oddly enough never made it to rank 1 but this is how I went about it because I experience the same thing. I would typically die on my first hook because everyone else thinks “maybe someone else will get him. I’ll finish this gen” or be so immersed/scared to come get me
its been quite the struggle to deal with people not coming to get you on first hook so I run deliverance all the time partnered with iron will, spine chill, and adrenaline.
these perks just help me avoid the killer or be able to escape his LOS long enough to get healed or get objectives done. (And adrenaline because adrenaline) this honestly seems to be the only build that makes me not instantly lose when I’m in game. Other perks I’d consider running would be
Unbreakable (when the killer is slugging and your idiot teammates won’t come to get you up)
decisive - killers that like tunneling even though this perk is nerfed I still consider it useful for having a safe little window. Additionally most killers predict one has decisive so they’ll wait out the timer and that gives you time to Unbreakable back up to injured.
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I'm just decent on my best day but I'll make a save before the half meter mark. Even if I know the killer will get me. I still get points and the game is furthered. Lame teammates suck but we all get them. All we can do is put forth the gameplay and habits that lead to our desired style and hope it rubs off. I feel your pain.
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I think a big portion of unhooking fear has to do with not knowing how it will end.
Starting out the game, if it was me and one other person alive who gets hooked, I'd worry if I saved them, would we both still make it out?
Most of the time for me, no, which initially put me off at first, but I realised that being selfish isn't any way to play the game. Some people might turn out like this, but as you displayed, some people don't. Sadly it's a total gamble.
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I literally had a Claudette last night stand in front of me while on the hook and wait until I almost went into second phase because she was too scared that Ghostface was sitting there. She was already in front of the hook and all she did by waiting was screw me over as he eventually came back. We should really have an advanced tutorial for things like this.
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I believe I heard that the ranking system is broken right now (go figure) and that most people in red ranks don't even deserve to be there. I guess it happened during rank reset?
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Damn this post reminded me I needed to put Kindred on if Adam has it after that last match of dying on hook. Though likely they all still would have left me to die in the basement.
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I played with 2 other Quentin's who were the bravest souls I've ever met. It was a clown on torment Creek. If you guys see this, thank you.
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When are Ppl going to stop farming hooks?
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If I know the killer is camping I don't unhook at all so they can hopefully depip. Don't feel like farming with some baby killer that snuck their way into high ranks by hook trading instead of working for it.
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There are a ton of variables in play win an unhook situation. Off the top of my head the main ones are:
- How campy the killer is
- Goals of the saving survivor (points, self-preservation, protecting the hooked survivor)
- Killer power/perks/addons
- Saving survivor perks/addons
- Game state - how many survivors are left and what are they busy doing
Sometimes you just get the unlucky combo of 1 or 2 survivors being 75% on a gen and hoping someone else gets the save while the 3rd is being chased.
But from my experience, when 1 or 2 actually have the ability to save and are in the area but just hesitating its usually because they aren't running BT and are trying to wait for the killer to leave the area to get a safe unhook. I think there are plenty of survivors that aren't very good runners and so don't want to take that hit because if they get downed then the person they just saved is injured and thats a bad situation if the killer is campy. If the killer leaves then it's a crapshoot whether that survivor will save you while they're injured.
But yeah... there are TONS of bad red rank players. I think most of them are just players that think they're loop gods and just run meta perks believing that's all there is to the game. Then I watch them make horrible plays game after game after game. They don't use their brains and try to predict killer moves or use a combination of stealth and heroics. They're either just all heroics or all stealth. It's aggravating but it is what it is.
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Remember the red rank saying "Gens before friends"
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I've started running kindred because I got tired of no one coming to save me. Its helped a lot, I hardly die on first hook anymore
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You said all of that just to leave out "why" they aren't unhooking you. What's the reason?
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Most of those terrible players are in red ranks because they got carried by SWF groups most likely.
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Death is not an escape
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I often use the same build for the same reason. Deliverance is a must with randoms and Iron Will has gotten me out of more chases than I care to remember. Great combo when you can't assume anything about your teammates.
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I've actually have had a game once where I would unhook literally everyone and the killer would instantly come back and Mori them one by one since I never got hooked I didn't see the same fate and even escaped lol sometimes unhooking doesn't help everyone but it would be nice if people did it more than they do..
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Pretty much everything @Sleephartha has said.
There are so many different variables to consider when going for an unhook. Yes, some people don't care and just yolo them but look at all the things to potentially consider.
-Has the killer been campy or do they have a small terror radius. Do they patrol a bit before leaving?
-Do I have borrowed if the killer comes back?
-Are in you in the basement? Are multiple people in the basement?
-What hook state am I on vs what one are they on if I have to yolo save?
-If I'm on a gen, how far along is it? How many gens are done? How many people are dead? Will the gen spawn hatch is someone is dead?
-Does the killer have an instadown? Am I injured? Do I have iron will to be sneaky? Am I the only one injured? Am I the only one healthy?
-Are other people potentially going for the unhook via kindred site?
-Is someone looping the killer around the hooked person?
-Does the killer have a mori?
The list goes on and while I appreciate being saved or at least the attempt, I understand if others things are happening that prevent it, even if I don't see it. Do some people just not save you and you get 1-hooked for no reason? Sure do but most of the time there are reasons why you didn't get saved, even if it's as simple as "I thought someone else was going for it" which majorly sucks but happens.
I actually had a guy get really mad at me a couple days ago for not trying to save him when we were the last two. I was injured, he was on the other side of the map and the killer was patrolling around me. I just kind of sat in place waiting for him to die and hoping for hatch (that hadn't spawned in yet) because I had no way to get to him. If I yolo ran, I was dead. If I tried to sneak, I wouldn't have made it in time; he was halfway through 2nd state and I would have potentially exposed myself for no reason. There was simply no way I could get to him and after he died, the hatch spawned and I was able to get out which pissed him off even more.
So again, it's nice to see an attempt but there is a time and place to do it properly without hurting the team. The people that just don't unhook for no reason, yeah those teammates suck.
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Now I ain’t about to judge these survivors, yourself or the killers for what’s happening to you as ranks don’t particularly matter in this game. It seems that you’ll get at least one scrub in every game wether it be one of the survivors or the killer themself (unless you’re in a full rank 1 SWF lobby) and it seems like you’ll often get that one person just hoping to never doing anything just hoping they can find the hatch or get out of the door when the time comes to it.
I myself have reached purple ranks twice and don’t see any need to go further. Purple seems to be the best balance of getting some fun in. Maybe dying here and there but more often than not I’m actually enjoying the game instead of just playing it. But at the same time I’m probs half of the people you mentioned here just because I can’t hit my hex skill checks. Maybe 1/5 times I’ll get it. But at the same time. I’d stick to the gen rather than looking for Ruin as most times it seems like thats all everyone does and nothing gets done except unhooks (if you’re lucky) what sucks most about purple ranks is as this person has said. You’ll be left on hook more often as most people just lose all sense of what to do when someone is hooked. You see 2 people urbaning around the outskirts of the map and one person looking through chests until they have the exact item that allows you to rescue the person from the hook faster! (Which clearly doesn’t seem to spawn for whatever reason, hence why they never come and rescue you)
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It seems that my go to perks involve Kindred and Borrowed time. Borrowed time not only helps campers. But can also prevent Make Your Choice AND Devour Hope. What sucks though is about 4/10 times my borrowed doesn’t activate and they’re left to be slugged and just me trying to bring the killer away from the downed surv and for the surv not to have DS and slapped straight back on the hook. I play on console so there isn’t really a way to apologise for that unless they decide to check out perks after death to see that i DO have BT and it just didn’t work. I feel bad for the victims of failed BT
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Run kindred to get yourself unhooked. I appreciate when someone else uses it because we don't all stop our gens and run to the hook giving the killer good odds at LOS
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Rank does not equal skill. Potatoes are everywhere.
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All red ranks are these days are just cheesey meta SWF 4mans who managed to bullshite their way to the top. You can tell who I'm talking about too. When all 4 load in at once and you're expecting the absolute worst but you manage a 4k in less than 8 minutes and not a single gen got one.